Veronica campylopoda

Veronica campylopoda Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. 4: 80 (1844) (syn: Veronica biloba Bourg. ex Boiss. ; Veronica biloba var. minima K.Koch ; Veronica hallbergii Blatt. ; Veronica microtheca Boiss. & Balansa ; Veronica minima (K.Koch) K.Koch );
E. Medit. to W. China and W. Himalaya: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Lebanon-Syria, North Caucasus, Pakistan, Palestine, Sinai, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, Xinjiang as per POWO;

Veronica campylopoda from Kunzar Kashmir-GS30042023: 5 images- 4 high res.
Veronica campylopoda Boiss.

The species is very similar and often confused with V. biloba, but can be differentiated as under:
1. Calyx lobes narrower (nearly 1.6 mm broad in fruit), pedicel in fruit distinctly recurved with nodding capsules, capsule covered with long hairs, some gland-tipped,lobes separated almost to the base (united for less than 0.5 mm), style 1-1.5 mm long, seeds transversally rugose, 8-14 per capsule …….V. campylopoda
1. Calyx lobes broader (2-4 mm broad in fruit), pedicel in fruit spreading, capsule not nodding, puberulent usually without gland-tipped hairs, separated 1/2 to 2/3 (united 0.5-1 mm at base), style 0,5-0,8 mm long, seeds obscurely rugose, less than 8 per capsule ……… V. biloba
Sharing images from Kunzar, alt, 2000 m, Kashmir, 14-5-2012

Yes, appears close to images at


Veronica campylopoda from Srinagar Kashmir-GS30042023-2: 5 high res. images.
Veronica campylopoda Boiss.

As explained in another post, the species is very similar and often confused with V. biloba, but can be differentiated as under:
1. Calyx lobes narrower (nearly 1.6 mm broad in fruit), pedicel in fruit distinctly recurved with nodding capsules, capsule covered with long hairs, some gland-tipped,lobes separated almost to the base (united for less than 0.5 mm), style 1-1.5 mm long, seeds transversally rugose, 8-14 per capsule …….V. campylopoda
1. Calyx lobes broader (2-4 mm broad in fruit), pedicel in fruit spreading, capsule not nodding, puberulent usually without gland-tipped hairs, separated 1/2 to 2/3 (united 0.5-1 mm at base), style 0,5-0,8 mm long, seeds obscurely rugose, less than 8 per capsule …… V. biloba 
Photographed from Hazuribagh, Srinagar, Kashmir, alt. 1600m

Yes, appears close to images at





POWO  Catalogue of Life  BSI Flora of India checklist  Flora of China  FOC illustration  India Biodiversity Portal Plantnet  Flora of Israel

Updated on December 23, 2024

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