Barleria acuminata

Barleria acuminata Nees (Syn: Barleria tomentosa Roth var. acuminata Clarke in Hook. f.);

Subshrubs, branchlets pubescent. Leaves to 4-5 x 2.5-3 cm, ovate-orbicular, apex acute, apiculate, base rounded, tomentose; petiole to 3.5 cm, pubescent. Racemes axillary and terminal; bracts 1.3 cm long, lanceolate, glandular, pubescent, acute; outer calyx lobes larger, 13 x 2 mm; inner smaller to 6 x 2 mm, lanceolate, pubescent; corolla tube to 3 cm, lobes 1 cm, obovate, obtuse, imbricate; filaments 7 mm; ovary 3 mm, ovoid, style 3.5 cm long, hairy at the base.

Flowering and fruiting: December-March
Deciduous forests
Peninsular India
Western Ghats

Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request.
Looks like some species of Nilgirianthus? I am not sure. But experts can confirm the id.
Moss flowering is there along the Managarai- Anaikatti Road. (SH 164)
Location: Anaikatti.
Date: 08.12.2011
Habitat: Wild
Habit: shrub.

This is not Niligirianthus I presume because the flowers look very different.

Next the mosses never flower because they are from the group of non- flowering plants the elongated reproduction structure visible is actually a sporophyte. You can check the life cycle of moss from the link below.
I think … misspelled ‘mass’ as Moss.
Could this be Barleria sp.? perhaps B.cristata?

Barleria acuminata Wight ex Nees.

Thanks, …,  Can it be Barleria tomentosa Roth as per Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India – IAAT



Acanthaceae for id 200110MK1 : 13 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4).

Please id this shrub found in the scrub forests of Satyamangalam RF. 
Date: 07 Jan 2010

i think its is Barleria strigosa of Acanthaceae family

As … I too hope that the plant in the attach photo is of Barleria strigosa Willd.

I go for Barleria acanthoides Vahl, the type species of genus Barleria.

This is Barleria acuminata

Yes, … has rightly said

Barleria acuminata Wight ex Nees

Yes, it looks like B. acuminata..

Refer Rheedea20_81-130..

Images by Anurag N. Sharma 




ANOCT05/05 Barleria sp. for identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Family: Acanthaceae
Date: 25th October 2015
Place: Savandurga, Karnataka

Habit: Shrub
Habitat: Scrub forest

Can this be Barleria acuminata Wight ex Nees

I agree with  Barleria acuminata Wight ex Nees




Sidharkal Natham 150713 TBN 2 for idAttachments (4). 7 posts by 3 authors.

Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date           : 25.11.12                                                              
Location     :Sidharkal Natham, Nagamalai hills 20 km from Madurai
Altitude      :1000 ft
Habitat        :rocky hills
Habit           :shrub
Height         :3 ft
Leaves         :opposite
Flowers       :violet
Fruits           :not seen

I think some Barleria sp., check for Barleria acuminata..

Many thanks for the id. Appears to be endemic to Tamilnadu and Kerala.

It may be Barleria tomentosa Roth as per Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India – IAAT

… postings (efloraindia:98517] efloraindia: 091211 BRS 248) at the link!topic/indiantreepix/GuGx3mTrKko has been identified by … as B. acuminata. Hence, this may be a different species, in my view.




Barleria tomentosa Roth var. tomentosa SN21118 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

I feel it may be Barleria acuminata Nees as per images herein and as per Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India – IAAT (2010) (Notes at p.98: Roth in 1821 described a new species, B. tomentosa based on collections 2503a, 2503b and 2503c made by Wight and others. Nees described B. acuminata based on specimen 2503c collected by Wight. Clarke (1884) reduced B. acuminata as a variety of B. tomentosa. Critical observations in the field, plants grown in the garden and herbarium comparison reveal that B. acuminata is a distinct species. This species closely resembles B. tomentosa Roth, but differs in having deltoid-ovate leaves with stellate hairs (also found in B. longiflora), large corolla and capsule, corolla tube narrowly tubular enlarging upward. B. tomentosa has broadly ovate leaves without stellate hairs, shorter and small corolla and funnel shaped tube.)

I agree with you …




India Biodiversity Portal

Flora of Davanagere District: Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (Keys- buxifolia, prionotis, cuspidata, acuminata & involucrata & Description) (Barleria acuminata Nee with Barleria tomentosa Roth var. acuminata Clarke in Hook. f. as a syn.)

Flora of Eastern Karnataka, Volume 2 By N. P. Singh (Barleria acuminata Nee with Barleria tomentosa Roth var. acuminata Clarke in Hook. f. as a syn.)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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