Valeriana hardwickii Wall., Fl. Ind., ed. 1820 1: 166-167 166 1820. (Syn: Valeriana hardwickii var. arnottiana Wight; Valeriana hardwickii var. hoffmeisteri Klotzsch; Valeriana hardwickii var. leiocarpa Miq.; Valeriana helictes Graebn.; Valeriana rosthornii Graebn.; Valeriana udicola Briq.); . Indian Valerian; . Plant for ID from Paddar valley J&K. 201211 SRANA 03: Date: 16th July 2011. Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K. Altitude: 3100 meters asl. Plant height: 50-60 cms Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb
VOF Week: Small herb for ID : at VOF: Valeriana hardwickii, I hope Valeriana hardwickii from valley pls validate I think yes. Nice photographs SK302JAN06-2016:ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Location: Kalinchowk, Nepal Altitude: 9000 ft. Date: 26 July 2014 This seems most likely to be Valeriana hardwickii – unless anyone knows better? Flora of Kathmandu Valley records this from 1500-2000m. Local Name: ‘Nakali jatamasi’. Flowers of Himalaya say it is distinguished by its 1-3 pairs of pinnate stem leaves with 3-7 leaflets. The specimen photographed is very small as it is typically from 30-180cm! Large examples produce dense terminal domed clusters forming a pyramidal inflorescence. Distribution: Pakistan to SW China @ 1500-4000m, shrubberies & open slopes. Flora of Simlensis has this as common at Shimla & Mushobra with the root exported to the plains partly for medicinal use but mainly as a perfume. Is this still the case I wonder? There is a line drawing – though of a large example than the one photographed at Kalinchowk. According to Stewart, V.hardwickii is common in Kashmir @ 1400-4000m, recorded from Gulmarg, Sonamarg, Pahlgam etc. I photographed this plant in the first week of July but got to edit it just now. I think this is Valeriana hardwickii. Please advise. Valeriana hardwickii Above Triund, Dharamshala, HP 3100m approx. 03-04 July 2017. Valeriana hardwickii? Arunachal Pradesh 23.8.17 Yes to me also appear close to images at Valeriana hardwickii Wall. Valeriana hardwickii Wall. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Dolakha, Nepal Date : 4 September, 2017 Elevation : 7000 ft. Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal Date: 25 August 2018 Elevation: 5800 ft. Habit : Wild Which Apiaceae. Picture quality not good due to mobile click. Thanks, …, Comparative images available at Could not get match …! absolute bottom needs to be seen. the upper leaves and the vertical ridges in the stems and pedicels of the inflorescence reminds me of celery, but that’s just me, speaking from eating celery stalks and sometimes the umbels if available. i may be wrong we need some taxonomists to look at it Closest I can go is Sanicula elata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don But it is different. Find some species in this or related genera. Valeriana hardwickii Wall. POWO says Valeriana hardwickei Wall. Must be a mistake as IPNI records name as Valeriana hardwickii Wall. No results are obtained on searching IPNI for Valeriana hardwickei. Search in WCSP does not give any results for either of the names. POWO and WCSP (both from KEW), share the same verified data, where ever available. That means that WCSP does not have verified data for this taxon. Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Date: 6 September, 2018 Elevation:6575 ft. Habit : Wild Which Apiaceae ..?? Pl. check comparative images at Closest I can go is Sanicula elata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don But it is different. Find some species in this or related genera. Valeriana hardwickii Wall. Why is spelling not matching in the POWO. There are sometimes spelling variants and sometimes spelling errors. SK1649 16 Dec 2018 : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)- around 500 kb each. Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal Elevation : 4500 ft. Date 3 March 2016 Habit : Cultivated Valeriana jatamansi Jones ?? Looks different from images at I think close to images at Valeriana hardwickii Wall. Cannot decide. I checked all the members in this family in efi site and thereafter decided so. Then it must be the correct one. Thank you …! Sir its may be Valeriana dioica. Once check Thanks, …, This looks different from your suggested species as per . 632 ID wild plant: 12 high res. images. Please ID wild plant, Location: Kolukkumalai Munnar Idukki Kerala INDIA Altitude: 7200fsl Flower date: 11OCT2024, 07.45am Habitat: wild moisture rocky misty windy sloppy grassy alpine Plant habit: small trailing branched mono sexual vine, slender cylindrical fleshy stem 03mm diameter, perennial Height/length: 01.5 meter Leaves: dicot opposite imparipinnate heart shaped acute leathery glossy wavy serrated margins, size upto: 08×5cm Flower: axillary panicle inflorescence, clustered, male diameter:03.5mm whitish fragrant; female diameter 07mm Fruit: drupe green into brown ovoid nice tufted hairs Seed: brown ovoid pappus Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Valeriana hardwickei Wall. Yes, it is Valeriana hardwickii, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant
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Valeriana hardwickii
Updated on February 7, 2025