Tylophora pauciflora

Tylophora pauciflora Wight & Arn., Contr. Bot. India 49 1834. (Syn: Cynanchum bracteatum Thunb.; Cynanchum flavens Thunb.; Tylophora parviflora Wight [Spelling variant]);

Slender twiners; stem long-twining, glabrous. Leaves opposite, 3.5-7 x 2-4 cm, ovate, truncate or very shallowly cordate at the base, acute and apiculate at the apex, very thin, glabrous on both sides; petiole 1-2.5 cm long. Cymes laxly and dichasially branched, rather few-flowered, glabrous, shorter to longer than the leaves, with a peduncle usually exceeding the petioles. Calyx-lobes 1.5-2 mm long, broadly ovate, glabrous. Corolla greenish white with the centre dark purplish-brown; 0.6-0.7 cm in diameter, the lobes longer than the radius of the united portion. Corona lobes globose, cuspidate at apex. Follicle cylindric, c. 5 cm long.

Flowering and fruiting: June-August
Shola forests
Southern Western Ghats (Endemic)
Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi)

identification of twiner requested : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Thia is a slender twiner found in E.ghats, in small buds stage.
The inflorescence is a umbel, from one umbel another arise in scorpioid way, the umbels arise terminally and axillary, they are arranged laxily. the plant is puberulous. probably a member of Asclepiadaceae. leaves 2-3×1-1.5cm,
Pease help me in identification of the plant

Interesting! It somewhat resembles Tylophora capparidifolia (?) and Pentatropis spiralis (?). A picture of flower and/or fruit should help.

It may be Tylophora pauciflora.

You may be right, …
I thought about that but the leaves of T. pauciflora seem to have more acuminate tip, so I was not sure.
I think you can confirm it once you get to see the flowers

Thank you,
except the leaf shape, the inflorescence, size, observation of the bud dissection resemble T.pauciflora, It was collected in an interior area, in E.ghats… may not be possible to reach there in near future


Agumbe Ghat :: Asclepiad FOR ID :: DVJAN08 : 6 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.

Agumbe Ghat (part of Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary)Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka

Date: 28 DEC 2014 … Altitude: about 600 m asl at crest, about 250 m asl at foothill
Please identify this asclepiad. Flower could be just about 8 – 9 mm across.
Aspects are better illustrated by … in his post … ANJAN13/13.
And his observation: Exudate is not milky, but watery.
… Asclepiad FOR ID … (family: Apocynaceae)

Please check the discussion in Anurag Ji’s post and give your view.

Yes …, will put cropped version of one of my posted photos, here as well as in … post – perhaps it may help in understanding the central structure, though the crop of original is not much good quality … 1 image.

pasting the cropped photo once again – not sure whether visible in thread above … 1 image.

Thank you … I very much would like to hear from South…and …

Further feedback in another thread

The posted plant must be Tylophora pauciflora Wight & Arn. … now treated as synonym of Vincetoxicum bracteatum (Thunb.) Meve & Liede

Many thanks to … – he had suggested this ID in first place in Anurag’s post.
I have posted this observation in iNaturalist, where my friend Siddarth Machado has same thought about the ID.

ANJAN13/13 Asclepiad/Apocynad vine for identification : 19 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (8)

Date: 28th December 2014
Place: Someshwara
Wildlife Sanctuary
Habit: Climber
Exudate is not milky but watery.


Tylophora species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

The plant uploaded seems to Tylophora indica

This is very complicated as can be seen that the thread remains unanswered even when we have a number of very strong members from South who would leave no stone unturned to try to identify it. Also there are members who rely on their experience more than they rely on literatures!
Well, I am not sure if it can be Tylophora when there are similar looking species from different genera, eg. – http://www.eflorakkl.in/Details.php?id=40.
If it is Tylophora the closest match I think maybe Tylophora pauciflora Wight & Urn.

Three KEW herbarium is all I could find, besides the Icones illustration; FBI is of little help, check with your regional flora literature for any probability.

  1. http://apps.kew.org/herbcat/getImage.do?imageBarcode=K000872938
  2. http://apps.kew.org/herbcat/getImage.do?imageBarcode=K000872937
  3. http://apps.kew.org/herbcat/getImage.do?imageBarcode=K000872939

Thank you

I looked it up sir and I agree with your identification.
The distribution shows it as being found in Shimoga district in which this place is located.
As for the other genera+ species which could also be similar, in particular the Heterostemma tanjorense has a much smaller peduncle while the Kew herbarium links that you provided show the length of the peduncle to be similar to the climber I have photographed.

Yes, …, these are the points based on which I suggested the ID –
(i) peduncle longer than petiole and few flowered
(ii) sepals ovate acute
(iii) leaf veins and their looping orchestrations, acuminate tips
(iv) glabrous nature
Now, I am not sure what those five globose red dots at the centre of the flowers are. If these are ‘coronal process’ it is ok. But someone, in a website I fail to find now,  claims these dot like structures of another Tylophora are glands.

Thanks … for deep diving … I would go with Tylophora pauciflora.
Let me put a crop of one of my photos here, to get closer to look at the red “dots”. Perhaps it would help in knowing what they are. To me they look like “coronal process” … similar to structure that we see in typical asclepiads like crown flower … 1 image.

Not sure whether the embedded image is visible; therefore pasting once again here … 1 image.

…, yes. I too was thinking along those lines.. I have attached some more photos. Thank you.
…, it was visible the first time itself!

I thank you very much …, for your wonderful detail uploads. I can only say in college we had to dissect and show nerves of even cockroach or earthworm. Those were much easier than these botany things!
Thank you again for all wonderful interactions.

Thank you too sir. I wish I could either agree or disagree. Unfortunately for us, all dissections are banned and if conducted, must be done so secretly..

Yes, …, I have read about this ban in newspaper. I wonder how many colleges do have the facility of computer simulation technology to facilitate its students practice their dissecting skills.

True, sir. How many colleges can afford it even.

Thanks … All for the love of nature and flora of our country !!

Yes, I agree, and after all these years of no lab-work I have forgot everything!


Updated on December 24, 2024

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