Clavulina coralloides (L.) J. Schröt., 1888 (syn: Clavaria coralloides L., 1753 ……; Clavaria coralloides-cinerea Bull., 1788; Clavaria cristata (Holmsk.) Pers., 1801 (ambiguous synonym); Clavaria cristata Jungh. (ambiguous synonym); Clavaria cristata var. ambigua Pass., 1885 ………….; Clavaria elegans Bolton, 1790; Clavaria fimbriata Pers., 1794; Clavaria rugosa var. elegans (Bolton) Pers., 1801; Clavulina coralloides f. bicolor (Donk) Franchi & M. Marchetti, 2000 ……; Clavulina cristata (Holmsk.) J. Schröt., 1888 ……………..; Ramaria alba (Bull.) Quél., 1894; Ramaria cristata Holmsk., 1790; Stichoramaria cristata (Holmsk.) Ulbr., 1928); Id : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 5 authors. Id please please check Ramaria sp. Agreed. This is a species of Ramaria. Please check this link They are found only in the months of August & September. 8 images One photographs was inadvertently repeated. It should have been this one. My booklet has one Ramaria botrytis K. ex. S. F. Grey; don’t know if this can be same. Appears more close to images at Pterula multifida (Chevall.) Fr. Looks more like Clavulina sp. Thanks, … Your id seems to be more correct as per … images may also be of Clavulina cristata as per Coral mushroom – efloraofindia | Google Groups : (mixed thread): ……………………….. attached pics of Coral mushroom (Hopeful to be correct) . 3 images. This not lichen this is mushroom “white coral mushroom” probably belonging to the genus Clavulina. Can be C cristata but not sure about the species. Saw this Lichen or mushroom today at the south end of the national park in Mumbai. Request Id if possible This is the same white coral mushroom posted by … in another thread belonging to the genus Clavulina, can be C cristata !!
Photographed at my farm last Sunday. Over the last few years have observed these fungi encircling the bases of Carvanda [Carissa congesta] bushes. Please note that fallen leaves and other debri have been cleared to take these photographs. ….. you are correct this is Pterula multifida Actually no mushroom slides are very hard to preserve.. I just taken photographs and identified through These images may be of Clavulina cristata as per Attached few pics taken in the month of Aug 2009 at CEC, Goregaon, Mumbai. is this coral mushroom at the initial stage? Have one sighting of similar growth … has provided me with the ID Clavaria fumosa This is Clavaria vermicularis I hope !! Please see the revised comment I added later (5 months ago) where I suspected it to be Clavaria vermicularis !! Looks different from images of Clavaria vermicularis at Appears close to images at Pterula multifida Das würde ich für eine Xylaria-Art oder was Ähnliches halten. Can these images be of Clavulina cristata as per Id041009phk2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 images. Another mashroom for Id. I think it is Clavaria spp. To me appears close to images at Clavulina coralloides (L.) J. Schröt. Looks matching but any chance for C.alta ? Could not find any images of Clavulina alta on net. Do you find any ? Now I could not find the image. Sorry. Location: Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal Altitude: 1863 m. Date: 08 August 2019 Habit : Wild Pl. check comparative images at Class Agaricomycetes Pl. check Clavulina coralloides (L.) J. Schröt. Thank you …! It seems matching and listed as well. |
Clavulina coralloides
Updated on December 24, 2024