Strobilanthes kunthiana

Strobilanthes kunthiana T.Anderson ex Benth., Fl. Hongk. 262 1861. ;
Kurinji, Kurunji, Neelakurinji • Hindi: कुरिंजी Kurinji • Tamil: நீலக்குரிஞ்சி Neelakkurinji;
A Revision of the Strobilanthes kunthiana-Group (Phlebophyllum  : (A Revision of the Strobilanthes kunthiana-Group (Phlebophyllum sensu Bremekamp) (Acanthaceae) – Mark A. Carine, Jake M. Alexander and Robert W. Scotland, Kew Bulletin, Vol. 59, No. 1 (2004), pp. 1-25) (Description & KeysStrobilanthes canarica, Strobilanthes carnatica, Strobilanthes consanguinea, Strobilanthes cuspidata, Strobilanthes gamblei, Strobilanthes jeyporensis, Strobilanthes kunthiana, Strobilanthes lanata, Strobilanthes lawsonii & Strobilanthes pushpangadanii)


Nilgiris: Strobilanthus for identification 081012MK01:
Please help me to identify this shrub found in Nilgiris district of TN. Is this Strobilanthus callosus?
Date: 07 October 2012
Place: Ebbanadu, Nilgiris, TN
Alt.: 1900 m asl
Leaf: leathery with serrate margin; 7 x 3cm
Flower: 4-5 cm long

More details on this plant:
Leaf: slightly hirsute; opposite
Inflorescence: axillary
Flower: 3.5 x 1.3cm (not as above)
Seed: 0.5cm long

This is Strobilanthes kunthiana, Nilakurinji in Tamil and Malayalam.

Strobilanthes kunthiana

Is this the plant that blooms once in 12 years?

Many thanks for the identification. When I inquired the local people, they said that this plant is blooming after 12 years.

Yes this is the one that flowers once in 12 years. The mass flowering would happen in 2019. But in some populations where the flowering is at different intervals would flower at different time. Reports of flowering of S. kunthiana from Munnar (not all the populations) this year was also there in the Facebook by …

These photos were taken by me during my trip to Munnar, Kerela.
Local name: Neel Kurinji
Scientific name:  Strobilanthus Kunthianus.
These flower Neel Kurinji (Strobilanthus Kunthianus) blooms once in every twelve years. When these flowers bloom, the hillsides are covered with their bluish purple shade and it’s a spectacular view.
Commonly seen in the hills of Munnar Kerela, Kodaikanal.


An enquiry : 5 posts by 2 authors.
I need your help. I want to know which year the Neelgiri flower- Strobitanthes kunthiana has to bloom? Is it blooming this year? If yes, then how long the Valley will be painted blue by this flower? And will it be blooming this time of the year and can I see the boom now and where?
If some one can help me in this regard I will be grateful.

Pl. see discussions in the thread: Nilgiris: Strobilanthus for identification 081012MK01


Strobilanthes kunthiana : 4 posts by 3 authors.

yes. people have be very exited about this for the last whole year
since it onlyhappens every twelve years. wanted to go but for famiy obligations to some aunties! well thats life.
i will wait for superb pictures from our members.
i am sure many will make the trip.

Strobilanthes kunthianus : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Strobilanthes kunthianus,
Eravikulam WLS.  First week of October 2018.
Unfortunately because of the oncoming cyclone and heavy rainfall at that time, most of the flowers fell and the new buds had yet to flower as they need a few days of sunshine to do so.


Fwd: [keralabirder] Kurinji Comes Down the Hill! – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Dried Strobilanthes kunthiana: – Mandalpatti, Coorg, Karnata: 10 images- 5 high res.
On 7.5.22 at Mandalpatti view point at around 4000 ft. in Pushpagiri wildlife sanctuary, Coorg, Karnataka.

Seen all around the hills (hills covered with them) along the way to Mandalpatti. 


Updated on December 24, 2024

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