Suregada species?- near Eazhattumukham, Paniyeli, Ernakulam, Kerala

266 ID wild small tree: 9 images.
Please ID wild tree,
Location: near Eazhattumukham, Paniyeli, Ernakulam, Kerala
Altitude: 1200fsl
Flower date: 02.01.2022, 05.20
Habitat: wild, moisture, riverside
Plant habit: small tree, erect, branches, hard stem 03 inches base circumference, long lasting
Height: 03 meters
Leaves: alternate, ovate, apex, glossy, serrated margins, size:12×8cm or less
Flower: racemose, clustered, diameter:05mm, off-white, good fragrance
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Could these be the male flowers of a Drypetes sp. [Putranjivaceae]?

Suregada multiflora

Looks different from images at Suregada multiflora
Also could not find a match as per existing species in efi site at Drypetes

It’s not any other than Suregada …, Check with local flora,

Yes, it is Suregada sp. dear …, but some difference in flower opening compare with indiabiodiversity portal images, also visible lengthy peduncle with more than one bulb(?) at the same site and my plants’ leaves have serrated margins. Local flora image is not available, please share it,

Two species are listed in Flora of Peninsular India as below:
Suregada angustifolia
Suregada multiflora
Both appears to be different from the posted plant.

The flowers are of Suregada multiflora.

Inflorescence of Suregada multiflora (male) visible only as axillary in eFI which is totally different from my plant,


Updated on December 23, 2024

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