Weigela florida (Bunge) A. DC., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2, 11: 241 1839. (syn: Calysphyrum floridum Bunge; (≡) Diervilla florida (Bunge) Siebold & Zucc.);
W. florida: calyx divided up to middle, lobes lanceolate, leaves glabrous above, corolla suddenly contracted below middle W. hortensis: calyx divided up to base with linear segments, leaves pubescent above, corolla suddenly contracted above middle. You may check your specimens for these. Weigela hortensis or Weigela florida Kindly help with species ID Shimla June 2014 Yes … Cultivated a lot in Kashmir. Thank you, Sir. We only have Weigela hortensis (with images) in efi posted by … i from Kashmir. …, plant appears close to the one posted by … i except for slight variation in colour. Weigels florida and W. hortensis are two distinct species (We should not pay much attention to Unresolved name listing in the Plant List. W. florida: calyx divided up to middle, lobes lanceolate, leaves glabrous above, corolla suddenly contracted below middle W. hortensis: calyx divided up to base with linear segments, leaves pubescent above, corolla suddenly contracted above middle. You may check your specimens for these. Thank you very much for detailed and easy to use key to the species of Weigela. Species 2. It was with slightly darker shade. It appears W. hortensis as calyx lobes are linear and divided up to the base. Attachments (2) Somehow to me both look like the same References: |
Weigela florida
Updated on December 24, 2024