Podoscypha petalodes

Podoscypha petalodes (Berk.) Boidin 1959  (Syn: Podoscypha petalodes subsp. floriformis (Lloyd) D. A. Reid, 1965; Podoscypha petalodes subsp. petalodes (Berk.) Boidin, 1959; Podoscypha petalodes subsp. rosulata D. A. Reid, 1965; Stereum elegans sensu Cunningham; fide NZfungi (2008) (misapplied name); Stereum floriforme Lloyd, 1913; Stereum petalodes Berk., 1852; Stereum sowerbyi sensu Berkeley; fide Reid (1965) (misapplied name); Thelephora sowerbyi sensu Berkeley; fide Reid (1965) (misapplied name)) ?;
wine glass fungus;  

request for id : 1 correct image. 5 posts by 4 authors.
Can you pls help me in identifying species of these fungi. They were photographed in Deer Park, Hauz Khas, New Delhi in July/ August 2008.
Fourth Sparassis crispa (cauliflower fungus).

  1. Sparassis crispa (Wulf.) Fr. Syst. Myc. 1: 465. 1821. Commonly known as Cauliflower fungi. As its common name suggests, the densely branched fruiting body of Sparassis crispa resembles a cauliflower. Initially creamy-buff in color, the long-lived fruiting bodies gradually darken in age, especially along the branch edges. Sparassis crispa is believed to be parasitic on conifers. Affected trees produce annual fruitings, sometimes bushel basket in size. The size, color, and flattened branch structure of Sparassis crispa distinguish it from other members of the coral group.

These are ………….. and Sparassis crispa respectively beyond any doubt.

Thanks for the confirmation.

… feels that it may not be Sparassis crispa as per his posting in another thread.

… feels that it may not be Sparassis crispa as per his posting in another thread.

The fingi identified as Sparassis crispa looks more like Podoscypha petalodes of family Meruliaceae.

fungii for id 30 08 2011 mm1: I photographed this a couple of days ago at my place in alibaug
This fungus is growing at the base of a tree
Would appreciate an identification 

It is a sp. of Sparassis. Most probably S. crispa. It is known as known as cauliflower fungus. This does not have pores on the underside but have flat, broad ribbon-like branches.

Yes Sparassis crispa as said by  … 



A smattering of Nature’s little umbrella – #4 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Colorful litte umbrellas dot our forest paths. Only these are provided by nature..
Yes I am, talking on monsoon and mushrooms… Kavalukatta, Uttara Kannada, 26 Jun 2009
(generally mushrooms are called – aNabe or naayikoDe (kannada language) (meaning Dog’s umbrella )
Colorful litte umbrellas dot our forest paths. Only these are provided by nature..
Yes I am, talking on monsoon and mushrooms…
Gamayana gudda, Shirsgaon, Uttara Kannada, 25 Jun 2009

This looks like Sparassis sp. This is commonly known as cauliflower fungus.

It may be Podoscypha petalodes as per

Request Mushroom ID-290809RA1 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
I saw this mushroom in the national park at Mumbai last week (29.8.09). The local tribal person informed that these come above the ground where there are bamboo roots. Kindly ID the same. Thank you

Appears like Sparassis species.

Thank you … Matches well with Sparassis, would like to know the species though.

It may be Podoscypha petalodes as per

seems close. almost correct except for … pic is a bit out of focus


Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_09082015 PTR2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Date/Time-: 07/05/15   –    10:30
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb – Fungi 
Length- 5cm

Interesting coloring. Those grew dark at first then bleached out during later growth. Appears to be some kind of Coltricia sp. similar to C perennis

Appears close to images at Podoscypha petalodes

agree with you, …

Updated on December 24, 2024

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