Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 3: 144 1818 publ. 1819. (Syn: Bignonia frutescens Mill. ex A. DC.; Gelseminum mollis (Kunth) Kunth; Gelseminum stans (L.) Kuntze; Stenolobium stans (L.) Seem.; Stenolobium stans var. pinnata Seem.; Tecoma incisa Sweet; Bignonia frutescens Mill.; Bignonia incisa DC. [Invalid]; Bignonia sorbifolia Salisb.; Bignonia stans L.; Bignonia tecoma Wehmer; Bignonia tecomoides DC.; Stenolobium incisum Rose & Standl.; Stenolobium quinquejugum Loes.; Stenolobium stans var. apiifolium (DC.) Seem. ..; Stenolobium tronadora Loes.; Tecoma incisa (Rose & Standl.) I.M.Johnst.; Tecoma stans var. angustatum Rehder; Tecoma stans var. apiifolia DC.; Tecoma tronadora (Loes.) I.M.Johnst.; Tecoma velutina Lindl.); .
. Tecoma stans – Yellow Bells: I would like to share with you Indian names for Techoma stans, (first identified by …) which were desirable. Tecoma stans or castaniflora(gaudichaudii): Tecoma stans. . Tecona stans – Yellow Flower: The subject line for this post has broken at some point/s, I guess. Therefore, I am changing the subject line to the first upload and giving links for related discussions. https://groups.google.com/indiantreepix/thread/15… https://groups.google.com/indiantreepix/thread/80… I am extremely sorry that I couldn’t reply in time as I was not accessing email for last 2-3 days. Yes I got your mail and let me correct myself on one aspect that, in T. castanifolia the leaves are not strictly simple but mostly simple and sometimes, especially at the tip leaves are tri-foliate. I hereby provide the key for Tecoma as seen in Bhat K G (2003) Flora of Udupi. Leaves simple or 2-3 foliolate…….. T. gaudichaudi (now, T.castanifolia) Leaves 5-13 foliolate ……………….. T. stans Please visit the following site for a video in which bees (Apis cerana) visiting the flowers of T. castanifolia. In this video we can see most of the leaves are simple and the flowers are clustered (inflorescence) at the tip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErxyQ49QOfE http://www.palmerareal.com/real_atacames_080.htm (please click on Tecoma castanifolia to see picture) http://www.hear.org/pier/species/tecoma_stans.htm (please visit this link for a comparison with T. stans) The pictures in your last mail shows that the leaves are tri-foliate in that case your plant could be Tecoma castanifolia (hoping that the basal/other leaves are also simple or tri-foliolate not 5-13 foliolate, please confirm this). Confusion always arise when there is no information related to the plants are available. Therefore, I once again request all members to provide as much information on the plant as you can along with the id request. Many thanks for the wonderful video of bees collecting nectar. … has said that it is T. stans. For comparison you referred to article which describes ‘leaves opposite, pinnately compound [Pl. explain], leaflets 1-9, usually 3-7’. I told you I am anovice. I had to learn what is a compound leaf. I saw a few illustrations in the net in which trifoliate is shown as compound. Pl educate me if you have time.In my previous letter to you i said that the height of the tree is about 4 metres which is what the net describes. For castanifolia net says “6-8” m which is definitely not. Why dont you look from this angle also? I understand my last submission is not coming for public. I wanted people should be aware that it may be used as ornamental trees on the roads in campuses. Yes as you learned 3 foliolate leaves are also compound leaves. At first I learned that T. castanifolia has simple leaf then I referred more literature from our library and understood that it can have trifoliolate leaves as well along with simple leaves. To me 4m and 6-8m doesn’t make much difference, rather I would consider the place where it grows as height of plants mostly depends upon availability of light and cluttering with other plants. If the plant stands alone there are chances that it might be smaller than that of another individual of the same species that grows in a clutter. One thing that would certainly clarifies about the species is the number of leaflets in one leaf stalk. If there are 5-13 leaflet in one leaf stalk it would be T. stans, otherwise it can be T. castanifolia. In south India T. stans is common and the other species is not as common. I will send you few illustrations of morphological characters of plants in another mail. I was waiting for the illustrations you promised. An error has crept in the title. It is Tecoma stans. As per your suggestion I went ( Location-Kolkata ) and verified ; leaves are not simple. They are trifoliate and opposite. You quoted RG Bhatt(Flora of Udupi) Leaves simple or 2-3 foliolets – T. castanifolia Leaves 5-13 foliolets – T. stans. Hence this cannot be uniquely identified . However I would like to draw your attention to another specification from PIER for T. stans “Shrub or small tree (one ref mentions 4m high) — Leaves OPPOSITE, pinnately compounded, leaflets 1-9, usually 3-7 – – “ This lends support it to be T. stans Can it be Tecoma stans? Date/Time- Oct 2011 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Urban Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub Height/Length-10-12 ft Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green compound with 7 leaflets I think I may be wrong Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-yellow bells with reddish lines in throat Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-Not seen Yes this is Tecoma stans of Bignoniaceae family. I am interested in planing Tecoma Stans in my garden. Can any one recommend a source for saplings in Pune? It looks like Tecoma stans. . . Looking for Tecoma Stans (Yellow Bell Flower) Saplings in Pune: I managed to locate Tecoma Stans saplings at Trimurti Nursery at Wakad, near the Pune Bypass. (Contact 9371236025) . [efloraofindia:08012013MR3] Bignoniaceae Week: Tecoma stans from Pune: Sharing pictures of Tecoma stans at Pune Bignoniaceae Week :: Tecoma stans, (L.) Juss. ex Kunth <=> Yellow Bells Tree – Bangalore – RA: Yellow bells was discovered by Greg Grant for it’s early flowering, heat tolerance, vigor, and pest resistance. The flowers are bright yellow in color, 2 inches long with trumpet shape and hang in showy clusters at the branch tips and forks, bending the twigs into arches with their weight, hence the name Yellow Bells. It has a very long flowering season, from early summer to late fall. This is a shrub or small tree that reaches 15-20 feet in height and can be pruned heavily after flowering to keep it compact. The fruit on is a “bean type” capsule about 8 inches long that ripens to a chocolate brown color. thanks for the differentiating features and pictures of the leaves Bignoniaceae week :: Nonnatives : SMP : Tecoma stans. Pune.: Tecoma stans A very common ornamental planted in many gardens and bungalows for its beautiful flowers. Important character is Compound leaves. Bignoniaceae Week: Bignonia stans from Delhi: Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex H,B & K., Nov. Gen. Sp. 3:144. 1818. Syn: Bignonia stans Linn.; Stenolobium stans (Linn.) D.Don Common names: Yellow trumpetbush; yellow-bells; yellow-elder Evergreen shrub or small tree; Leaves opposite, pinnate compound, 10-20 cm long; leaflets 5-13, ovate to lanceolate, 4-9 cm long, sharply serrate, acuminate; flowers bright yellow, 4-5 cm long, in open few-flowered racemes; calyx campanulate, 5-lobed; corolla abruptly contracted towards base, lobes undulate; capsule linear, 12-20 cm long, 6 mm broad. Photographed from Delhi. BIGNONIACEAE WEEK some species from Pantnagar: Tecoma For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 080414 : AK-7 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Cultivated, garden plant seen at a resort in Jim Corbett on 23/3/13. Tecoma castanifolia? Tecoma stans (L.) Kunth (= Stenolobium stans (L.) Seem), Fam Bignoniaceae . Tecoma For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 080414 : AK-7 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Cultivated, garden plant seen at a resort in Jim Corbett on 23/3/13. Tecoma castanifolia? Tecoma stans (L.) Kunth (= Stenolobium stans (L.) Seem), Fam Bignoniaceae As the leaves are serrate, it should be Tecoma castanifolia (pl. also see the keys at this link). Tecoma For ID : Mumbai : 17AUG15 : AK-30 : 30/30 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) Seen in a cultivated garden in Mumbai on 1st June,15. For Species id please. I think it is Tecoma gaudi chaudi. Thanks for the suggested id. Hope to get it validated. These Tecomas & Tabebuias are very confusing for me. do you have more and better focussed pictures of leaves and the flowers esp side views? I could locate another picture. Tecoma stans ? Agree with … This is Tecoma stans. SK583 20 JUN-2017:ID: 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Location: Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 20 May 2017 Altitude: 4200 ft. Looks like Tecoma stans…. Thanks, … I also agree as far as leaves are concerned. I have not seen the fruits. Was it cultivated or planted? It may be cultivated. Looking in the google I guess Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth. . Plant ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. Kindly help me ID this plant. I think Tacoma stans, Yellow Bells. Plant for exact ID : Looks like Tecoma : Attachments (6) These are photos of a type of tecoma Looks like Tecoma castanifolia variety ? Thanks, … There is no need to delete any post. It is Tecoma stans. OK, Thank you . A type of Tabebuia : Yellow : Delicate : exact ID not known : 2 posts by 1 author. Sharing Yellow Tabebuia photos the exact ID could not be known by me Since I could not find Exact same leaves and flowers on the same plant on internet. Please check To me appears close.
Tecoma stans.. – efloraofindia | Google Groups T.castanifolia, T.stans ? Kanadukathan, Tamil Nadu, january 2019. Yes. It is Tecoma species for me. Thank you. I think it’s Tecoma stans rather T.castanifolia… Yes, Tecoma stans as per keys, images and details herein. … gave the best description and a quick differential in this thread . Plant ID from Odisha: 260322 PHEMBRAM 01: 2 high res. images. Request for identification: Date/Time- 21 March 2022 11:50 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Near CONCOR, GHVM School, Jharsuguda, Odisha Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Urban and Planted Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub type Height/Length- 4ft Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Crenulate leaf margin Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- Yellow colour Tecoma ??? Yes, Appears so. I think it is Tecoma stans as per images and details herein. . References: |
Tecoma stans
Updated on December 24, 2024