Heracleum species- Kavalesad, Amboli hill station, MH

Amboli, MH :: Apiaceae for ID :: ARK2021-101: 3 high res. images.
This was seen at Kavalesad, Amboli hill station, MH in Aug 2021.
Requested to please provide ID.

Vanasushava pedata (Wight) P.K. Mukh. & Constance.  ???

Looks different (syn. Heracleum pedatum Wight) as per POWO.
Genus may be the same as Heracleum.
As per details at Heracleum, the following species may be reported from Maharashtra:
Tetrataenium aquilegifolium (C.B.Clarke) Manden. (POWO specimens- one)
Heracleum grande (Dalzell & A. Gibson) Mukhop.
Tetrataenium rigens (Wall. ex DC.) Manden.
H. dalgadianum S.M.Almeida (POWO– No specimen available even in GBIF)
H. sprengelianum Wight & Arn. (POWO specimens- onetwo)
Hi, …,
Do you have a complete plant habit? or any other images?
What are the species reported form Amboli?

No …, this was at the very edge of the cliff and it was not possible to go any closer.



Updated on December 23, 2024

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