Tetrastigma serrulatum

Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch., Monogr. Phan. 5: 432 1887. (syn: Cissus capreolata (D. Don) Royle; Cissus glabrata Bl.; Cissus hederacea Royle ex Walp. (ambiguous synonym); Cissus nepaulensis DC.; Cissus serrulata Roxb.; Tetrastigma affine (Gagnep. ex Osmaston) Raiz & Saxena; Tetrastigma capreolatum Koehne; Tetrastigma glabratum (BI.) Planch.; Tetrastigma indicum Maulik; Tetrastigma ramentaceum Planch.; Vitis affinis Gagnep. ex Osmaston; Vitis capreolata D. Don; Vitis glabrata (Bl.) Backer (ambiguous synonym); Vitis nepalensis Royle; Vitis royleana Hort. ex C. Koch; Vitis serrulata Wall.);
Bhutan, India (Darjeeling, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya), Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin), China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan), Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, Java, ?Jammu & Kashmir, Philippines (Luzon, Polillo, Mindoro), Palawan, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;
Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand as per Flora of China;
India: Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya; Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, China (Yunnan) and Thailand as per BSI Flora of India

Tetrastigma serrulatum v ar. serrulatum ABJAN01/06 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 7 images.
For a long time I have assumed it to be the Virginia Creeper but while looking at a sample I collected today, I had my doubts. I looked around and found that the vine here could be Vitis capreolata (p.94, Col. Collett Flora Simlensis) which is a synonym of the accepted name Tetrastigma serrulatum. I could not find either illustrations or photos for this species which is strange as it is very common vine around here, but I did find Kew sample and another collection here;
The sample in the second link is collected from Mcleodganj only so if that ID is correct, we have a good indicator.
My earlier ID Parthenocissus quinquefolia seems incorrect and is not mentioned in any of the local flora books I have. Please advise.
Tetrastigma serrulatum var. serrulatum
Mcleodganj and above,
Photos 11 Jan 2016, 3 Jan 16, Jan 15, November 14.

good case study and re-visiting id. May be … could advise you on this..

Yesterday while looking at this liana closely for flowers, I was delighted to spot some. They are not out on most plants yet (or are gone already but I doubt it). Here are a couple of photographs.
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1800m approx.
28 June 2016.
2 images

Excellent research

Thank you … once again. Is this vine common around Shimla too?


ABNOV01/Virginia creeper : 3 posts by 2 authors. 2 images.
In my previous posts about this creeper, it was suggested by … that it could be Virginia Creeper. Now the vine has fruits on it and I am posting here again for confirmation. The second picture is a crop of the first one.

Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
05 November, 2014

i still think its virginnia creeper and not himalayan creeper which is what came to mind first, back when you showed it..
the himalayan creeper seems to have three leaflets and virginnia creeper mostly five…
nice unripe fruits, slowly turning grey to black..
birds love them

Thank you … We have Himalayan Creeper (Woodbine) too in flower and I will post some images soon.

An update: The berries on this Virginia Creeper are mostly ripe making it the food of choice for many birds especially the Yellow-billed Blue Magpie. Most vines are now laden with fruit.

Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
07 January 2015
Attachments (1)

Tetrastigma serrulatum var. serrulatum as per another thread.

What ivy? : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).

This is one of the commonest and prettiest ivies growing in the wild here. Please help with identification.
6 September 2014
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
About 1750 m

virginia creeper

But we want to hear from real botanists dont we, is it really viginnia creeper in INDIA?
let hope some one in the know tells us or is it a cousin?

efi page on Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Other species in efi is Parthenocissus tricuspidata

Tetrastigma serrulatum var. serrulatum as per another thread.



Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch. (accepted name) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal 
Altitude: 7000 ft.
Date: 28 December 2016
Nepali Names : 
पानी लहरा Paanee Laharaa  / चरचरे Charachare  / बारागाउलो Baaraagaaulo / ठुलो माकुरे लहरा  Thulo Maakure Laharaa

SK273DEC26-2016:ID : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: Nagarkot , Nepal
Altitude:  6400 ft.
Date: 2 March 2014

This seems to be either Cayratia or Tetrastigma sp.

Pointers are pedate leaves and a compound (axillary) dichasium.
Was it a shrub or a liana?

As per another thread, The two seem to be similar.

Is it Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch. (accepted name) ??

I think so. Have worked on the original (posted) images and the edited versions are attached.
Hope it helps.


Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Location:  Charikot, Nepal
Date: 4 September 2017
Elevation : 6000 ft.

I hope this also representing same species, which is from Bageshwar dt, Uttrakhand , Himalayas, close to Nepal.
Attachments (2)

Location:  Nagarkot, Nepal  

Date: 2 April 2018
Altitude: 6800 ft.
Habit: Wild
Attachments (4)

Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Ranikot, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Altitude: 6200 ft.
Date: 7 October 2017



Tetrastigma affine (Vitaceae) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Sharing a species, may new to the efloraindia.

Tetrastigma affine (Gagnep. ex Osmaston) Raizada & H.O. Saxena (=Vitis affine Gagnep. ex Osmaston).

Evergreen climbers, collected from a shady localities of evergreen
broad leaved forest
(Quercus-Rhododendron-Daphniphyllum), association with Desmodium spp., Hypolepis spp., Phryma leptostachya L., Pimpinella spp., Gairsain (Chamoli), 2000-2300 m

Thanks, …, for posting a new species to efi.

SK181NOV07-2016:ID : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Tarakeshwor, Nepal on 27 August 2016 at 6000 ft.

This does not “ring any bells” as to possible identity.
As mentioned previously my familiarity with sub-tropical flora in Nepal is strictly limited – I recognise a few things but often not. 

First impression: Cayratia sp. preferred over Cissus sp. or something close to it.

Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch. (accepted name)  ??

efi page on Tetrastigma serrulatum

Please compare with SK273DEC26-2016:ID.
The two seem to be similar.

I am not sure. Hence, unable to confirm.

I guess T. serrulatum have dark purple fruit when ripe. I have not seen fruit color as in the images for this sp.

I will go with Tetrastigma serrulatum as per keys in Online flora of Nepal, with these images.

Only confusion is fruit colors !

SK 2291 13 November 2019 : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 & 4 mb.
Location:  Dhap, Chisapani, Kathmandu
Date: 30 September  2019
Elevation: 2103 m.
Habit : Wild
Tetrastigma obtectum (Wall. ex M.A.Lawson) Planch. ex Franch.

Tetrastigma obtectum (Wall. ex M.A.Lawson) Planch. ex Franch. ??
Attachments (2) – 2 & 3 mb.

Attachments (1) – 7 mb.

spectacular leaf venation, and denticles pictures

Thank you …! Is it matching?

I think this is something different. In none of the images I checked, leaf venation is so contrasting. Inflorescence also looks different. Habit image is missing:

I think something similar has been posted by … earlier.

May be Tetrastigma serrulatum as per comparative images at Tetrastigma

Thank you … Looks like changes in environment is causing vast difference in the flowering phenology.


Tetrastigma serrulatum submission : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)
Tetrastigma serrulatum
Toothed-Leaf Chestnut Vine
Family – Vitaceae
Photographed at Palampur, Himachal Pradesh
Elevation – 1500m asl.
In August 2020


Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch. : 2 posts by 1 author. 2 images 6 & 7 mb each.
Location: Badikhel, Lalitpur
Date: 19 September 2020
Elevation: 1734 m.
Habit : Wild

MS,Nov. ,2021/23 Cayratia sp. for id.: 1 very high res. image.
Location : Ailawng

Date : 24-10-2018
Habit : Climber
Habitat : Wild

Tetrastigma ?

Cayratia auriculata,

Looks different from images at Cayratia auriculata

Maybe Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch., as leaves are pedately compound.

What are the keys?

I think id is OK as Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch.



References (for Tetrastigma serrulatum):
Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  BSI Flora of India  Flora of China  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  Tropicos  JSTOR (Specimen) India Biodiversity Portal  Springer  Indian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated Dictionary By C.P. Khare (2008)  Online Flora of Nepal

Updated on December 24, 2024

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