Tylophora govanii (Wight) Decne. (W. Himalaya to NW. India as per POWO)
. Karthikeyan et al. (2009) have mentioned following species of Tylophora in India:
The Plant List 2013 indicates that some are synonyms. Reference: Karthikeyan, S., Sanjappa, M. and Moorthy, S. 2009. Flowering Plants of India, Dicotyledons, vol-I (Acanthaceea- Avicenniaceae). Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. p.p.181-183. .
. FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database with images/ herbarium, distribution, local names etc. : . Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on 20.7.14:
. Tylophora hirsuta (Wall.) Wight synonym for Tylophora ovata (Lindley) Hook. ex Steudel Tylophora tenerrima Wight . Tylophora belostemma (Wall.) Benth. ex Benth. & Hook. f. synonym for Belostemma hirsutum Wall. ex Wight . Flora of Davanagere District: Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (2004)- (Keys & Description)- Tylophora fasciculata BUCH.-HAM. EX WIGHT Tylophora mollissima Wight & Arn. is a synonym of Tylophora ovata (Lindl.) Hook. ex Steud. . An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew 91995)- Details with keys- Tylophora capparidifolia Wight & Arn. is a synonym of Vincetoxicum capparidifolium (Wight & Arn.) Kuntze Tylophora indica . Flora of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India (2000)- Details with keys– Tylophora indica Tylophora macrantha Hook.f. is a synonym of Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. . Hot spots of endemic plants of India, Nepal and Bhutan by M. P. Nayar –Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, 1996 – Science – 252 pages- Tylophora subramanii Henry; climbing shrub; southern W. Ghats; Singampatti; Anaimudi, Upper Kodayar ….. . Cultivation Of Medicinal And Aromatic Crops By Farooqi A.A., B.S. Sreeramu, B.S. Sreeramu (2010)- Details- . Medicinal plants 2 By Schmelzer, G.H. & Gurib-Fakim, A. (2013)- Good details- . Flora of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, Chintala Prabhakar, B. Ravi Prasad Rao (1998)- Details with keys- Tylophora macrantha Hook.f. is a synonym of Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. . Encyclopaedia of world medicinal plants, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah (2006)- Details- Tylophora hirsuta (Wall.) Wight synonym for Tylophora ovata (Lindley) Hook. ex Steudel . Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic, and Other … edited by C.P. Khare (2004)- Details- . Flora of Ranga Reddi District Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, M. Silar Mohammed (2000)- (Keys & Description)- Tylophora fasciculata BUCH.-HAM. EX WIGHT . I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Tylophora (Pl. click). Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links. Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details. If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful. Any comments/ corrections are welcome. I have added list of Indian species based on Karthikeyan et al. (2009). Thanks a lot, … Most of the species at other links match with it except for Tylophora hirsuta (Wall.) Wight In this document Tylophora hirsuta (Wall.) Wight is taken as synonym of T. ovata (Lindl.) Hook. ex Steud. However, Tylophora hirsuta Wight is distinct species also known from India: This should be added to the list. . Tylophora page (Apocynaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Tylophora page (Apocynaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia (done by me). If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know.
Updated on December 24, 2024