Strobilanthes oligocephala

Strobilanthes oligocephala T. Anderson ex C.B. Clarke (IPNI), Fl. Brit. India 4: 461 1884. (syn: Diflugossa paupera (C.B.Cl.) Bremek.; Goldfussia oligocephala (T.Anders. ex C.B.Cl.) Bremek.; Goldfussia oligocephala var. treutleri (C.B.Cl.) V.Singh &
P.Singh; Goldfussia thomsoni Hook.; Strobilanthes oligocephala var. treutleri C.B.Clarke; Strobilanthes pauper C.B.Cl.);

India (E-Himalaya, Darjeeling), Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;

Much-branched undershrub 30-50cm. Stems decumbent and rooting below, eventually erect, pubescent or glabrous. Leaves unequal, elliptic or narrowly obovate, falcate, 4-13 x 1.5-4cm, abruptly acuminate, base attenuate, serrate, green above, whitish beneath, both surfaces glabrous, pilose or pubescent on veins beneath and margins only, sessile above, petiolate below; petioles 0-2cm. Flowers in pedunculate, shortly elongate heads, terminal on main stem or on simple or 2-3 branched, short, usually leafless branchlets arising from axils of upper leaves; sometimes a few flowers in opposite pairs below main head; peduncles glabrous or pubescent. Outer bracts ovate-suborbicular, 7-10mm, acute, mostly glabrous, greenish when young, soon scarious, son deciduous; inner bracts similar but reduced, ± oblong, with more hair; bracteoles absent. Calyx 11-19mm, glandular-pilose, lobes linear (-oblong), acuminate, one slightly longer than others. Corolla blue or white, 3.5-5cm, sparsely or moderately glandular-pilose, tube gradually widened to c 1cm, bent at mouth. Capsule 13-14mm, glandular-pilose in upper part.

Fl. July-November
On rocky slopes in moist oak forest.
(Attributions- A.J.C. GRIERSON & D.G. LONG. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGOB. 2001 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)



which stobilanthes? : 4 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.

Can someone find the name for this Strobilanthes?
14/10; ca 2500m along a forest road, Mid-east Nepal
I would appreciate your help very much!

I think this is Strobilanthes oligocphala T. Anderson ex C.B. Clarke because of the elongate inflorescence, pubescent corolla, glandular calyx BUT it does not show the typical subterminal inflorecence of that species. The leaf shape (slightly falcate) looks good but I can’t see the underside of the leaf. In S. oligocephala it is characteristically pale, even whitish.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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