Tecoma castanifolia (D.Don) Melch., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 59: 26 1941 (syn: Bignonia castaneifolia (D.Don) DC.; Bignonia serrata Pav. ex G.Don; Delostoma stenolobium Steud.; Gelseminum gaudichaudii (DC.) Kuntze; Kokoschkinia paniculata Turcz.; Stenolobium castanifolium D.Don; Stenolobium stans var. castanifolium (D.Don) Seem.; Tecoma gaudichaudii DC.); . Common name: Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush, Gaudichaudi . Evergreen shrub ; leaves opposite, usually simple, rarely with up to 3 leaflets, toothed, up to 12 cm long; flowers yellow, about 5 cm wide, in dense racemes or panicles. . Yellow Bells (T. stans), has compound leaves, whereas this one (T. castanifolia), has simple leaves and can have upto 3 foliate leaves. In the Yellow Bells (T. stans), the clusters of flowers bend the branch and are commonly seen beautifully hanging down. In Chestnutleaf Trumpetbush (T. castanifolia), clusters of yellow bell-shaped flowers appear at the end of branches which spread outwards. The leaves have serrated margins; . tree-shrub 041109GS1 from Delhi for ID : Attachments (3). 12 posts by 6 authors. Growing in Delhi University Nirsery, still about 6 feet tall. Bignoniaceae member with simple serrate-dentate leaves I am unable to place. … most likely Chestnutleaf Trumpetbush … Tecoma castanifolia … native to western South America (Equador, Peru) I think it is Tecoma stans. Because, T.castanifolia, leaves and flower arrangement are different … if this plant has compound leaves, then it must be T. stans, else T. castanifolia OR yet else, friends please comment. A plant growing in my garden looks very similar to one posted by … from Delhi. I am posting few photos of that for confirmation of ID. This plant is Tecoma stans Yes, the plant is Tecoma stans I too think the plant is Tecoma stans Please don’t mix up the two plants. My plant has simple leaves and it has been rightly identified as Tecoma castanifolia. … plant is Tecoma stans and has pinnate leaves and larger flowers.Tecoma stans is a very common garden shrub-tree. Tecoma stans and T. castanifolia: Trees with bright yellow bellshaped flowers present a gorgeous sight when in full bloom. It blooms several times throughout the year. Naturally it comes to mind that these may be used as ornamental tree to beautify the campus avenue. Experts may recommend which of these will be more suitable in our climate. About a month back I put up a photo of 4m high tree in bloom for ID. It was first identified by … as T. stans. Soon followed a lively discussion and participation by many. It is stated that though flowers look similar the cousin brothers have a big difference. T. stans has a compound leaf while the other has simple leaf. I went to the location in Kolkata, found leaves are opposite and compound trifoliate. As per PIER’s description for T. stans “Leaves opposite, pinnately compounded, leafllets 1-9, usually 3-7 “. this then should be T. stans. In the meantime …. went to the library and found key to Tecoma Cf ‘Flora of Udupi’ by K.G.Bhatt Leaves simple or 2-3 foliolates – T. castanifolia (syn. T. gaudichaudii) Leaves 5-13 foliolates – T. stans. Thanks to his perseverance our knowledge has expanded, but it makes the matter open I find you have reproduced the first image as same which you had labelled in earlier thread as Tecoma-stans_Yellow Bells_Chandraprabha.jpg now changed to Tecoma stans_Yellow Bells_Ghantiphul.jpg. If you remember both myself and …. had finally concluded your plant as Tecoma castanifolia (syn: I agree with you. … is right. I have also observed that the flowers of T. castanifolia are in bunches, whereas T. stans flowers singly. I always felt that T. castanifolia is more attractive to look at because of this. I doubt whether T. stans flowers singly. I think they also produce flowers apical and axillary clusters. Yes … Thanks to … for enlightening us with his wisdom. What i found is;- that leaves are opposite and trifoliate. I did send one sample but i am not sure whether it is available now. Yes … Today I saw a long avenue of Tecoma castanifolia along Noida toll bridge. It was profusely flowering and looking great. Tecoma castanifolia from Mount Abu-231210MN: Sending photos of Tecoma flowers. Common name : Chestnutleaf Trumpetbush Botanical name : Tecoma castanifolia Family : Bignoniaceae (jacaranda family) Place : Mount Abu, Rajasthan Habitat : Cultivated Date/time : 12.11.2010 Others : Seen lots of honeybees hovering around the flower. Tecoma stans from SV arts College Tirupati: – This one has simple leaves. This is Tecoma castanifolia Bignoniaceae Week: Tecoma castanifolia from Delhi: Syn: Stenolobium castanifolium D. Don; Tecoma gaudichaudii DC. Common name: Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush, Gaudichaudi Evergreen shrub ; leaves opposite, usually simple, rarely with up to 3 leaflets, toothed, up to 12 cm long; flowers yellow, about 5 cm wide, in dense racemes or panicles. Photographed from Delhi University campus. As often seen in photographs of different members the first picture shows one trifoliate leaf which is not at all uncommon in the species Tecoma castanifolia because Bignoniaceae Week: Tecoma sp. (Hooghly): Again this is an old record and i haven’t shared it earlier. Species : UNKNOWN H & H : ornamental shrub, about 9 ft high Date : 26/3/12 Place : Hooghly I hope Tecoma castanifolia I am also agree with Tecoma castanifolia Simple leaves. Serrated margins. Tecoma castanifolia. As discussed in an earlier thread Leaves look simple. Tecoma castinifolia Lovely flowers … I was wondering, does this flower have a scent? I’m trying to place a flower I once saw, unfortunately I don’t have a picture of it… Bignoniaceae week :: Nonnatives : SMP : Tecoma castanifolia. Pune.: As discussed in an earlier thread this simple yet trifoliate definition has been a source of confusion for a while this week I think i begin to see its usefulness…. Bignoniaceae Week : Tecoma castanifolia : Muscat,Oman : 130113 : AK: It was a trial picture. Special thanks to … and … for the suggestions & help in choosing the right lens. Your comments will be appreciated. Still learning to take close ups of very tiny flowers. Very nice photograph. I can see a trifoliate leaf at one place. Tecoma For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 060713 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 2 authors. I think yes. Simple leaves are seen here These two would also be the same? Tecoma castanifolia? Can you please validate? Plant ID IND 5 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Tecoma stans (L.) HBK could this be Tecoma castanifolia? How we can differenciate T. stans from T. castanifolia using morphology? Thank you all for the ID. There is a picture and description on www.flowersofindia.net which mentions about the distinction between T.stans and T.castanifolia. As the leaves are serrate among other things, it should be Tecoma castanifolia (pl. also see the keys at this link). SK129OCT05-2016:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Lal Bagh Bangalore on 6 September 2015. Tecoma Species For ID : Mumbai : 14DEC16 : AK-29 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Tecoma Species seen in a public garden. My confusion between Tecoma castanifolia and Tecoma stans continues. Pl. Check comparative images at EFI. Tecoma castanifolia (D.Don) Melch. as per comparative images at Tecoma Tecoma Species : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 04APR17 : AK-03 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Tecoma Species seen in Lalbagh in Jan. I am always confused between the two Species T castanifolia and T. stans. I think T. castanifolia id of the plant please : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) id plz. flowers are pretty far away. couldn’t get a closer shot Pl. give date and place also. Tecoma castanifolia
Tecoma castanifolia :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 01 MAY 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Dattaji Salvi Udyan Thane Date: May 1, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl Tecoma castanifolia (D.Don) Melch. Yellow Flowers for ID : 300711 : AK-1: Taken at Nasik, Maharashtra on 23/2/11 growing wild by the roadside. I think they are Tecoma…but there are 3-4 types in FOI and getting confused as to which ones are these. Medium sized bushes with yellow flowers. Tecona stans – Yellow Flower: From what ever leaves are visible they seem to be simple. That suggests Tecoma castanifolia (D. Don) Melch (syn: Tecoma gaudichaudii DC.) and not T. stans.. Leaf of a Ghanti Phul or Yellow Bells: SYMBIOSIS 71: I hope Tecoma castanifolia Yes this is Tecoma castanifolia. The simple leaves are clearly seen in the picture. efloraofindia:”26102011MR2’’ ? Tecoma castanifolia Pune: I am sorry that I have only one picture Date/Time-Oct 2011 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub Height/Length- about 2- 3 ft Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-pale green. I think simple (i may be wrong) Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- yellow flowers Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-not seen Yes Tecoma castaneifolia Kindly note the spelling Flower ID Request 20120607: Tecoma castanifolia is an accepted name on Theplantlist.org and T.gaudichaudi is a synonym. Tecoma for ID : Delhi : 240612 : AK-2: . identification help, vasant kunj delhi,25 /08/2012.s.no 1: Tecoma gaudichaudi Yes now correctly known as T. castanifolia. . Bignoniaceae Week :: Tecomella undulata – Mount Abu – MN090112: Very important tree for timber and ecology and medicine I feel this may not be Tecomella undulata in which leaves are undulate, narrower and flowers darker orange To me this appears to be Tecoma castanifloia. Bignoniaceae Week :: Tecoma castanifolia : Chestnut Leaf Trumpet Bush : Nasik : 090113 : AK: . Bignoniaceae Week: Tecoma castanifolia from IB College Panipat: Yes … Nice photographs. Bignoniaceae Week :: Tecoma castanifolia, (D.Don) Melch. <=> Chestnutleaf Trumpetbush Tree – Bangalore – RA: leaves are the differentiating feature? I can understand your question. Pl. check
Tecoma gaudichaudi – efloraofindia | Google Groups flora of the year 2008 – indiantreepix | Google Groups Morning glory and some more – indiantreepix | Google Groups Flowering trees in delhi—Tecoma stans – indiantreepix | Google Groups Flora of Panipat District- Tecoma castanifolia – efloraofindia | Google Groups Tecoma stans fro IB College Panipat – efloraofindia | Google Groups http://groups.google.co.in/indiantreepix/thread/ddd0fa768d64fb9a Tecoma castanifolia :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan, Thane :: 11 JAN 20 : 1 post by 1 author. 4 images. Dattaji Salvi Udyan Thane Date: January 11, 2020 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl Tecoma castanifolia (D.Don) Melch. Hospet, KA :: Tecoma castanifolia :: ARK2020-047 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) . Tecoma Species for ID : Bangalore : 04OCT20 : AK-07 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) A cultivated, garden plant. Tecoma stans Thanks … I think Tecoma castanifolia as per keys and details herein. Yellow Bells (T. stans), has compound leaves, whereas this one (T. castanifolia), has simple leaves and can have upto 3 foliate leaves. In the Yellow Bells (T. stans), the clusters of flowers bend the branch and are commonly seen beautifully hanging down. In Chestnutleaf Trumpetbush (T. castanifolia), clusters of yellow bell-shaped flowers appear at the end of branches which spread outwards. The leaves have serrated margins; . Tecoma castanifolia from Hoysala village, Bellur Rd, Hassan-GS23022022-2: 5 very high res. images. Tecoma castanifolia photographed from Hoysala village, Bellur Rd, Hassan, Karnataka, 26-9-2015 Yes. The ID is correct. Ornamental plant found in many parks and gardens. . References: |
Tecoma castanifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024