Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight, Ill. Ind. Bot. 1: 169 169 1839. (Syn: Fagara dimorphophylla f. unifoliolata E. Pritz.; Fagara rubiginosa Reeder & S.Y.Cheo (unresolved); Zanthoxylum acanthopodium var. deminutum (Rehder) Reeder & S.Y. Cheo; Zanthoxylum dimorphophyllum Hemsl.; Zanthoxylum dimorphophyllum var. deminutum Rehder; Zanthoxylum pistaciiflorum Hayata; Zanthoxylum robiginosum (Reeder & S.Y. Cheo) C.C. Huang);
. Tropical Asia to NE. Queensland: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Lesser Sunda Is., Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Queensland as per POWO; . India: Evergreen forests up to 1500 m altitude. W. Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andaman & Nicobar Islands; Myanmar, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Papua & New Guinea as per BSI Flora of India; .
zan-THOK-sil-um or zan-tho-ZY-lum — yellow wood … Dave’s Botanary o-val-ee-FOH-lee-um — oval leaf … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: little yellow wood, oval-leaf yellow wood, thorny yellow wood • Kannada: ಅರಮಾದಲು aramadalu • Khasi: diang-sinualh, diang-shih, tew-kalong • Telugu: రిజాయి rijayi .
Rutaceae Week_RVS2_Zanthoxylum ovalifolium; No doubt this is Zanthoxylum ovalifolium A new one for me… but I can easily see the family resemblance … seems to have a shared three leaflet arrangement of those in Limonia and Bael trees …
Dear friends, please help with ID. Many thanks to … at facebook for the ID: Zanthoxylum ovalifolium. Supporting … . Names of Plants in India :: Telugu name of Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight : 2 posts by 1 author. Many thanks to … for providing the name rijayi (రిజాయి) in Telugu script. . Names of Plants in India :: Kannada names of Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight : 3 posts by 1 author.
please help in validating the name armadalu of Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight; will be glad to get it in native script. Reference: ENVIS – FRLHT.
Another name is gimmy mara mentioned in CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants. Hoping to get this name too in native script. Is the name ಜಿಮ್ಮಿ ಮರ jimmy mara shared by species of Zanthoxylum (including Z. ovalifolium) ? ಅರಮಾದಲು aramadalu … Many thanks to … for providing the name in Kannada script.
The name ಜಿಮ್ಮಿ ಮರ jimmi mara is not valid for Zanthoxylum ovalifolium. . Names of Plants in India :: Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight : 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
via Species > Z >
Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight … family: Rutaceae
zan-THOK-sil-um or zan-tho-ZY-lum — yellow wood … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: little yellow wood, oval-leaf yellow wood, thorny yellow wood • Kannada: ಅರಮಾದಲು aramadalu • Khasi: diang-sinualh, diang-shih, tew-kalong • Telugu: రిజాయి rijayi botanical names: Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight … synonyms: no synonym known … homonym: Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Tutcher …Tropicos ANAPR14 Please identify this tree : 13 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
This was an interesting short tree from an evergreen forest.
I would like to know the genus it belongs too, if species is not possible.
Family: Rutaceae Date: 5th April 2015 Place: Agumbe, Karnataka Habit: Tree Could this be Toddalia sp by any chance.. Thank you sir. Is there any species apart from Toddalia asiatica? I could also find Toddalia bilocularis W. & A. (but it is not clear if this is the accepted name or Vepris bilocularis Engl.). Pl. see Toddalia I can confirm that the 2 names Toddalia bilocularis W. & A. and Vepris bilocularis Engl. are synonyms, Vepris bilocularis Engl. being the preferred name. I have not covered these 2 genera in the MMPND yet. …, I am uncertain. Do I take it as Vepris bilocularis? … doesn’t actually mention if its being confirmed if the plant is Vepris bilocularis or not. The image shows simple leaf. If you are sure its Rutaceae (aromatic leaves ?) and it had long spines, you could check against Atalantia .. Leaves are very much trifoliate. They tend to fall off easily and when the shrub was tugged at. Most likely not an Atalantia sp. yes, when I looked again one of the pictures also shows the trifoliate leaf.
It could be Zanthoxylum ovalifolium. Yes, It looks like Zanthoxylum ovalifolium .
Pl. check A suggestion: Zanthoxylum ovalifolium ( Not sure. Yes, appears close to images at Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight Yes it is Zanthoxylum ovalifolium, dear …, (it had thorny stem, but not in leaves) thank you very much for ID my plant,
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Zanthoxylum ovalifolium
Updated on December 24, 2024