A plant from A.P. near Tang : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) A plant for i.d. –from Tang near Sela Pass, Arunachal Pradesh (c.a 8000 ft. alt) Nearest I can go is Heracleum, possibly H. nepalense. It is a possibility. But Hogweed has papaya like leaves, lobes give palmate shape, here they are pinnatifid. This is what Flowers of Himalayas (Pollunin and Stainton) writes about H. nepalense: Lower leaves pinnate with toothed, deeply lobed or pinnately cut large leaflets, the upper leaves ternate. A more mature specimen with fully open flowers and fruits could be better interpreted. Does not look like Tetrataenium nepalense (Don) Manden. Syn : Heracleum nepalense D.Don
Heracleum species- Tang near Sela Pass, Arunachal Pradesh
Updated on December 24, 2024