Strobilanthes glomerata

Strobilanthes glomerata (Wall. ex Nees) T. Anders.,  J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 475 1867. (Syn: Goldfussia glomerata Wall. ex Nees; Ruellia glomerata Wall.; Ruellia nutans Steud.);

MS Sept.2016/07 Strobilanthes sp. for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Place : Saireptlang, Mizoram
Altitude : c. 1,500 m.
Date : 21/09/2016
Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild

Does not seem to match with any species at comparative images in efi at Strobilanthes

This is Strobilanthes glomeratus (Nees) T. Anderson. Nice to see this – I haven’t seen a photo before. I would be grateful for any details of exact habitat, population size etc. Were there lots of plants flowering?

MS Oct.2016/07 Strobilanthes sp. for Id. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Location : Sairep, Mizoram
Date : 23/09/2016
Habit : Shrub
Habitat : Wild

This is Strobilanthes glomerata (Nees) T. Anderson as determined.


MS Nov.2016/03 Strobilanthes sp. for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Location : Dampui, Mizoram
Date : 10-11-2016
Habite : Small shrub
Habitat : Wild

This is Strobilanthes glomerata (Nees) T. Anderson

Strobilanthes sp from Cherapunjee-PKA4 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Seen this Strobilanthes sp at Cherapunjee forest. Requesting ID..

I think this is probably Strobilanthes capitata although the flower head is somewhat atypical.

By the way it would be helpful to ask correspondents to take photos showing the whole infloresence, i.e. the whole shoot down to and including the uppermost pair of leaves which are not bearing flowers.

I have been checking some Strobilanthes identifications and think I wrongly identified the following  as Strobilanthes capitata:
Strobilanthes sp. at Cherupunjee PKA4
This should be Strobilanthes glomerata (Nees) T.Anderson
I hope you can find this and make the necessary correction.


MS Nov.2016/04 Strobilanthes glomerata ? : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Place : Lungkulh, Mizoram
Date : 19-01-2016

Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild

Mizo name : Tu-mau

I can’t really see the inflorescence but I don’t think this is Strobilanthes glomerata. Is there a photo from the side showing the shape of the inflorescence (or a photo of a herbarium specimen)?

Sorry !! no sir.

I am sorry I can’t identify it from this angle but it is not Strobilanthes glomerata.

Strobilanthes capitatus (Wall. ex Nees) T.Anderson ??

May I request you to pl. post a high resolution image.

1 high resolution image

I can’t see the bracts or the  indumentum clearly but I think this may be Strobilanthes glomerata. It usually has very asymmetric leaves and an asperous–glandular inflorescence so if this is Strobilanthes glomerata it is not typical. More photos including one of a complete specimen might be helpful.



Updated on December 23, 2024

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