Strobilanthes pulneyensis

Strobilanthes pulneyensis C. B. Cl., Fl. Brit. India 4: 438 1884. (syn: Nilgirianthus circarensis (Gamble) Bremek.; Strobilanthes circarensis Gamble; Strobilanthes punctatus Bedd.; Xenacanthus pulneyensis (C.B.Clarke) Bremek.);
India (E- & S-India) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Palani Coneflower • Malayalam: Chonayamkallu Kurinji

Profusely branched shrubs; branchlets densely hirtus. Leaves elliptic, acuminate, densely hirtus; nerves 7 pairs, regular. Spikes peduncled, flattened, 1-3 in axils; bracts 1-3 x 1.2 cm, ovate to orbicular, serrate, densely white hairy at base; bracteoles linear, hairy. Flowers few to many; sepals 10 mm long, hairy; corolla 26 mm long, tube narrow, 10 mm long, thinly hairy outside; staminal sheath ciliate.
Flowering and fruiting: October-December
Semi-evergreen forests
Southern Western Ghats
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)


Strobilanthes pulneyensis at Eravikulam National Park – PKA13 : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6) – around 500 kb each.

Seen this Shrub at Eravikulam National Park, Munnar.
Bot. name: Strobilanthes pulneyensis
Family: Acanthaceae

…, the same plant that we had seen in Bisle ghat, Chikmaglur. Seems to flower every year.

Very good images of Strobilanthes pulneyensis

oh!! …, then is there a list of yearly flowering strobilanthes?? are there other frequencies? i would love to know: either your notes

or some scientific citations

Strobilanthes genus is split in new generas in North western ghats. In the erstwhile genus there were 12 species. Of these S callosa, S sessilis, S reticulatus and S scrobiculatus have been seen to flower every 7 years, the flowering years do not overlap though. These species grow in pure stands hence it’s a great sight when they defoliate and flower together in  abundance. A few of these plants may flower as exception in different years.
The rest of 8 species flower each year but the flowers are sparse.

I have no idea about the rest of India. Presently there is great sensation about Neelkurunji blooming after 12 years in Nilgiris hence Strobilanthes is on the anvil.

thank you … i remembered the 7 and 12 year sequence, 12 years rhythm seems to be spectacular.

for the 12 years cycle, in 2008 i had planned to visit the hills in kunnar, but an aunt developed large cell lymphoma, that put my trip on hold, this year its two more, by the time next 12 yearly flowering comes around i wont be on this earth. so i am taking great delight in … journey and pictures. and trying to figure out if there is even remote chance. next year if even one species is expected to break out on one small hill or plantation.
hence the question: is there a scientific or near scientific review of the flowering seasons, schedules or rhythmicity of flowering of  strobilanthes. newspapers in Bengal dont report or print any stories about strobilanthes, so have not been able to make up a chart myself.
so my best bet is to ask you. 



Strobilanthes pulneyensis : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Strobilanthes pulneyensis
Eravikulam WLS
First week of October 2018
Unfortunately because of the oncoming cyclone and heavy rainfall at that time, most of the flowers fell and the new buds had yet to flower as they need a few days of sunshine to do so.

yes really wet and you braved the weather

many thanks and yes it was so wet. many hours were spent waiting for the rains to stop


Strobilanthes circarensis Gamble, a Synonym of S. pulneyensis C.B. Clarke (Acanthaceae)- P. Venu *, P. Daniel- Nelumbo-  Volume 47, Issue 1-4, 2005 (abstract- Strobilanthes circarensis described by Gamble based on incomplete material is subjected to critical studies and its identity is compared with that of S. neilgherrensis Bedd, and S. pulneyensis C.B. Clarke. The reports of its rarity md its occurrence elsewhere after type collection are reviewed. It is now proved conspecific with S. pulneyensis and a detailed description with an illustration is included.)
Updated on December 23, 2024

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