Verbascum chinense

Verbascum chinense (Linnaeus) Santapau (syn: Scrophularia chinensis Linnaeus; Celsia coromandeliana Vahl; Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze; V. sinense H. Léveillé & Giraud). as per Flora of China;
Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau, Fl. Purandhar 90 90 1958. (syn. Celsia chinensis (L.) Druce; Scrophularia chinensis L.) as per POWO;
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, India, Laos, Thailand, West Himalaya as per POWO;
ver-BASK-um — corruption of the Latin barbascum, meaning with a beard … Dave’s Botanary
chi-NEN-see or chi-NEN-say — of or from China … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Chinese mullein, Coromandel mullein • Bengali: কুকসিমা kukshima • Dogri: जंगली तम्हाकू jungali tamhaku • Gujarati: કલહાર kalhar, કુલાહલ kulahal, કુટકી kutki • Hindi: गीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamaku, कोखिमा kokhima, कुकशिम kukshim, कुलाहल kulahal • Kachchhi: અડબાઉ મૂરી adbau muri • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಹೊಗೇಸೊಪ್ಪು kaadu hogesoppu • Marathi: कुटकी kutki • Odia: କୁଳାହକ kulahaka, ପୋକଶୁଂଘା poka sungha • Rajasthani: गीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamaku • Sanskrit: भूतकेशी bhutakeshi, कुलाहक kulahaka, कुलाहल kulahala • Tamil: ஆற்றுமேலழகி arrumelalaki • Urdu: کلاهل kulahal
Names compiled / updated at
Herbs 60-90 cm high. Radical leaves 5-7.5 cmx 2-3cm. Petiolate, lyrately pinnatified; lower cauline similar; upper smaller, sessile.Inflorescence of simple or branched terminal raceme; flowers yellow. Capsule c 0.6 cm across, subglobose. Seeds oblong truncate, warted.


Verbascum chinensis from kaithal-Haryana :
This herb was photographed from fields near my village in Distt.
Kaithal, Haryana. Please validate the identity, does it still belong to Scrophulariaceae?

– yes you are right sir, can you tell me about the smell of leaves???????????(chili like strong!!)\

– This plant is verbascum chinensis. I have also observed the same plant in SGNP, Borivli, at open and dry places, in flowering stage. These plants are few in nos.

– Here are mine from Village Sutana Panipat


ID request 2142011SP02:
Small herb clicked at Yeoor Hill, SGNP.

– Verbascum chinense (popular as and synonym: Celsia coromandeliana) … commonly known as: Chinese mullein • Bengali: kukshima • Gujarati: kalhar • Hindi: गादर तंबाकू gadar tambaku, कोखिमा kokhima, कुलाहल kulahal • Kannada: ಕಾದು ಹೊಗೆಸೊಪ್ಪು kadu hogesoppu • Marathi: कुटकी kutki • Sanskrit: भूतकेशि bhutakeshi, कुलाहल kulahal • Tamil: ஆற்றுமேலழகி arru-mel-alaki


Verbascum chinensis:
Verbascum chinensis
At Kas Plateau, Satara

For Id- 261211- NS1- Flora of Madhya Pradesh:
This plant was photographed in wild, at Betul, MP. Dated- 14 th Dec 11.
Plz Provide Id.


identification no210412sn1:
Kindly help Id this plant.

date/time: march12
location: mulshi, pune
plant habitat:Herb?
height:may be 2 ft. or about

Apparently, it look likes Celsia coromandeliana from Verbenaceae.

The correct name is Verbascum chinense, and it belongs to family Scrophulariaceae.


Plz id the herb: pa102 – 29april2013 : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 5 authors.
Plz id this herb from Nagla region in Thane.
Sorry again as I have got only one photo.
I had gone with a group and cud not take my time to click more pix.

Verbascum chinense I hope

This is Verbascum chinense, Scrophulariaceae, most probably

Verbascum chinense. The leaves emit a pungent smell when crushed.

Verbascum chinense (L) Santapau, (= Celsia coromandeliana), of Scrophulariaceae family.


Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Verbascum chinense from Panipati-NS 4 : Attachments (7). 2 posts by 2 authors.
This robust herb was shot from cultivated field periphery around Yamuna river in Panipat..
Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau


Excellent photographs …

Scrophulariaceae week :: Verbascum chinense. Pune SMP1 :  4 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.

Verbascum chinense (L) Sant.
‘Kutaki” कुटकी
Herbs 60-90 cm high. Radical leaves 5-7.5 cmx 2-3cm. Petiolate, lyrately pinnatified; lower cauline similar; upper smaller, sessile.Inflorescence of simple or branched terminal raceme; flowers yellow. Capsule c 0.6 cm across, subglobose. Seeds oblong truncate, warted.

Very good photographs …


Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Verbascum chinense from Panipati-NS 4 :  Attachments (7). 2 posts by 2 authors.
This robust herb was shot from cultivated field periphery around Yamuna river in Panipat..
Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau


Its an annual herb, around 50 to 100 cm high.
Photographed at Satara, Maharashtra.
Bot. name: Verbascum chinense



scrophulariaceae week :
sending some images of scrophulariaceae members. Verbascum chinensis.jpg

Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Verbascum chinense from Delhi-GS-43 :  Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author.
Verbascum chinense, photographed from Delhi

Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau
at Yeoor Hills on various dates

Apart from the basal leaves the upper leaves of this are alternate as against opposite leaves in most genera of Scroph.

ID Request 250314SG :  Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please help identify this herb in jowar field at Dhavlas, Maharashtra. Photo 25Mar14.

This is Verbascum chinensis in my opinion.

Verbascum chinense : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Found this small herb in yeoor hills forest near thane
Verbascum chinense of Scrophulariaceae
called kutki in marathi
April 2014

Thanks for bringing this species to light.

ID request 26062014PC1 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3 + 6).
Kindly identify this wild herb (height – 50-60 cm) growing in Kolhapur, Maharashtra.

This is Kutki [Verbascum chinensis]. Will send my photographs of this later if required.

My photographs of Kutki. Attachments (6).

Thank you … for the identification (think it is Verbascum) and the beautiful photographs; wonder why my photographs never come out so clear.


Verbascum chinense from Pantnagar: DSR_March_3 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
I saw and shot this species of Verbascum (V.chinense, Scrophulariaceae) few days back.
Earlier it was not seen here in Pantnagar, though well known in other parts of Uttarakhand.

nice. i particularly like your arrangement of the specimen parts in one.. very eye-catching
reminds me of botanical illustrations of yore
did you see other rosettes of basal leaves around… if you do I would love to see the basal leaves

leaves almost similar at base as up the stem

Id please SR1 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
can anyone help me if this plant please
It is herb with aromatic smell
it has rosette of leaves on ground
I don’t have picture of entire plant unfortunately
picture taken at Bhandardara MH
Dated Nov 2015

looks like Verbascum chinensis

Thanks, … Image of flowers seem to match with images at Verbascum chinense

Yes Thanks

Verbascum chinense—-for sharing and validation : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in april15.

You are right …

Yes … its V chinensis

Verbascum chinense ATJULY2016/03 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Verbascum chinense (Syn. Celsia coromandeliana)
Near Shimla Airport
July 2016

efloraofindia:”For Id wild plant at Kondiwade Pune :Oct 2016: MR-01” : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
requesting to Id this wild plant at Kondiwade village Pune

Verbascum chinense

Yes, Verbascum chinense


Bengali name of Verbascum chinense : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Please help me with the Bengali name kokshima OR kukshima for Verbascum chinense in native script.
Reference [PDF] : Morphology and medicinal uses of plants (Shodhganga).

Here you are.
কোকসিমা, কুকসিমা


Telugu name for Verbascum chinense : 2 posts by 1 author.

Please help with Telugu name, if any, for Verbascum chinense.
I checked through Flora Andhrika Part IV … seems that there is no local name known for the plant.

I can’t find any telugu name for verbascum, probably it is not widely distributed in A.P

via Species‎ > ‎V‎ > Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … family: Scrophulariaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
ver-BASK-um — corruption of the Latin barbascum, meaning with a beard … Dave’s Botanary
chi-NEN-see or chi-NEN-say — of or from China … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asChinese mullein • Bengaliকুকসিমা kukshima • Gujaratiકલહાર kalharકુલાહલ kulahalકુટકી kutki • Hindiगीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamakuकोखिमा kokhimaकुलाहल kulahal • Kannadaಕಾಡು ಹೊಗೇಸೊಪ್ಪು kaadu hogesoppu • Marathiकुटकी kutki • Odiaକୁଳାହକ kulahakaପୋକଶୁଂଘା poka sungha • Sanskritभूतकेशी bhutakeshiकुलाहक kulahakaकुलाहल kulahala • Tamilஆற்றுமேலழகி arrumelalaki 
botanical namesVerbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … synonymsCelsia coromandelina Vahl • Scrophularia chinensis L. • Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze • Verbascum sinense H. Lév. & Giraud … Flora of China 
January 1, 2009 … Yeoor Hills 

Thanks a lot for the Tamil name in tamil script. Without Tamil script it is meaningless and readed wrongly in English(arrumelalaki).

Tamil: ஆற்றுமேலழகி arrumelalaki
It means Beautiful women over river.
Unfortunately English does not have letter for consonant ‘ழ’.
Indian languages also does not have ‘ழ’ except Malayalam(Any way it is closely related with Tamil).
Even ‘Tamil’ (தமிழ்) word has ‘ழ’ at 3rd position after removing a vowel.

Thanks … Thanks for meaning of the descriptive name.

update … • Kachchhiઅડબાઉ મૂરી adbau muri

ver-BASK-um — corruption of the Latin barbascum, meaning with a beard … Dave’s Botanary
kor-oh-man-del-ee-AY-num — of or from the Coromandel coast, India … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Chinese mullein • Bengali: কুকসিমা kukshima • Dogri: जंगली तम्हाकू jungali tamhaku • Gujarati: કલહાર kalhar, કુલાહલ kulahal, કુટકી kutki • Hindi: गीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamaku, कोखिमा kokhima, कुकशिम kukshim, कुलाहल kulahal • Kachchhi: અડબાઉ મૂરી adbau muri • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಹೊಗೇಸೊಪ್ಪು kaadu hogesoppu • Marathi: कुटकी kutki • Odia: କୁଳାହକ kulahaka, ପୋକଶୁଂଘା poka sungha • Sanskrit: भूतकेशी bhutakeshi, कुलाहक kulahaka, कुलाहल kulahala • Tamil: ஆற்றுமேலழகி arrumelalaki • Urdu: کلاهل kulahal

botanical namesVerbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Hub.-Mor. … homotypic synonymsCelsia coromandeliana Vahl • Verbascum coromandelicum Kuntze … heterotypic synonymsCelsia chinensis (L.) Druce • Scrophularia chinensis L. • Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … POWO, retrieved 15 January 2025

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. The bits about the languages of India mentioned below are merely some bare facts gathered from the internet; just enough to satisfy curiosity about “where” could the listed names be best prevalent in India. All English transliterated names to be taken sensu amplo.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
Chinese mullein
  • for Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … Flowers of India, retrieved January 15, 2025
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
written in: Bengali (বাংলা) … spoken in: West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
কুকসিমা kukshima
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (डोगरी) … spoken in: Jammu & Kashmir … spoken by the Dogras
जंगली तम्हाकू jungali tamhaku
  • for Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
written in: Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) … spoken in: GujaratDadra & Nagar HaveliDaman & Diu
કલહાર kalhar, કુલાહલ kulahal, કુટકી kutki
  • for Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … Biological Diversity of Gujarat – published by Gujarat Ecology Commission
  • name variants of કલહાર kalhar: કલાર kalar, કલ્હાર kalhar … for Celsia coromandeliana Vahl … PLANTS OF CUTCH AND THEIR UTILITY by THAKAR, JAIKRISHNA INDRAJI, 1926
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (हिन्दी) … spoken in: DelhiUttar PradeshBiharChhattisgarhHaryanaJharkhandMadhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand
गीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamaku
  • for Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … FRLHT’s ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants
  • for Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … Salve, Savita Deorao and Bhuktar, A. S. – Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical studies on some medicinal plants of Marathwada Region I – Shodhganga
  • there is some ambiguity whether the first part of this name has to be gidar = jackal, OR gadar = sheep | the name transcribed in English is found to be written as gadar or gadari on quite a few sites – perhaps relating to sheep’s wool or of woolly appearance, however does not seem to fit in context of this plant
कोखिमा kokhima
कुकशिम kukshim
  • for Celsia coromandeliana Vahl … PLANTS OF CUTCH AND THEIR UTILITY by THAKAR, JAIKRISHNA INDRAJI, 1926
कुलाहल kulahal
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
written in: Gujarati (કચ્છી), Sindhi (ڪڇّي) … spoken in: Kutch region of Gujarat
અડબાઉ મૂરી adbau muri
  • for Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … Many thanks to Viplav Gangar for help with this name … efloraofindia
  • for Celsia coromandeliana Vahl … PLANTS OF CUTCH AND THEIR UTILITY by THAKAR, JAIKRISHNA INDRAJI, 1926
  • for Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau … Patel, Yatin & Patel, Rohitkumar & Pankaj, Joshi & Dabgar, Yogesh. (2011). Study of the Angiospermic flora of Kachchh district, Gujarat, India. Life Sciences Leaflets. 19. 739-768.
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಕಾಡು ಹೊಗೇಸೊಪ್ಪು kaadu hogesoppu
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka
कुटकी kutki
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
written in: Odia (ଓଡ଼ିଆ) … spoken in: Odisha, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
କୁଳାହକ kulahaka, ପୋକଶୁଂଘା poka sungha
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (संस्कृतम्) … used all over India by priests and scholars
भूतकेशी bhutakeshi, कुलाहल kulahala
कुलाहक kulahaka
  • for Celsia coromandeliana Vahl … Learn Sanskrit – पठत संस्कृतम् – शब्दकोशः
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
ஆற்றுமேலழகி arrumelalaki
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
written in: Urdu (اردو) … spoken in: Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka
کلاهل kulahal
NOTE: Distribution “throughout” India seems doubtful.
~~~~~ Created on: 10:16 15-01-2025 ¦ Last updated: 10:14 16-01-2025 ~~~~~

Rajasthani name added …

commonly known as: Chinese mullein • Bengali: কুকসিমা kukshima • Dogri: जंगली तम्हाकू jungali tamhaku • Gujarati: કલહાર kalhar, કુલાહલ kulahal, કુટકી kutki • Hindi: गीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamaku, कोखिमा kokhima, कुकशिम kukshim, कुलाहल kulahal • Kachchhi: અડબાઉ મૂરી adbau muri • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಹೊಗೇಸೊಪ್ಪು kaadu hogesoppu • Marathi: कुटकी kutki • Odia: କୁଳାହକ kulahaka, ପୋକଶୁଂଘା poka sungha • Rajasthani: गीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamaku • Sanskrit: भूतकेशी bhutakeshi, कुलाहक kulahaka, कुलाहल kulahala • Tamil: ஆற்றுமேலழகி arrumelalaki • Urdu: کلاهل kulahal

English name added …

commonly known as: Chinese mullein, Coromandel mullein • Bengali: কুকসিমা kukshima • Dogri: जंगली तम्हाकू jungali tamhaku • Gujarati: કલહાર kalhar, કુલાહલ kulahal, કુટકી kutki • Hindi: गीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamaku, कोखिमा kokhima, कुकशिम kukshim, कुलाहल kulahal • Kachchhi: અડબાઉ મૂરી adbau muri • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಹೊಗೇಸೊಪ್ಪು kaadu hogesoppu • Marathi: कुटकी kutki • Odia: କୁଳାହକ kulahaka, ପୋକଶୁଂଘା poka sungha • Rajasthani: गीदड़ तमाकू gidar tamaku • Sanskrit: भूतकेशी bhutakeshi, कुलाहक kulahaka, कुलाहल kulahala • Tamil: ஆற்றுமேலழகி arrumelalaki • Urdu: کلاهل kulahal


Gujarati name(s) of Verbascum chinense : 5 posts by 3 authors.

Please help with Gujarati name(s) of Verbascum chinense in native script.
I found kalhar, kolhala, kutki listed in Biological Diversity of Gujarat [PDF]
kalhar could be કલહાર OR કલાર – both entries found in Gujarati Lexicon
kolhala could be rather કુલાહલ kulahal – એક જાતનું વૃક્ષ – entry found in Gujarati Lexicon
kutki must be કુટકી kutki – this name is used in Marathi too.

Sorry for not being able to reply earlier. In Gujarati, this plant is known by two variants of the same name – કલાર and કલહાર. In Kachchhi, it is known as અડબાઉ મૂરી.
Kulāhala is the Sanskrit name of this plant. In Gujarati, the name કુટકી seems to have been appropriated to refer to the Ayurvedic medicinal plant Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. One of the descriptions of કુટકી in the Gujarati Lexicon suggests as much.

Thank you very very much … Will update the Kachchi name to names’ database soon.

Id from Chandigarh 17-09-2017 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Habit- small herb, leaves slightly lobed margin
Habitat- along roadside
location- Chandigarh
Date- 14-09-2017

Verbascum chinense


Clicked this shrub by the roadside in front on the Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park, Jodhpur, RJ in March 2018.
Is this Verbascum chinense or anything else?
Requested to please ID.

I too think this is Verbascum chinense, … 

Verbascum chinense : Attachments (5)
Date:- 27-06-2018
Place:- Kinhi, Parner, A.Nagar (MS)
Habitat:- Wild.

Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau [Scrophulariaceae].

in Pachgani in June 2008; at yeoor, near Thane- Feb.’09?; in the dry stream bed of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai- Feb.’09?; 19th Feb., 2009- Yeoor Forest Range, SGNP, Mumbai; From Nahan in June 2008; 
ID request of herb from Pakistan : 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (9)
Its a plant from Jhok Reserve forest, Lahore Pakistan near river ravi. Please identify the plant.

Looks like Verbascum species to me.

Yes, Verbascum chinense…!!

24th of October, 2008- Kodaikanal- 2100 meters;  Request for ID: 070310-AK-3 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Mahabaleshwar, MH :: Verbascum chinense :: ARK2020-077 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- around 650 kb each.
Verbascum chinense
Seen in Mahabaleshwar, MH in March 2020.

Catalogue of life gives Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau as a syn. of Verbascum coromandelianum subsp. sinense (L.) D. Mc Kean with distribution as China (Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan), Pakistan (Sind, Pakistani Punjab, Rawalpindi, N.W.Frontier Prov., Peshawar), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir).
POWO gives Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau with native range is Afghanistan to S. China and Indo-China (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, India, Laos, Thailand, West Himalaya)
POWO also gives Verbascum coromandelianum subsp. sinense with native to China South-Central.
Catalogue of life also gives Verbascum coromandelianum subsp. coromandelianum with distribution as Afghanistan (Kandahar), ?Pakistan, India, Myanmar [Burma] (Ayeyarwady, Bago, Mandalay, Yangon), NE-Thailand, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh.
POWO gives Verbascum coromandelianum with native range is E. & SE. Afghanistan to Myanmar (Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka).
We have mainly only two species in India as per details at Verbascum
(V. chinense and V.thapsus)
Can anybody help in clearing this confusion? What should be the status of our V.chinense?

Flora of China mentions Verbascum chinense (Linnaeus) Santapau (syn: Scrophularia chinensis Linnaeus; Celsia coromandeliana Vahl; Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze; V. sinense H. Léveillé & Giraud).
I could not find any clue on searching the net

there are many such problems with closely related species on different databases. Therefore, I consult only POWO at present.

POWO is not the ultimate solution. Catalogue of Life is far ahead in many families, particularly those which are not there in WCSP from Kew.
Both needs to consulted simultaneously where species are not listed in WCSP.
However, any inputs in this matter.

You are right, … But the confusion arises when one data base considers some species as accepted and the other as a synonym of some other name.

Flora of China mentions Verbascum chinense (Linnaeus) Santapau (syn: Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze), while POWO reports both of them (Verbascum chinense (Linnaeus) Santapau & Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze)) as independent species.
We do not know the difference between the two.

Verbascum chinense is what was described in Flora of British India as Celsia coromandelianum

Differences are so obvious
V. thapsus: stamens 5, basal leaves not divided, cauline strongly decurrent, densely woolly
V. chinensis: stamens 4, basal leaves lyrate-pinnatifid, cauline not decurrent, not densely woolly.
The species are well represented on Flowers of India

I am asking for the difference between Verbascum chinense (Linnaeus) Santapau & Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze.
Flora of China mentions Verbascum chinense (Linnaeus) Santapau (syn: Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze), while POWO reports both of them (Verbascum chinense (Linnaeus) Santapau & Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze)) as independent species.

Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Kuntze as understood as distinct species is described in FBI as V. celsioides Benth. It will have 5 stamens but sometimes 4 (hence confusion), lower leaves are pinnatisect , 4-6 inch long (lyrate-pinnatifid, 2-4 inch long in chinense), pedicels 12-20 mm long (only 4-8 mm long in Chinense), filaments woolly (hairy in chinense)
All three are described in FBI, we can always find from there.

Thanks a lot, … I will look at our observations based on this.

Here is the description from FBI as per IBIS Flora:
Benth, in DC. Prodr. x. 229 ; glandular-pubescent, lower leaves pinnatisect, upper auricled cordate acuminate, flowers racemose.
KUMAON ; at the foot of the hills, Edgeworth. The PUNJAB ; at Hussan, Aitchison.
Stem 2-3 ft. Leaves 4-6 in., sessile or petioled, irregularly toothed and lobulate. Flowers in a long loose raceme ; bracts ovate-lanceolate ; pedicels 1/2-3/4 in. Sepals oblong, obtuse. Corolla 1/2 in. diam. Stamens 4-5 ; filaments woolly.—This species, being sometimes tetrandrous, unites Verbascum with Celsia.
Vahl Symb. iii. 79 ; finely pubescent or tomentose, glandular above, root-leaves petioled lyrate-pinnatifid, cauline sessile oblong-ovate toothed, racemes simple or panicled, sepals entire or toothed. Benth, in DC. Prodr. x. 246 ; Roxb. Fl, Ind. iii. 100 ; Wall. Cat. 2631 ; Wight Ill. t. 165, bis f. 1, right hand, and Ic. t. 1406 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 176 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, iv. 358. C. viscosa, Roth Catal. Bot. ii. 69, and iii. 50 ; Wight in Hook. Journ. Bot: i. (1834) 228, t. 129 ; Nees in Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. 81, in part.
Throughout INDIA ; from the Punjab to Ceylon and Pegu, ascending to 5000 ft.— DISTRIB. Affghanistan, Ava, China.      
Annual. Stem 2-3 ft., stout or slender. Leaves 2-4 in., the large terminal lobe usually oblong, obtuse, toothed. Raceme 1-2 ft. ; pedicels 1/4-1/3 in. ; bracts ovate, shorter. Sepals oblong or ovate. Corolla 1/2 in. diam., yellow. Filaments all hairy. Capsule subglobose, 1/4-1/3 in. diam.
Vahl, Symb. Bot. v. 3 (1794) p. 79. An annual herb ; stem 2-3 ft. high, hairy, often branched near the top. Leaves : radical 2-4 by 3/4-1.1/2 in., on long petioles, lyrate, compound or pinnatisect, with several small leaflets or segments at the base and a large ovate-oblong subacute terminal lobe ; lower cauline leaves similar but smaller, and with shorter petioles ; upper cauline leaves gradually becoming smaller and sessile, passing into bracts, all coarsely dentate, more or less hairy on both sides. Flowers yellow, in simple or branched terminal racemes 1-2 ft. long ; rhachis glandular-pubescent ; pedicels longer than the calyx, glandular-pubescent ; bracts (or floral leaves) foliaceous, ovate, acute, sessile, gradually becoming smaller upwards. Calyx rather less than 1/4 in. long, deeply divided, glandular-pubescent ; lobes 1/6 in. long, linear-oblong, subacute. Corolla rotate, 1/2 in. in diam. ; lobes 5, rounded. Filaments densely bearded with purple hairs. Ovary globose, glabrous ; style glabrous. Capsules 1/4-1/3 in. in diam., subglobose. Seeds 1/50 in. long, oblong, truncate, warted. Fl. B. I. v. 4, p. 251 ; Dalz. & Gibs. p. 176 ; Wight, Icon. t. 1406 ; Aitch. Pb. & Sind Pl. p. 105 ; Trim. Fl. Ceyl. v. 3, p. 240 ; Woodr, in Journ. Bomb. Nat. v. 12 (1898) p. 174 ; Watt, Dict. Econ. Prod. v. 2, p. 241. Celsia Arcturus, Grah. Cat. p. 141 (not of Jacq.).—Flowers : Jan.-May. VERN. Kutaki. Konkan : Law ! Deccan ; waste places, Dalzell & Gibson ; Poona, Cooke !, Wood¬row ! ; Raighar Fort, Dalzell & Gibson. Gujarat : Woodrow. Sind : Stocks ! — Distrib. Throughout India ; Ceylon, Afghanistan, Ava, China. The plant has some repute in native medicine. See Watt, Dict. Econ. Prod. l. c.
Even from the above, I am not able to bifurcate our posts at Verbascum chinense.
May I request you to have a look at Verbascum chinense and point out one post which is different from others?

Verbascum from Kodaikanal2008; and from verbascum from Nahan (few images look different from typical V.chinense)


Plant for ID : Nasik : 17JAN21 : AK-13: 3 images.
A wild plant seen in a farm.

Verbascum coromandelianum subsp. sinense (L.) Mc Kean ??
Syn : Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau

Thanks for the id. Verbascum came to my mind as well.


ID Help: yellow brassica-ish weed: 3 images.

Black soil

Verbascum chinensis


Verbascum for id: 1 high res. iamges.
Request for I’d of Verbascum from Bilaspur. Photographed in March 2022.

Check with Verbascum chinense


Regarding identification of the species, Dhenkanal Odisha: 5 high res. images.

Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Hub.-Mor.  Syn : Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau Verbascum chinense (L.) H. L. Li

Yes, appears close as per images at


Regarding identification of the species, Dhenkanal Odisha: 5 high res. images.
Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Hub.-Mor. Syn : Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau Verbascum chinense (L.) H. L. Li

Yes, appears close as per images at

Verbascum chinense


I’d please: 1 image.
Location udaipur

The erect, tall plant is likely to be Verbascum chinensis, the ground covering one is Grangea maderaspatana..

Yes, appears close to images at


Identify Kota Rajasthan: (Mixed thread): 1 high res. image.

Verbascum chinense (Linnaeus) Santapau



POWO  Catalogue of Life (Verbascum coromandelianum subsp. sinense (L.) D. Mc Kean) The Plant List Ver.1.1  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Flora of peninsular India Chinese Mullein

Updated on February 2, 2025

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