Tylophora tenerrima Wight, Contr. Bot. India 50 1834. (syn: Homolostyles tenerrima Wall. ex Wight; Homostyles tenerrima Wall. ex Hook. fil.; Vincetoxicum tenerrimum (Wall.) Kuntze);
Bhutan, Sikkim, Chumbi, Nepal, Pakistan (Swat, Hazara), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir, Poonch), India (E- & N-India, subtropical Himalayas) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Tender Himalayan Ipecac
Very slender stemmed, free flowering, climbing shrub with long twining branches. Plant nearly glabrous; Stems with two lines of short hairs. Leaves lanceolate to leanceolate ovate, 1.5-8 x 0.3-2cm, apex accuminate, base rounded to cuneate, membranous, sparsely pubescent above, particularly on main veins, almost glabrous below; petiole 4-11mm, pubescen. Flowers deep red to crimson, in 2-6 flowered lax, long and very slender branched cymes. Peduncle 2-5cm long; pedicels 0.5-4cm, both sparsely puberulent. Calyx lobes lanceolate ovate, c 1.5 x 0.5mm, ciliate. Corolla glabrous outside, minutely hirsute within, tube c 1mm long; lobes linear oblong, c 3 x 2mm. Gynostegium c 2mm broad and high. Staminal coronal scales short, out curved apical linear appendages. Follicles slender, narrowly lanceolate in outline, 4-7.5 x 0.5-0.8cm, thin skinned, only seen solitary. Seeds small, 5 x 2mm; coma c 3cm.
Fl. May-July
Climber on shrubs in moist, broad-leaved forests, 1200-2100m
(Attributions- A.J.C. Grierson & D.G. Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RGoB and RBGE. 1999 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)
. SK687 31 JUL-2017:ID : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Altitude:7000 ft. Date: 20 June 2017 Vincetoxicum nigrum (L.) Moench Syn: Cynanchum nigrum (L.) Pers. ??? If correct not listed in Nepal ! Pl. also check comparative images at Apocynaceae as this species is not recorded from Nepal or India.
Although it appears closer to images of Vincetoxicum nigrum at
Also check images of Cynanchum louiseae at the following:
https://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/midatlantic/cylo.htm Tylophora tenerrima Wight ???? I tried to check on net. But could not match with any image of this species. What about two choices I gave link of?
Tylophora tenerrima Wight
No Nepali Name ! What is the basis for this id? ID by Nepali botanists and I guess matching with the description according to the link: . Tylophora tenerrima Wight : 7 posts by 1 author. 7 images- 6 to 7 mb each. Date: 28 June 2020
Elevation : 1695m.
Habitat: Wild 7 images- 2 to 7 mb each.
Tylophora tenerrima Wight: 2 very high res. images. Location: Pharping
Date: 08 October 2023
Elevation : 1695m.
Habitat: Wild
. References: |
Tylophora tenerrima
Updated on December 24, 2024