Andrographis echioides (L.f.) Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 117 1832 (syn. Eriatheralobelioides Nees; Indoneesiella echioides ( L. ) Sreemadh.); . False Waterwillow • Gujarati: Kalukariyatun • Malayalam: Pitumba • Marathi: Ranchimani • Oriya: lavalata • Tamil: Gopuram tangi; . Indoneesiella echioides from Morni Hills Haryana: – Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees is the name from GRIN and the Indoneesiella echioides is a synonym Andrographis echioides – from Mammalapuram: I think I have seen the plant without flowers when I visited Mammalapuram last year. Yes, nice pics of Andrographis echioides…
It is Indoneesiella echioides of Acanthaceae.
Could this be some Andrographis sp?? Nice pictures of Andrographis echioides (= Indoneesiella echioides)! It is a white flowered form of A. echioides
Acanthaceae fortnight 08 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Acanthaceae Fortnight::Andrographis echioides::NSJ-07 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Andrographis echioides photographed at Mahabalipuram (Aug 12)
ACANTHACEAE FORTNIGHT::Andrographis echioides from Morni:: NS MARCH 11/11 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) This hirsure-glandular herb is occasional at shady localities of Morni Hills in Haryana.. Andrographis echioides .. Thank you for showing this species … It is known to occur here in Uttarakhand but I am yet to see it. Acanthaceae Fortnight: Andrographis echioides (L.f.) Nees from Assam-KD 09 Mar 2015 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Attached images are Andrographis echioides (L.f.) Nees from Assam Acanthaceae Fortnight March 2015:: Andrographis echiodes GE-Mar2015-04.3 : 1 post by 1 author. Andrographis echiodes in the wild, roadsides, sandy areas, outskirts of Chennai. Photo taken Oct 2012. . literature of Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees : 4 posts by 2 authors. I need literature of Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees. Hope anyone can help me.
. Andrographis echioides Nees: 1 high res. image. synonyms: Justicia echioides L., Indoneesiella echioides (L.) Sreemadh. location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994 . 613 ID wild herb Andrographis: 10 high res. images. Please ID wild plant. Location: Checkanurani Madurai Tamilnadu INDIA Altitude: 190fsl Flower date: 29AUG2024, 09.10am Habitat: wild moisture evergreen sloppy meadows Plant habit: small herb, erect unbranched, weak fleshy quadrangular stem 04mm base diameter, glandular hairs, annual Height: 12cm Leaves: dicot opposite elliptic acute leathery glandular and non glandular hairs, size upto: 35×13mm Flower: axillary buds, size:22x7mm, white with purple shade, glandular hairs, non fragrant Fruit: Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees Yes, it is Andrographis echioides dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant. . References: |
Andrographis echioides
Updated on December 29, 2024