Calvatia cyathiformis (Bosc) Morgan, 1890 (syn: Calvatia cyathiformis f. cyathiformis (Bosc) Morgan, 1890; Calvatia cyathiformis subsp. cyathiformis (Bosc) Morgan, 1890; Calvatia cyathiformis f. fragilis (Quél.) A. H. Sm., 1964; Calvatia cyathiformis subsp. fragilis (Quél.) Dring, 1964; Calvatia fragilis (Quél.) Morgan, 1890; Lycoperdon cyathiforme Bosc, 1811; Utraria fragilis Quél., 1886); Entre Ros; Ghana; Ivory Coast; Nigeria; Paraguay; Rio de Janeiro; Trinidad-Tobago; Western Australia as per Catalogue of Life;
As a gift to …, for his interest in the field of Fungi/mushroom and other flora, i am sending these pictures of mushrooms in separate mails. See the gill (will) power of this puffball mushroom, breaking open even rigid tar road, to see the world above soil. Taken by Suma at FRLHT campus in Bangalore. I respect it, while people like to kick it and play! Attachments (4) Thanks for the picture I really do admire the will power of Fungi and that’s why i love them, it is the outcome of this fact that fungi is an ubiquitous organism who dominated the planet earth for millions of years and several million to come. you can get hold of similar picture of where a mushroon has grown breaking down the asphalt in the book entitled as ” Introductory Mycology” by C.J Alexopoulos, C.W Mims and M. Blackwell ; 4th Edition Page no 520 photo courtesy M. Blackwell. Puffballs encompass the genera Calvatia, Calbovista, Lycoperdon. I think this may be Calvatia cyathiformis ? Calvatia cyathiformis from me too !! SK 2458 14 February 2020 – Mycophyta : 12 posts by 3 authors. 3 images- 3 to 4 mb each. Location : Suryabinayak Date: 09 August 2016 Elevation : 1500m. Habitat : Wild Pl. see Geastrum triplex Jungh This is little bigger in size, about 13-116 cm. Pl. also check Calvatia, Could it be Scleroderma ?? Looks different from Scleroderma OK. References: |
Calvatia cyathiformis ?
Updated on December 24, 2024