Typhonium roxburghii Schott, Aroideae 1: 12 1853. (syn: Arum diversifolium Blume; Arum roxburghii Thwaites; Arum trilobatum Thunb.; Arum trilobatum Roxb.; Dracunculus divaricatus Raf.; Typhonium amboinense Blatt. & McCann; Typhonium divaricatum Blume [Illegitimate]; Typhonium divaricatum var. mottleyanum (Schott) Engl.; Typhonium divaricatum var. robustum Blume; Typhonium divaricatum var. roxburghii (Schott) Engl.; Typhonium divaricatum var. roxburghii (Schott) Engl.; Typhonium divaricatum var. schottii (Prain) Engl.; Typhonium javanicum Miq.; Typhonium mottleyanum Schott; Typhonium schottii Prain);
Dwarf Voodoo Lily;
Corm subglobose, to 3.5 cm diameter, rooting at top. Petiole to 30 cm, sheathing in lower third. Blade usually shallowly (sometimes deeply) 3-lobed, usually broader than long. Peduncle to 10 cm, a function of corm depth. Spathe to 30 cm long, lower portion persistent, c. 3 cm long; upper portion withering, dark red to purple inside, usually 3-4 times longer than broad, abruptly tapering from below middle, usually twisted at tip. Spadix subequalling the spathe; pistillate portion pink, c. 0.5 cm; sterile portion to 1 cm long, covered with acicular, yellowish to reddish down-turned rudiments; interval naked, white, to 1.5 cm; staminate portion coral-pink, c.1 cm; stipe normally present, white to dark purple; appendix slightly swollen at base, dark red, 8-15 cm. Berry 1-2-seeded. Flowering and fruiting: March-December
Waste places in the plains
South Asia from India through New Guinea
Herb to be ID : 29062013 : RV 3 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Please identify this small herb saw today in wild at SGNP, Mumbai. Typhonium roxburghii , Araceae Yes I agree with Typhonium roxburghii Typhonium roxburghii flowering : Attachments (5). 1 post by 1 author.
Photographed on my property at Shahapur. Had not noticed it the previous weekend (23.7.13), so unfortunately could only photograph a withering flower. Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Araceae :: Typhonium roxburghii from SGNP, Shilondha :: ARKAUG-06 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4).
Attached are pictures of Typhonium roxburghii captured at SGNP, Shilondha in April 2013 and April 2014. Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: Araceae-:: Typhonium roxburghii from Konkan :: PKA12:: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).
This is yet another typical monsoon herb from Konkan region. ID request : 12 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2)
Requesting ID of a herb growing decayed trunk of a tree in Odisha, Dec 2014. It seems Typhonium trilobatum (L.) Schott i don’t think it is t trilobatum and i don’t know what is it esp. the objects in the second picture… what are they? flower buds or seed capsules? I am very sorry, though T. trilobatum (L.) Schott is common here, I have not come across anything similar before. Moreover, I have seen them in open places or on garbage heaps, not on any decaying trunk. link that … had given earlier :
check illustration of another species – http://plantillustrations.org/illustration=59890 shows herbarium sp pic that comes the closest…
ps may be some bosses at BSI know the truth… Well, Didi, I do not know, or am not sure, if it can be a Theriophonum, however a revision can be accessed at – JSTOR and more illustrations … Jstor is silly one has to register to read and then thew want money… or some such bottom like cant access full paper…to me that’s stupid science..Jstor is out as far i am concerned….
second link is already in your earlier that’s what I referred to above as you have sent in… Dear sir, Some character necessary identification viz. 1. Close spathe
2. Open spathe
2. Male and female flowers
4. Neuter flowers
My observation this species is Typhonium trilobetum. Most likely Typhonium roxburghii Schott, the second picture shows the infructescence, the berries will not turn red when ripe but stay this pale color. Thank you … but googling i did not find those fruits Mumbai :: August 2015 :: Typhonium (??) for ID :: ARK2022-066: 3 high res. images.
This was clicked at SGNP, Mumbai, Maharashtra in August 2015.
Is it some Typhonium?
Requested to provide ID.
Maybe. I think experts can guide, with these images. spath not is open but may be Typhonium inopinatum Without an open spathe impossible to say with certainty but most likely candidate would be the widespread T. roxburghii, I have seen it myself in Maharashtra several times.
Typhonium roxburghii
Updated on December 24, 2024