Typhonium smitinandii (Thailand)

Typhonium smitinandii Sookch. & J.Murata, Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 25: 57 (1997);
Peninsula Thailand as per POWO;

SK425 15MAR-2017:ID : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Location: Phukhet, Thailand
Date: 22 May 2016
Altitude: 1200 ft.

Wild or cultivated? 

It is wild. 

Typhonium, possibly T. roxburghii or related (the yellow appendix is a bit odd though).

Did not find any image with yellow spadix.

Could it be Typhonium smitinandii Sookch. & J.Murata, endemic to Thailand ?

Possibly. But without details of the inner parts (the true flowers) it is not possible to fully confirm. The shape and position of the staminodes etc. are unique for each species so with Araceae it is often helpful, or even vital, for a ID to cut the spathe open to reveal the innerparts. My iniial response was under the assumption the plant was Indian, I overlooked the Thailand location as I did not expect pictures taken in Thailand to be posted in this group.

Actually, I shot these images in 2016 during my visit to Phuket.

Mistakenly, I have enclosed the wrong attachment. Please have a look at this one.
1 attachment

I already had the correct protologue in my database so I checked it already but I should again emphasize that with Araceae it is vital to take close-ups of the inside of the spathe too as they hold key characters that distinguish between closely related species. The conclusion remains the same, likely smitinandii but for 100 % certainty pictures of the innerparts are needed.





POWO  Catalogue of Life

Updated on December 24, 2024

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