Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer, 1948 (syn: Agaricus annulatus Lightf., 1777; Agaricus annulatus var. annulatus Lightf., 1777; Agaricus annulatus var. excoriatus Lightf., 1777; Agaricus antiquatus Batsch, 1783; Agaricus colubrinus Bull., 1782; Agaricus colubrinus var. concentricus (Pers.) Pers., 1801; Agaricus colubrinus var. pantherinus Pers., 1801; Agaricus concentricus Pers., 1793; Agaricus procerus Scop., 1772 …; Agaricus squamosus Vill., 1789; Amanita procera (Scop.) Fr., 1836; Lepiota procera (Scop.) Gray, 1821; Lepiota procera var. albida Roum., 1879 …………; Lepiotophyllum procerum (Scop.) Locq., 1942; Leucocoprinus procerus (Scop.) Pat., 1900; Macrolepiota olivascens f. pseudo-olivascens (Bellù & Lanzoni) Hauskn. & Pidlich-Aigner, 2004; Macrolepiota procera f. crassipes Pázmány, 1989 ………..; Mastocephalus procerus (Scop.) Kuntze, 1891 (ambiguous synonym); Mastocephalus procerus (Scop.) Pat., 1900 (ambiguous synonym)) ? in view of confusion as per efi thread; Parasol Mushroom;
mushroom for id – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 2 images. i found this mushroom at khadakwasala dam road. … would this be Macrolepiota procera ? Some days back had posted similar mushroom, sighted at Lion’s point, Lonavala. Macrolepiota procera indeed … I identified your mushroom, turning to mycologist !!! I am very happy to see Looking at the colour of the pileus it can be Macrolepiota rhacodes (shaggy parasol). Pls confirm I also was not sure of the ID. One feature of Macrolepiota rhacodes (shaggy parasol) is that its stipe is slender, but bulbous at the base. The Foto doesn’t show tha base. Feature of Macrolepiota procera is that the ring is movable, It has a pleasant nutty smell. When sliced, the white flesh may turn a pale pink, don’t know if it is so. So can’t make up my mind. The base of the stipe is quite visible in the photo and its doesn’t show the characteristic bulbous nature which is a diagnostic character of Chlorophyllum rhacodes [or “Lepiota rhacodes” or “Macrolepiota rhacodes” in the past] another very important point to consider is the colour of the stipe in C rhacodes the stipe is completely white in colour and in Macrolepiota procera it is brown, the mushroom in the photo shown a brown colouration of the stipe. The stipe is much thicker in case of C rhacodes (2-3.5 cm) in contrast to M procera (0.5-1.5 cm). The scales on the cap in C rhacodes are much larger in size and nearly cover up the complete upper surface where as in M procera it is restricted to the central region of the cap mainly the marginal portions have scales which are tiny in size. A prominent central bump is visible in M procera absent in the other one. The moveable ring is visible in both the species hence cant be considered as a diagnostic character at all, but in C rhacodes the rig is much bigger in size. Hope this few points will help to discriminate between this two species. Hence this mushroom is Macrolepiota procera for me as it supports the character. DV – 03JUL10 – 1016 :: pizza mushroom – efloraofindia | Google Groups : Attachments (5) … mushroom for ID please. Date/Time : July 3, 2010 at 10.16am IST Location Place : near Lion’s Point, Lonavala Altitude : about 762 m (above mean sea level) GPS : 18°41’56.00″N, 73°23’12.79″E Habitat : wild, damp forest floor Type : deciduous forest Habit : mushroom Height : about 12 – 15 inches Size : diameter 10 inches Lovely pictures, mushrooms growing upto 12-15″ itself is amazing, I am yet to see such a large mushroom. clear cap shot, nice habitat. I am really missing the monsoon magic in the Western ghats Ahh Haa !! This is Macrolepiota procera famous for its extra ordinary large size !!! Macrolepiota procera is called parasol mushroom, really one can see big parasol mushrooms, and they taste very good. The yound mushrooms are edible, but only the cap. The stem is not so good, it is hard. The first photo is superbly captured! The mushroom stands out stark in that patch of misty green. I saw my first microlepiota procera which was like a small dinner plate in the national park here and marvelled at its size. The Boletus mushroom perhaps matches its size except that its stem is much thicker. This not Boletus sp because…………… On forest floor at Narshapur forest near Hyderabad on 30/8/09. Both found together under huge forest trees/ lianas/ cover with little light reaching there, close to a water channel. Are both shapes of the same species? this mushroom looks to me from the family parasol mushroom, See if the characters match. I can’t say, if the ones we find in europe are much different than the ones in India. In Europe we eat the parasol mushrooms, very nice aroma. But one has to be sure of the identity. Please check these pictures. Experts from CABI, UK identified it as Macrolepiota, through pestnet yahoo group. The first two photographs seem to be of the edible mushroom as already identified. I photographed one the size of small dinner plate in the national park in Mumbai. These mushrooms are commonly known as ‘Field Parasol’ and botanically known as Macrolepiota procera. I was in Leh, Ladakh and have returned today only. I have taken pictures of various plants growing there. Will send u for identification.
ID111009PHK 4 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 3 images. Id please one more mashroom from Kanakeshwar 09/10/2009 can it be Parasol mushroom? Need to see the root/ base of. was the ring movable? Perhaps ur Foto PHK 3 is also a parasol mushroom. Not many features can be seen in that foto. I think it’s Macrolepiota procera (Parasol Mushroom) as per earlier thread: Experts may, however, pl. confirm. Yes, almost certainly Macrolepiota procera. However, if its flesh went bright orange on breaking, it was Lepiota rhacodes.
26/04/2011/YRP/02/Chethalayam, Wayanad.: could someone identify the mushroom please. Date & Time 26/04/2011 Location: Place, Altitude, GPS Chethalayam, Wayanad. Habitat: Garden, Urban, Wild Type: Wild Kas Week :: DV :: 25 JUN 11 – 0123 :: Macrolepiota procera (basidiomycete fungus): Kas plateau … about 4000 ft asl 25 JUN 11 Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer … (family: Agaricaceae) commonly known as: parasol mushroom … Wikipedia can easily imagine little Thumbelina sitting under one in rain … Kas week:: PKA27::- Mushrooms from Kas..: … putting IDs here, provided by … to my queries earlier at eFI The first 4 photos: IMG_8702, IMG_8703, IMG_8704, IMG_8707 Macrolepiota procera (family Lepiotaceae) The last 4 photos: IMG_8769, IMG_8769c, IMG_8771, IMG_8772 Boletus sp. (family Boletaceae) Do not know ID of one photo: IMG_8756 Hooghly yesterday : Macrolepiota mastoidea (Fr.) Sing. ? : Attachments (7). 6 posts by 3 authors. Two mushrooms, Agaricus campestris L. ex Fries and Macrolepiota mastoidea (Fr.) Sing. should be found in our area, in fields. I found this mushroom on roadside, yesterday (15.6.13), having both convex cap (immature) and flat cap (mature, bigger diam.) We have only Macrolepiota procera so far in efi database. does look like to me. It can be found in India too (according to my book), whereas Macrolepiota mastoidea (Fr.) Sing. is a european variety. Macrolepiota procera good edible mushroom, however, do observe all the characteristics, before eating it. Thank you very much … Usually we eat mushrooms which are sold in markets. Very few elderly people know which are edible in the wild. We never collect wild mushrooms. Thank you … The following links can be useful – Macrolepiota procera—for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Pic taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in July 15. Nature’s little umbrella #2 | 01May2011AR02: Colorful litte umbrellas dot our farm trails. Only these are provided by nature. Not an Agaricus. This is an inedible kind, the scale patterns on the pileus indicates this mushroom to belong to one of the Amanitas .. ? relates to Amanita muscaria? here again the annual ring patterns on the stipe is questionable. Pileus Diameter, Shape color, height: 9-10cms, Convex, White, ~10cms Stipe tapers slightly towards the top. Annual ring: Present Fruit body: Amanita Gills: White Chandagal Village Areca coconut farm 07 Nov 2010 Amanita citrina most probably I agree with …. It looks like Amanita citrina. Its pileus warted growth much similar to the A.citrina. But as a matter of fact on the basis of photographs only it becomes difficult to identify fungal specimens. To me appears more close to images at Macrolepiota procera rather than those of Amanita citrina at Geht in Richtung Macrolepiota oder Chlorophyllum
My wood decomposers from SGNP, Mumbai – efloraofindia | Google Groups : (mixed thread): 1 image. Although I have posted my fungi photographs taken in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai earlier I hope these can be further identified: These are some of the forms I could identify for the time being. Trying to identify the rest. 18. Lepiota cristata. Taken at Shimla, HP during August 2007. Try to id pl. This is Mature basidiocarp of Lentinus Lepidus I think appears more close to Macrolepiota procera Kindly help to id this mushroom found on a forest floor of Sathyamangalam wls. The area is heavily infested with Prosopis juliflora invasive. Size: about 5cm across some species of Lepiota I think more close to images at Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer, 1948 References: (with differences from Chlorophyllum molybdites) |
Macrolepiota procera ?
Updated on December 24, 2024