Tylophora dalzellii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 43 1883. (Syn: Vincetoxicum dalzellii Kuntze (Unresolved));
Common name: Dalzell Ipecac • Marathi: Lahan pitmari

Twining slender perennial climbers; stem terete, branched, pubescent when young. Leaves opposite, 5-10 x 2.5-6.5 cm, ovate-oblong, acute or shortly acuminate at apex, often mucronate, rounded at base, sparsely pubescent on upper side, at length glabrate, ciliolate on margins; petioles 0.5-2 cm long, grooved, pubescent. Flowers small, reddish-brown, in lateral, many- flowered, branched, sessile or pedunculate, hispid, umbellate cymes; pedicels filiform, glabrous. Calyx hispid, almost divded to the base, lobes 1.5 mm long, linear-lanceolate, acute. Corolla 3 mm long, lobes elliptic-oblong, obtuse; corona process dark coloured, rounded at base and slightly tapering towards the apex of the staminal column. Follicles 7-10 cm long, linear-lanceolate, finely striate, glabrous; seeds 8 mm long, ovate-oblong, coma 2 cm long.     

Flowering and fruiting: March-April
Deciduous forests
Western Ghats

Flora of Sahyadri & Konkan – Tylophora Dalzellii:
Name of Species: Tylophora Dalzellii
Common Name: Lahan Pitmari, Kauli
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Conservation status: NA
Photographed: 30th June, 2010
Location: Matheran, 5A zone of Malabar Province, Maharashtra
Habitat Type : Hill Slope of Evergreen Forest
Lens: OLYMPUS ED LENS AF ZOOM 4.6 – 92 mm, 1:2.8 – 4.6
Abundence: Known to be occasional climber in subjected region

Beautiful picture showing the pedunculate cymes.
Leaves are characteristic too: Ovate oblong; base rounded; petioles 1 cm.


Tylophora dalzelli flowering: Last weekend. The pupa of the Glassy Tiger was identified by ….


DV :: 31MAR11 – 1125 :: asclepiad climber at Dubare: Delicate asclepiad climber rising on a tree (could be mango tree).
Could not get any nearer to the plant … therefore had to be content with long shots.
Date/Time : March 31, 2011 at 11.25am IST
Location Place : near Dubare Elephant Camp, Karnataka … 12.371875, 75.903808 on Google maps <http://goo.gl/maps/8tRY>
Altitude : 2782 ft (above mean sea level)

Looks like Tylophora dalzelli on a Jambul [Syzygium cumini] tree.

Many thanks … for the ID (and for correcting the tree too).
The number of flowers per cluster seem less … is such variation normal ?

Am not so concerned about the lack of flowers as I am about the lack of leaves [while flowering].

Many thanks … Have pointed to some leaves that could be made out … BUT, if you have already noticed them, your concern remains pending. Dear friends / …… is / are there any species close to Tylophora dalzellii ?

Previous relevant discussions

Am convinced with …. ID of Tylophora dalzellii … yet if otherwise, comments are welcome.


Tylophora dalzelli flowering revisited:  Photographed at my farm last weekend. Had written about this previously and it is available at this link

Can you help me Identify these caterplillars on a Lily plant


Tylophora dalzelli flowering: Tylophora dalzelli was flowering at Khandala over the weekend. Sending a few photographs.


Tylophora asthmatica : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors.

Tylophora asthmatica
Family : Apocynaceae. Earlier: Asclepiadaceae
Observed this small climber with flowers on Purandar fort. Size of flowers around 5-8mm.


Tylophora indica is hairy i think this is Tylophora dalzellii 

This looks like T.dalzelli to me too. Have both on my property at Shahapur.

My photographs of T.dalzelli are available at these links
My photographs of D. indica [D.asthamatica] are available at this link

Thanks … This has to be T. dalzelli. I checked again.


Sinhagad, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this climber :: ARKAUG-05 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
Requesting to please ID this climber captured at Sinhagad, Pune in Aug 2014. Is this some Tylophora species?

Tylophora sp

Affirmative. This is Tylophora dalzelli. Please check these links :

Google Groups

Requesting to please ID this climber captured at Sinhagad, Pune in Aug 2014. Is this some Tylophora species?

This has been identified as Tylophora dalzelli by … here.

This got inadvertantly posted twice, I think.

identification no 080515sn1 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly help in Id.
date/time:July 14
location:Aambyvalley rd.,Lonavala,Pune
plant habit:Climber?

height:more than 8-10 ft.

Wow such a beautiful climber. Looks like Tylophora asthmatica. Will wait for others to opine.

Tylophora dalzellii



Matheran, MH :: Tylophora (?) for ID :: ARK2021-012
3 images.

Seen this vine at Matheran, an hill station near Mumbai, MH in the last week of December 2020.
Is this some Tylophora?

Requested to please ID.

Vincetoxicum dalzellii (Hook. fil.) Kuntze ??

Thanks, …, for the id.

Yes, appears close as per Tylophora dalzellii

at Kanakeshwar, Alibag 07Jul,09;  Tylophora dalzelii – indiantreepix | Google Groups ID required – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Tylophora indica for identification and validation: Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Sending images of Tylophora, taken at Bhandardara for confirmation

efi page on Tylophora indica

Appears close to images at Tylophora dalzellii Hook.f.


Vincetoxicum dalzellii (Hook.f.) Kuntze :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV255:

Vincetoxicum dalzellii (Hook.f.) Kuntze
Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 8:53 AM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist.
popular synonym: Tylophora dalzellii Hook.f.

