Zanthoxylum armatum DC., Prodr. 1: 727 1824. (syn: Fagara alata var. tomentosa M.Hiroe, Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb., Zanthoxylum arenosum Reeder & S.Y.Cheo, Zanthoxylum armatum var. subtrifoliatum (Franch.) Kitam., Zanthoxylum bungei Hance, Zanthoxylum hostile Wall., Zanthoxylum planispinum Siebold & Zucc., Zanthoxylum violaceum Wall.);
. Indian Subcontinent to Temp. E. Asia and Malesia: Assam, Bangladesh, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO; . Common name: Winged Prickly Ash, Prickly ash, Tumbru, Toothache Tree, Tejbal, Yellow wood, Suterberry • Adi: Hokum • Hindi: तेजफल Tejphal, Darmar, Tumru, Timroo, Trimal • Manipuri: ꯃꯨꯛꯊ꯭ꯔꯨꯕꯤ মুক্থ্ৰূবী Mukthrubi • Tamil: तिमुर Timur • Telugu: Konda-Kasimi • Kannada: ಜಿಮ್ಮೀ Jimmi • Nepali: टिमुर Timur • Mizo: Arhrikreh • Angami: Ganya .
Rutaceae week: Zanthoxylum sp. from Chakrata-2011: Yes …. Zanthoxylum armatum ‘Timur’ the fruits used in tooth paste as it possess astringent activity Genus Zanthoxylum I suppose has leaflets more than 3 and is a highly armed plant. Rutaceae Week: Zanthoxylum armatum DC.from Chakrata area and Yamuna Nagar: syn: Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb.
Common name: winged prickly ash
Hindi: Timar
Photographed from Chakrata area and Herbal Garden, Yamuna Nagar
Rutaceae Week: Zanthoxylum armatum from TDL Herbal Park Yamuna Nagar: |
Zanthoxylum armatum ABMAR01/01 : 5 posts by 3 authors
Last Wednesday I drove down to the lower town of Dharamshala with a friend to attend a local wedding feast. I stopped en route to photograph apricot and semal blossoms (which I will share here in due course) when my friend pointed me to a thorny shrub like tree. He said that it was called Tirmira in the local dialect and its fruit was used in chutneys and the wood in making pestles. Smaller twigs are also used as datun toothbrush (like that of neem and keekar). Later I found out that a species belonging to this genus gives the Szechuan Pepper. I am familiar with the Chinese spice but am yet to taste the local variety. I will update when I lay my hands on flower/fruit in season. It’s various culinary/medicinal uses are listed here;
Zanthoxylum armatum—Winged Prickly-Ash, Toothache Tree, Tirmir, Tirmira
25 February, 2016
Dharamshala, HP, 1500m approximately
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Winged compound leaves;
Empty dry pods;
Wonderful, photographs and details. Nice pictures …, I hope you will get the flowers in April-May..!! Thank you … I will be looking out for them. wonderful write up
do they have any special ethnic use for the thorns? (bengalis use the seemul tree (Bombax ceiba) thorns in wound healing) Thank you … I am not sure if locals put the prickles to any use but will ask around. How does one use Semul prickles to heal wounds? they make chandan like paste and put on wounds Excellent write-up & equally well supported with images! This is a host plant of Papilio polytes, common mormon butterfly !
May I format these images for IFB ? eager to see images of flowers. what is IFB? Its Indian Foundation for Butterflies (IFB), here are the links—— Nice informative post. This plant grows in wild along nallahs. It is a very useful plant as its seeds and bark are used in Ayurvedic medicines.
I remember that its stem (freshly cut) is used for making chutnys in regions of Jammu (towards Poonch) as the juices add fragrance and tinge. And its seeds are also added in chutneys to give it a tinge. Seeds are available in local markets. Its datun is used to control vaat (Baay). In this region it is called “Timmber“.
Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 19 May 2017 Altitude: 4000 ft.
I also feel it to be close to images at Zanthoxylum armatum & as per the following: SK910 26 DEC-2017:ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: Chautara, Nepal
Date: 16 December 2017
Altitude: 5600 ft.
Zanthoxylum armatum DC. ?? I think you are right … .
Zanthoxylum armatum: as always i am asking you all about the where about of a plant. its Zanthoxylum armatum. can i find it in punjab and the surrounding areas of Chandigarh. Here is a link Ayurvedic medicinal plants . Flora of Haryana: Zanthoxylum armatum from TDL Herbal Park Yamuna Nagar Haryana:
Zanthoxylum armatum from TDL Herbal Park Yamuna Nagar Haryana Nice pix … showing different characters of the plant, in Himaya near Joshimath on way to Badrinath it sold as timaru stick, one of the usefull plant is traditional medicine, SK1173 04 JUNE 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around 700 kb each.
Location : Lava, Kalimpong, India
Date : 11 May 2018
Elevation : 7000 ft.
Habit : Wild
Zanthoxylum armatum DC. ??
To me also appear close to images at Zanthoxylum armatum SK2028 05 July 2019 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- Around 750 kb each.
Location: Pharping, Kathmandu
Date: 24 June 2019
Elevation: 1370 m.
Habit : Wild
Zanthoxylum armatum DC. ?>?
Efi page available at To me also appears close to images at Zanthoxylum armatum
. .
Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 1382 m.
Date: 29 August 2021
Habit : Wild Winged prickly ash. Very useful medicinal plant.
Prickly Ash is used in many chronic problems such a rheumatism and skin diseases; chilblains, cramp in the leg, varicose veins and varicose ulcers. It is also used for low blood pressure, fever, and inflammation. Externally it may be used as a stimulation liniment for rheumatism and fibrositis. It has a stimulating effect upon the lymphatic system, circulation and mucous membranes. 010112:Tree for ID from Meghalaya: Please ID following tree species….
Photographed from : Experimental Botanical Garden, UMIYAM, Near Barapani Dam, Shillong
Date: 11th Nov. 2012,
Habitat: Cultivated (plant of evergreen forest)
Habit: A small tree
Leaves: with broadly winged, foliaceous petiole, trifoliate.
Flowers not seen
Fruits: scarlet to yellow coloured, rounded to elliptic 0.5 x 0.5 cm.
…, Botanist from Garden, told me the name of this plant but somehow I forgot. He also added this plant species is highly medicinal. sorry cant tell you what it is but this poor thing itself seems to be infected or deficient in some minerals.. Ohhh….finally the puzzle of my mind got solved….Thanks to … I have written earlier it is endemic but its not. I think it is Zanthoxylum armatum DC. rather than Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. as per keys in BSI Flora of India. .
Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu
Date: 29 May 2023
Elevation: 1400 m.
Habit : Cultivated
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Zanthoxylum armatum
Updated on December 24, 2024