Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst., 1881 (syn: Agarico-igniarium trulla Paulet, 1793; Agaricus lignosus Lam., 1783; Agaricus pseudoboletus Jacq., 1778; Boletus castaneus Weber, 1787 .; Boletus crustatus J. J. Planer, 1788; Boletus flabelliformis Leyss., 1761; Boletus laccatus Timm, 1788; Boletus lucidus Curtis, 1781; Boletus ramulosum var. flabelliformis (Leyss.) J. F. Gmel., 1792; Boletus rugosus Jacq., 1774; Boletus supinus var. castaneus (Weber) J. F. Gmel., 1792; Boletus verniceus Brot., 1804; Boletus vernicosus Bergeret, 1783; Fomes japonicus (Fr.) Sacc., 1888; Fomes lucidus (Curtis) Sacc., 1888 …….; Fomes resinaceus var. martellii (Bres.) Sacc., 1895; Ganoderma japonicum (Fr.) Sawada, 1931; Ganoderma laccatum (Timm) Pat., 1897; Ganoderma lucidum f. alneum Bourdot & Galzin, 1925 ………………….. ; Ganoderma mongolicum Pilát, 1940; Ganoderma nitens Lázaro Ibiza, 1916; Ganoderma ostreatum Lázaro Ibiza, 1916 ..; Ganoderma pseudoboletus (Jacq.) Murrill, 1902; Ganoderma resinaceum var. martellii Bres., 1892; Grifola lucida (Curtis) Gray, 1821; Phaeoporus lucidus (Curtis) J. Schröt., 1888; Placodes lucidus (Curtis) Quél., 1888; Polyporus japonicus Fr., 1838; Polyporus laccatus (Timm) Pers., 1825 ………; Scindalma japonicum (Fr.) Kuntze, 1898); Ling zhi, Reishi, Mannentake; The lingzhi mushroom or reishi mushroom (traditional Chinese: 靈芝; pinyin: língzhī; Japanese: reishi; Vietnamese: linh chi; literally: “supernatural mushroom”) encompasses several fungal species of the genus Ganoderma, and most commonly refers to the closely related species, Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma tsugae. G. lucidum enjoys special veneration in East Asia, where it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years,[1] making it one of the oldest mushrooms known to have been used medicinally. Lingzhi is listed in the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Compendium. Lingzhi is a polypore mushroom that is soft (when fresh), corky, and flat, with a conspicuous red-varnished, kidney-shaped cap and, depending on specimen age, white to dull brown pores underneath.[8] It lacks gills on its underside and releases its spores through fine pores, leading to its morphological classification as a polypore. Ganoderma lucidum generally occurs in two growth forms, one, found in North America, is sessile and rather large with only a small or no stalk, while the other is smaller and has a long, narrow stalk, and is found mainly in the tropics. However, many growth forms exist that are intermediate to the two types, or even exhibit very unusual morphologies,[8] raising the possibility that they are separate species. Environmental conditions also play a substantial role in the different morphological characteristics Lingzhi can exhibit. For example, elevated carbon dioxide levels result in stem elongation in Lingzhi. Other forms show “antlers’, without a cap and these may be affected by carbon dioxide levels as well. The species can also be differentiated by their colors in which the red reishi is the most researched kind. Ganoderma lucidum, and its close relative Ganoderma tsugae, grow in the northern Eastern Hemlock forests. These two species of bracket fungus have a worldwide distribution in both tropical and temperate geographical regions, growing as a parasite or saprotroph on a wide variety of trees.[8] Similar species of Ganoderma have been found growing in the Amazon.[19] In nature, Lingzhi grows at the base and stumps of deciduous trees, especially maple.[20] Only two or three out of 10,000 such aged trees will have Lingzhi growth, and therefore its wild form is extremely rare. Today, Lingzhi is effectively cultivated both indoors under sterile conditions and outdoors on either logs or woodchip beds. (From Wikipedia on 27.7.13) Attached images are fungus sp. Please ID the sp. Date :16.06.2014 Location: Assam Seems to be Ganoderma sp. …, check it with Ganoderma lucidium !! Ganoderma lucidium !! perhaps Ganoderma lucidum This is a Ganoderma sp. request for id (mixed thread): one correct image. 5 posts by 4 authors. Can you pls help me in identifying species of these fungi. They were photographed in Deer Park, Hauz Khas, New Delhi in July/ August 2008. ………… Second is Ganoderma lucidum. ……………………. …………………
These are ………….., Ganoderma lucidum, ……………. respectively beyond any doubt. Thanks for the confirmation. Request for Id- 251210RA1: This mushroom? quite hard, was seen at Sagar Upavan Mumbai this month. – I will call this specimen LOLLYPOP MUSHROOM – This is young stage of Ganoderma lucidum. It is a member of Polyporales (Basidiomycetes). please id this mushroom?: if possible please help me to identify this beauty. is it mushroom? which one? important or common? edible or not? Yes it is Ganoderma lucidum. Is this Polypore fungii also called bracket fungii. Attaching my pictures clicked in july The pictures posted by me are from Pune I too think it is Ganoderma lucidum on the net I found this info Ganoderma lucidum, Reishi or Ling Zhi, a fungus used in oriental medicine. this is the link to it efloraofindia:”For Id 08102011MR5’’ Resurfacing for Id Bracket fungii Pune: Resurfacing for Id Previous identification by … some sp of Trametes Ganoderma by Phil Gouy at This is Ganoderma Identified as Ganoderma lucidum as per another thread Mushroom For ID : SGNP,Mumbai : 240813 : AK-3 : Attachments (1). Mushrooms seen in SGNP, Mumbai on 29/7/12. Id please. More fungus for ID ABAUG01/15 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 2 images. This one shaped like a table lamp is from a couple of days ago. The top of the cap was bright orange made brighter by rain. Please bear with me for a couple of these posts. For future ones I will include spore prints. Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1800m 13 August 2015 I think it is also Ganoderma Ganoderma lucidum most probably Thank you … Is it the same mushroom which is prized in China for its medicinal properties?
ID PLEASE OF THIS MUSHROOM/FUNGI/TOADSTOOL FROM CHANDIGARH’S RESERVE FORESTS : 5 posts by 4 authors. 2 images. Could the members of this esteemed group help identify this, same vegetative piece. Clicked at the Patiali ki rao reserve forests, near Dhanas lake, Chandigarh. This is the fruiting body of a fungus, belonging to genus Ganoderma.. As this is a popular medicinal plant, you will find lot of information on web about this. This is Reishi Mushroom, botanically known as Ganoderma lucidum. It is considered a goldmine of medicinal properties. It can also be cultivated. Attaching a leaflet folder published by Directorate of Mushroom Research, Chambaghat, Solan for more information. Thanks very much, … Two further queries to the esteemed group: 1. Is this species ‘rare’ in the wilderness? 2. Is the size of the specimen shown in my pics larger-than-normal? Ganoderma lucidum—-for sharing and validation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Pic taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in June 16.
Hooghly yesterday : Ganoderma lucidum (Curt. ex Fr.) Karst. : Attachments (8). 7 posts by 2 authors. I hope the ID is correct. Ganoderma spp. Thanks for the mail. Yes it is ganoderma only. But is it lucidum? There are more than 140 varieties in lucidum complex. This specimen even if you take morphological appearance, the stipe is not well defined as that of lucidum. Mainly you have to take the microscopic characters such as spores size shape, cystidia,. and basidia and the context morphology. Finally the molecular taxonomy will confirm how much they are similar to original lucidum. Go ahead and look for these and then come to the conclusion since it is medicinally used and continuously exploited we need the authentication from every angle. From your photograph it looks as it is growing on dead coconut tree stump. Usually Ganaoderma is the common pathogen reported on the coconut. Thank you very much Sir, i am very happy with Genus level ID and very much appreciate technical know-how on mushrooms. I would like to add that it was growing on dead coconut stump. I would try to get its spore, but i am not sure if i would be able to do that. Ganoderma subgen-Ganoderma.
Ganoderma lucidum AT/JUNE/2020/04 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 1 mb. Ganoderma lucidum Cultivated Solan September 2014 Clicked at Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan
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Ganoderma lucidum complex ?
Updated on December 24, 2024