Vigna trilobata

Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. (syn: Dolichos trilobatus L.; Phaseolus trilobatus (L.) Schreb.; Phaseolus trilobatus (L.) Baill.; Phaseolus trilobus sensu auct.; Phaseolus trilobus Aiton; Vigna trilobata var. trilobata );
India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh; Assam ; Bihar ; Delhi ; Gujarat ; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu-Kashmir; Karnataka ; Kerala; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra ; Manipur ; Mizoram ; Nagaland ; Orissa ; Pondicherry; Punjab ; Rajasthan ; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu ; Tripura ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal & other countries as per ILDIS;
Keys between V.indica, V.trilobata, V.aconitifolia, V.stipulacea available at efi thread;

Twiners, pilose. Leaflets to 3.5 x 2.5 cm, apex obtuse, acute, pilose, basally tri-nerved; petiole 7 cm long, stipule 8 mm, oblong, acute, stipels 3 mm, linear. Racemes axillary, to 15 cm; flowers yellow; bracts 7 mm, lanceolate; calyx tube 1.5 mm, campanulate, lobes 5, 0.5 mm, ovate; corolla 4 mm long; keel 6 x 2 mm, curved, produced to a beak; staminal tube to 4 mm; ovary to 5 mm, pubescent, style curved, bearded at the apex, stigma oblique. Pod 4 x 0.2 cm, terete, puberulus.

Flowering and fruiting: July-December
Rocky areas in dry and moist deciduous forests
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Fwd: PlANT FOR ID 146 SMP OCT 09:
A climber Pune 4th Oct 09. Growing wild for ID
Lobed leaves. Flower indicate to be from Fabaceae

Vigna aconitifolia.

I hope Vigna trilobata

Agreed … It was slip of my memory…Thanks for the correction.

Vigna aconitifolia as per another thread

Yes it is Vigna trilobata.

Please refer the attached paper, It can be V. indica
earlier it was V. trilobata var pusila

So the confusion still remains…..

A reply from another thread on … similar posted plant:
“The original plant posted may be Vigna indica T.M. Dixit, K.V. Bhat & S.R. Yadav. Please have a look at

Yes, it is Vigna trilobata as per stipules as per publication details in this post, as stated by …


ID Request 210913SG-A : Attachments (2). 15 posts by 7 authors.
Please help identify following herb found in wild.
Photographed 14Sep13, at Dhavlas, Maharashtra.

It could be Vigna aconitifolia

Yes it is the same which I had posted. Vigna trilobata. It is present at around this time of the year at many places around Pune.

I don’t think the posted plant is V. trilobata.
In V. aconitifolia the lobes are narrow, lateral lobes nearly as long as the terminal or again lobed.
In V trilobaba the lobes are broad, lateral lobes much shorter than the terminal lobe.
(Ref: Flora of the Indian Desert by M. M. Bhandari)
With the pics available we can’t see details of the calyx.
I believe that the leaves of V. trilobata look more like the images you see if you do a Google search for the same.

Thanks for the feedback …
I remember we had similar discussion when I had posted the pictures. Both these IDs were there in the discussion. Will have to check the details as you have clearly mentioned. Thanks again for putting your valuable inputs.

I have recently seen this plant in Rajasthan and was able to check the characters.
You can look at your Pune plants. See if the racemes are capitate, penduncles long, hairy like the stem. Bracteoles linear, with setaceous, ciliated tips protruding beyond the buds. Calyx 4-5 mm long, tube 1.5mm long, teeth setaceaous, hairy.
In V. trilobata the calyx is broadly campanulate with very short teeth, deltoid and hairy.
Will definitely do so and reply back.

Posting a Vigna creeper with 3-partite leaves which I feel is also V. aconitifolia, for group’s scrutiny.

The original plant posted may be Vigna indica T.M. Dixit, K.V. Bhat & S.R. Yadav. Please have a look at

Based on Radha’s inputs and the Rheeda article I can now confirm my plant’s id posted on this thread earlier to be Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal.
I always look forward to your posts …, for the effort and substance you put into each of them and it needs to be publicly acknowledged and appreciated.
In my earlier post on this thread I had said, ‘…which I feel is also V. aconitifolia…‘ as I was following a different set of keys – not as expanded as the Rheeda article.

…, your plant agrees (I think) in the floral characters with V. aconitifolia. What bothers me is the extreme hairiness of the young pod, and the unlobed leaflets. The fruit according to Flora of Pakistan is supposed to be pubescent when young, becoming glabrous. And the leaflets should be lobed, including the lateral leaflets, according to Bhandari.
The Rheedea article throws a spanner in the works and I feel the need for more study with these plants!  The more I learn the more I realise there is so much more to discover.
When possible I will try to post my pics of what I thought was V. aconitifolia.

Agree with you and share your thoughts … , a lot of hard work seems to have gone into the Rheeda article; Will wait for your post and comment later.

It is Vigna trilobata as per stipules and publication details in Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Fwd: PlANT FOR ID 146 SMP OCT 09


A climber Pune 4th Oct 09. Growing wild for ID
Lobed leaves. Flower indicate to be from Fabaceae

Please see in Vigna….

Check for Phaseolus sublobatus or Vigna sublobata

Vigna aconitifolia

What about Trigonella foenum-graecum L. ?

Vigna aconitifolia I suppose
leaflets deeply lobed, spreading hairy, central leaflet with more than 3 lobes.

It is not Trigonella foenum-graecum as the inflorescence are longer in this plant. generally Trigonella foenum-graecum inflorescence is shorter.
This is Vigna aconitifolia commonly called as “Moth Bean” because of the hairs.

it is Vigna triloba——-Fabaceae
commonly observed it in Osmanabad, Aurangabad, Solapur during Monsoon.

Identified as Vigna trilobata as per another thread by … & …: efi thread

Finally identified as Vigna aconitifolia as per another thread

A reply from another thread on … similar posted plant:
“The original plant posted may be Vigna indica T.M. Dixit, K.V. Bhat & S.R. Yadav. Please have a look at

It is Vigna trilobata as per stipules and publication details in Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Fwd: PlANT FOR ID 146 SMP OCT 09


Vigna sp for id : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors.
This trailing/climbing plant was seen in Jaiselmer district, Rajasthan in Sept 2013.
Can anyone please convince me it is not Vigna aconitifolia?

It is I think

If you go according to MR Almeida’s keys it is Vigna aconitifolia (vol2, pg 152) and the matter ends.
If you go by the keys in the Rheeda paper (pasted below) depending on whether you consider your leaflets to be ‘linear to lanceolate’ or ‘ rounded to elliptic’ additional possibilities come into play only if you feel leaflets belong to latter category ie. rounded to elliptic. [Assumption: Bracteoles distinctly longer than calyx, if as long as calyx then flowers golden yellow with horn-like keel pocket; seeds ellipsoidal with rounded ends]
3. Lobes of leaflets linear to lanceolate; seeds without well developed aril having only cushion; hilum not protruding …….……… V. aconitifolia
3. Lobes of leaflets rounded to elliptic or spathulate; seeds with well developed aril having both cushion and rim, if rim is inconspicuos then hilum protruding …………. 4
4. Keel tip dull, with purplish tinge; opening at keel tip distinctly oblique and transversely elliptic up to 1.5 mm long; hilum lanceolate to linear ……..
V. stipulacea
4. Keel tip yellow, without purplish tinge; opening at keel tip scarcely oblique and rounded up to
0.7 mm long; hilum orbicular …….. V. trilobata

The study area of the Rheeda paper covers entire India and Rajasthan in particular.
I am also attaching image of seeds from my plant which was ‘ellipsoid with rounded ends’ and so I could say my plant was V. aconitifolia as per Rheeda article keys also.

thank you for your detailed study and thoughtful comments. I too enjoy going through your posts.

I think it is close to images at Vigna indica T.M.Dixit, K.V.Bhat & S.R.Yadav

It is Vigna trilobata as per stipules and publication details in Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Fwd: PlANT FOR ID 146 SMP OCT 09



For Id 140609Jm2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(3)
Taken on 28/4/09 at Amravati, A.P.seen growing on a narrow pathway.

your plant may be Vigna sp, from Fabaceae family, I am not very sure, it is a wild guess

Please check with some Vigna sp..member of Fabaceae.

It has certain resemblance with records of Vigna indica in efi.

In this thread there are three images, none showing details of plant parts needed to identify a Vigna to species level. However, much lobed leaflets and “oblong stipules (in pic – For Id1 in Amaravati, AP I2 IMG_8080)” suggest it may be Vigna triloba (L.) Verdc., if it is at all a Vigna as suggested by …

It is Vigna trilobata as per stipules and publication details in Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Fwd: PlANT FOR ID 146 SMP OCT 09

Seen this creeper at Malhargad near Pune in September 2020.
It resembles Vigna indica on eFI.
Requested to kindly validate.

Vigna trilobata

Thanks, … It is Vigna indica only and not Vigna trilobata as per details herein and as per comparative images at Vigna

Agree with …

It is Vigna trilobata as per stipules and publication details in Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Fwd: PlANT FOR ID 146 SMP OCT 09

It is Vigna trilobata as earlier suggested by … and as per stipules and publication details in Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Fwd: PlANT FOR ID 146 SMP OCT 09


About Vigna trilobata:
Reposting a message from Sandhya Harihar Ji, with a subject:
i am trying to find about medicinal plants which are used in ayurvedic preparation
vigna tribolta

I think you mean to say Vigna trilobata. Pl. check the details at Vigna trilobata

about phiselous tribolata or vigna tribolta:
if any one can tell me about phiselous tribolata or vigna tribolta its seeds for ayurveda we are looking for availabiltuy

Check this website, where it is available:


Plant ID help SD166: 2 high res. images
Please help with plant ID. Clicked in Viratnagar, Rajasthan on 17th Sept, 2021

Please check Vigna !

Yes, pl. check

I think Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc., as per stipules and keys at efi thread


Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  ILDIS  GBIF  Factsheet  FAO  Florabase  Flora of China  Flora of Pakistan  FOP illustration  India Biodiversity Portal  Useful Tropical Plants  An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew

Updated on December 24, 2024

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