Strobilanthes hamiltoniana

Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) Bosser & Heine, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia 10: 148 1988. (Syn: Diflugossa colorata (Nees) Bremek.; Diflugossa crinita (Nees) Bremek.;                Goldfussia colorata Nees; Goldfussia crinita Nees; Goldfussia tengyuehensis C. Y. Wu; Ruellia colorata Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Ruellia hamiltoniana Steud.; Strobilanthes colorata (Wall. ex Nees) T. Anders.; Strobilanthes colorata var. crinita (Nees) C. B. Clarke; Strobilanthes crinitus (Nees) T. Anders.; Strobilanthes laevigatus C. B. Cl. (ambiguous synonym));
China (Yunnan), Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Sagaing), Bhutan, India (Darjeeling, E-Himalaya, NE-India), Nepal, Java (I), Sri Lanka (I), Lesser Antilles (I) (Martinique (I), Barbados (I)), New Caledonia (I), Mauritius (I), La Runion (I) as per Catalogue of Life;
Chinese Rain Bell, Assam Indigo;

Images by Janani Eswar (Identified by Prabhu kumar KM) & P. Santhan (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Strobilanthes sp. from Bangalore:
I would like to know which species of
Strobilanthes this is. Unfortunately I only have a picture of the flowers. It was taken last month on the outskirts of Bangalore, in a landscaped area. Is it Strobilanthes hamiltoniana?

Yes you are right. Me too Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) Bosser & Heine
Syn: Ruellia hamiltoniana Steud.


Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) Bosser & Heine SN Aug 59 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) Bosser & Heine, erect herb from garden in Bangalore.




Strobilanthes hamiltoniana : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)- around 950 kb each.

Kumily (900m), Kerala. January 2019.
It seems to be S.hamiltoniana. Can you confirm ?


Was it cultivated or wild ?
To me also appears close to images at Strobilanthes hamiltoniana, but I am not sure.

This is Strobilanthes hamiltoniana without doubt.

I think this is Strobilanthes hamiltoniana BUT it is cultivated or, at least naturalized from a cultivated plant.
Wild Strobilanthes hamiltoniana usually has white or white flushed lilac flowers but I have been sent photos of a wild pink flowered form from Arunachal Pradesh or Assam. I presume the pink flowered form was taken into cultivation in the Howrah Botanical Garden sometime in the 19th century. It was then propagated by cuttings and is now the form seen in conservatories and gardens in Europe, North America, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa and elsewhere. These pink-flowered forms do not form fruits – hence propagation by cuttings – but are easily spread. The plant is reported to be  invasive on the island of Reunion, where the plant is spread by cattle, which break off shoots which then regenerate.
Some of these comments require references but this is the situation as far as I am aware. 

i don’t know if it’s cultivated. I think rather than it’s escaped from a nearby garden…
Next to there is a botanical garden (spices graden).


105 ID wild plant.: 18 images.
Please ID wild/ garden plant growing in front of a house. Image of rooted leaf lost from my LG phone,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Flower date: 21.07.2021, 01.05pm
Altitude: 1400fsl
Habitat: wild/garden, moisture
Plant habit: under shrub, erect, branches, hard old stem 15mm diameter, root from stem angle, long lasting
Height: 04 feet
Leaves: opposite, oblong, apex, size:15×7cm, soft but high projected veins on either sides, toothed margins, roots shoots from main vein of leaves when cut above base
Flower: diameter:15mm, pink, non fragrant, bunches, hanging downwards
Camera: Samsung Galaxy A21s

Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) Bosser & H.Heine !

Yes, it is. Thank you very much for ID my plant. It is here only at this house, 6 plants. “Easy propagation through stem-cuts”, they said. Wikipedia says another name (find screen shot).
2 screenshots.

That seems  to be wrong ! That is Dicliptera group.

Thank you very much for sharing information,

Yes, appears close to the images at Strobilanthes hamiltoniana


Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) Bosser & H.Heine: 8 very high res. images.

Location: Palpa 
Altitude: 1300m.
Date: 31 August 2021 
Habit : Wild

I confirm the identification as Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) Bosser & Heine.
I attach a paper in this species which may be of interest.


ID KZD 07/11/11/22: 2 images.
Please identify this herb from Kozhikode district of Kerala 11/11/22

Strobilanthes hamiltoniana

Yes, appears close to images at




Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal  Flora of China  Plants of Hawaii  STGmagazine  Natureloveyou

Updated on December 23, 2024

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