Climber for ID (RD_17112011b): Kindly help to ID this species. Could it be any Araliaceae member??
Date -30/10/2010- 09 AM
Location – Assam,
Habitat- Wild Type
Plant Habit- Climber
Leaves: Five leaflets
Inflorescence – as seen in the photos,
Flowers –yellow, White
Location – Assam,
Habitat- Wild Type
Plant Habit- Climber
Leaves: Five leaflets
Inflorescence – as seen in the photos,
Flowers –yellow, White
This is an Araliaceae, may be Panax sp.
Leaf and flowers indicate towards Tetrastigma sp, probably T. serrulatum but pedicel looks bit longer.
Could you identify it?
It appears to be some Tetrastigma species as suggested by …
Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch.
Inflorescence looks different from images at Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch.
I do not see any other option than Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch..
Flowering pattern may differ I guess! SK 2291 13 November 2019 !