Vigna stipulacea

Vigna stipulacea Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 212 1891.;
Keys between V.indica, V.trilobata, V.aconitifolia, V.stipulacea available at efi thread;


For Id 230708JM1 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
On the rocky terrain near Himmat Sagar Lake in Hyderabad on 20/7/08.

Possibly Vigna trilobata, if it is a small climber

I think your V. trilobata probably is V. stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntze. We have a wonderful document in this regard – efi thread. Just check and compare the stipule (and leaf) of your “Unided in Hyderabad I IMG_8078” pic (attached here a screenshot of part of your pic & plate of the said paper/doc).. For advance study you may find two more resources helpful-

Thanks, … I agree with you.

Stipules in your thread also look similar to V. stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntze as document in this regard at – efi thread
Pl. check up.


Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. from Hooghly:

Found this small herb in a wasteland.
Habit and Habitat : small wild herb, about 20 o 25 cm, prostrate-erect
Date : 31/7/12, 9.35 A.M.

Stipules in your thread also look similar to V. stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntze as document in this regard at – efi thread
Pl. check up.

Perhaps yes perhaps not. Stipule doesn’t look similar to your specimen. Yet as per distribution and peduncle length it should be V. stipulacea, as you suggest here. If I could photograph characters like bracts, bracteoles, seeds etc!

29032020EPT75 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) – around 600 kb each.

Location : Chennai outskirts
Date :18.01.2020
Elevation : 128 feet
Habitat : Dry open land
Habit : Short plant , Spreading on ground,

Vigna trilobata,

This is Vigna stipulacea, as per shape and nature of stipules.
Phaseolus trilobus : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images.
phaseolus trilobus found near river and black siol field edges at konanatambigi, Haveri in Karnataka

This is Vigna stipulacea, as per shape and nature of stipules.

Vigna trilobata : 3 posts by 2 authors. 5 images.

wild vigna trilobata
edges of fields in Konanatambigi village, Haveri taluka
black soil and near riverside
flowering and pod form august onwards

Thanks, … Wonderful presentation.

This is Vigna stipulacea, as per shape and nature of stipules.

Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Vigna trilobata for validation :: Nagpur :: NS OCT 139/139 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
This prostrate legume was seen growing in a University Campus at Nagpur..
I hope this can be Vigna trilobata ..please correct me, if not so..!!

I also think so.

May be Vigna stipulacea ? in view of discussions in the thread.

Vigna stipulacea

I feel Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. only as per images herein.


Flower for ID: 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
A very small herb (grass?) flowering profusely and acting as a nice perch for small butterflies. Images from Kolkata, taken today. ID help appreciated.

Vigna trilobata (Fabaceae family). Butterfly would be Indian Cupid.
Not only a good perch but also a source of honey.

May be Vigna stipulacea ? in view of discussions in the thread.


Vigna stipulacea: 3 images- 1 non jpg
Sending here some photographs of Vigna stipulacea, Fabaceae 
Clicked near Aurangabad MH on September 16,2021 Aurangabad MH

I have a doubt.
Is Vigna stipulacea and V. trilobata one and the same
If not could anyone please help me to know the difference between these two species

They are different.
I will be sending you the publication for personal use.

Sending you the publication for your personal use.

Small Climber for ID : Nasik : 07DEC21 : AK – 07: 4 images.
Seen today (7.12.21) in a marshy land.

Fabaceae !

Probably Vigna Species.

But the leaves were unusual.

Vigna aconitifolia I hope

Yes May be.

It’s Vigna trilobata,

Yes, the leaves seem to be close to your suggested Species.

Yes … is right
2 (1)  Three lobes per leaflet, central lobe oblong to spathulate     Vigna trilobata
+  Generally more than three lobes per leaflet                                    Vigna aconitifolia

Maybe Vigna stipulacea Kuntze rather than Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc.
Pl. post high res. images to check the details.

To me, the leaves are matching with images under Vigna trilobata on Eflora.
I am having a slow connection and unable to attach the high resolution images.

Will do at the earliest.

Tried a number of times since morning, out of 6 MB, only 2/3rd of the picture is getting downloaded in Gmail attachment.
Hence unable to send the originals.
2 high res. images.

Vigna triloba as I wrote earlier

I too agree with Vigna trilobata.

This is Vigna stipulacea, as per publication attached in Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Fwd: PlANT FOR ID 146 SMP OCT 09

The leaves look different in … post.

Pl. see the publication in the … post.

Ok … I will go through.


I’d of a herb regd.: 2 images.
I am now based at Hyderabad, doing greening activities at Kanha Shantivanam. Happen to saw wild growth of the herbs, attached herewith for identification.

Check Vigna.

Check with Vigna radiata !

Clear images of the leaves are required for confirmation.

Vigna stipulacea correct.





The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved) IPNI  EOL  The Asian Vigna: Genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis genetic resources By Norihiko Tomooka, D. Vaughan, Helen Moss, Nigel Maxted (2012- details with illustration)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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