Asystasia indica H.J.Chowdhery & Av.Bhattacharjee, Indian J. Forest. 29: 211 2006.; India (West Bengal) as per Catalogue of Life;
Request for ID , 2: pls help me with the ID & nature of the plant … looks like garden flora … a cultivar of Asystasia species … not sure. Hello …, please provide the bare minimum essential details of this plant … place and time of sighting. place of sighting – Shibpur Botanical Garden, Howrah, west bengal . it is Asystasia intrusa Asystasia, Ranong Origin: Malaysia Plz also check Asystasia indica… it Looks closer to A. indica. Asystasia indica H. J. Chowdhery & Av. Bhattacharijee Yes, A. Indica… The ganges primrose… its flourishing in meadows, along road sides, in grassy areas where grass/lawn in not mowed regularly, Right now its very prolific in the SHuibpur botanical Garden… since March I have sighted and photographed… yellow, this white and magenta stripes, white with diffuse magenta petals (as if the color was air sprayed on in parts!!!) and and a pinkish variety… slowly am getting organized, will put up the pictures… PS: I AM A STRONG PROPONENT OF NOT MOWING THE LAWN TOO OFTEN, JUST TO LET THE LOCAL FLORA FLOURISH AND GET A TOE HOLD… DO YOU FEEL THAT WAY? Yes its Asystasia indica Yes …, I feel that way too, and my lawn is not the so called “english lawn“. I have watched people with a poisonspray in hand killing each and everything, which “does not belong there”. We say in German “Jedem das seine”, one does in his / her own way. is it anyhow toxic in nature ??? References: |
Asystasia indica
Updated on December 24, 2024