Dicliptera cuneata Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 111 1832. (syn: Diapedium cuneatum (Nees) Kuntze; Diapedium latebrosum (Koen. ex Roxb.) Kuntze; Diapedium retortum (Vahl) Kuntze; Justicia latebrosa koen. ex Roxb.; Justicia retorta Vahl; Justicia umbellata Wight ex Wall.); . This is the key as per FPM Gamble and T.Pullaiah: 1.Flowers in slender trichotomous/ divaricately branched lax panicles: a. inflorescence bracts minute, linear; flowering bracts and bracteoles minute; leaves almost glabrous: Dicliptera parvibracteata b. bracts ciliate, leaves minutely pubescent, bracteoles linear-lanceolate, inflorescence branches hairy: Dicliptera beddomei 2. Flowers in axillary peduncled clusters: a. leaves hairy, rounded or obtuse at base; floral bracts obovate-oblong: Dicliptera cuneata b. leaves acuminate at both ends, floral bracts foliaceous: Dicliptera foetida 3. flowers in dense axillary and terminal sessile or subsessile clusters, leaves rhomboid: Dicliptera bupleuroides 4. Flower clusters mostly in axillary whorls, bracts-oblong-obovate; leaves glabrous, ovate: Dicliptera verticellata . India (peninsular India) as per Catalogue of Life; . dye-CLIP-ter-uh — Greek: diklis (double-folding); pteron (wing) … Dave’s Botanary kew-nee-AH-tuh or kew-nee-AY-tuh — wedge-shaped … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: wedge-leaf foldwing • Tamil: கருங்குருந்து karungurundhu • Telugu: పింఛకుసుమ pincha kusuma . Subshrubs. Leaves 5-7 x 3-5 cm, elliptic, apex acuminate, base rounded or cuneate, hispid; petiole 2-3 cm long. Cymes sessile or shortly peduncled, subcapitate; bracts 18 x 12 mm, obovate, obtuse, mucronate, hispid; bracteoles 5 mm long, lanceolate, subulate. Flowers to 13 together; sepals 7 mm long, lanceolate, hispid; corolla pink, 8 mm long, tube slender; filaments hairy. Flowering and fruiting: November-February Evergreen forests and wet areas in deciduous forests Peninsular India (Endemic) (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . Presenting for ID Location : Javadhu hills, Eastern Ghats Elevation : 3600 feet Taken on 12.02.2020 Dicliptera bupleuroides ?? It is not Dicliptera bupleuroides Nees Appears close to Dicliptera chinensis (L.) Juss. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Dicliptera It is Dicliptera cuneata only flowers in peduncled axillary clusters, floral bracts obovate-oblong Thanks, …, for the breakthrough. Appears to match as per GBIF – Specimen FRLHT (specimen) Plant illustrations FOR VALIDATION :: Dicliptera ¿ cuneata ? :: Yercaud :: 24 JAN 18 : 5 posts by 2 authors. 7 images. Yercaud … (literally, lake forest), Tamil Nadu … near Gundur … Date: January 24, 2018 … Altitude: about 1,623 m (5324 feet) asl Please validate whether Dicliptera cuneata … a tall herb – standing about 1.5 m along a ghat road near Gundur on outskirts of Yercaud. The flower is typically of same structure and dimensions as of Peristrophe bicalyculata. The last photo shows the habitat – has mix of various plants, hiding the posted plant in its midst. Yes it is Dicleptera cuneata Please help me with validating the name கருந்குருந்து karungurundhu listed in Flowers of India, OR help with this variant of the same name karunkuruntu, in native script – listed at ENVIS-FRLHT. The name Karungurundhu may be transcribed as கருங்குருந்து (not கருந்குருந்து). I think this will also be Dicliptera beddomei as per correction of Dicliptera cuneata posted by me and as per GBIF specimen. Pl. confirm. Yes, it is correct. To me it is Dilciptera cuneata only Thanks, …, You mean to say Dicliptera beddomei or Dilciptera cuneata ? I am taking it as Dicliptera beddomei It is Dicliptera cuneata only Names of Plants in India :: Dicliptera cuneata Nees : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. dye-CLIP-ter-uh — Greek: diklis (double-folding); pteron (wing) … Dave’s Botanary kew-nee-AH-tuh or kew-nee-AY-tuh — wedge-shaped … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: wedge-leaf foldwing • Telugu: పింఛకుసుమ pincha kusuma botanical names: Dicliptera cuneata Nees … synonyms: Diapedium cuneatum (Nees) Kuntze • Justicia latebrosa Roxb. ex C.B.Clarke … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. January 24, 2018 … Yercaud Thank you very much … for the appreciation. Update: • Tamil: கருங்குருந்து karungurundhu dye-CLIP-ter-uh — Greek: diklis (double-folding); pteron (wing) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: wedge-leaf foldwing • Tamil: கருங்குருந்து karungurundhu • Telugu: పింఛకుసుమ pincha kusuma botanical names: Dicliptera cuneata Nees … synonyms: Diapedium cuneatum (Nees) Kuntze • Justicia latebrosa J.Koenig ex Roxb. • Justicia retorta Vahl … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ wedge-leaf foldwing ~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ no given name
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ no given name
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ கருங்குருந்து karungurundhu
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ పింఛకుసుమ pincha kusuma
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION ~~~~~
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2022/07/dicliptera-cuneata-nees.html Dicliptera baphica (Spreng.) Nees ? SN261217 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Pl. check with images at Peristrophe roxburghiana Does not seem to match with images of stated species as per the following: Can it be Dicliptera cuneata Nees as per images herein ? Thanks …, You are correct. This appears to be similar to … post at FOR VALIDATION :: Dicliptera ¿ cuneata ? :: Yercaud :: 24 JAN 18 I think this will also be Dicliptera beddomei as per correction of Dicliptera cuneata posted by me and as per GBIF specimen. Pl. confirm. Taking it Dicleptera cuneata only in view of feedback by … at FOR VALIDATION :: Dicliptera ¿ cuneata ? :: Yercaud :: 24 JAN 18 equest for ID of Peristrophe sp. from Andhra Pradesh KNR19122012: Botanical name: Peristrophe sp. Family: Acanthaceae Date- December 2012 Location- Andhra Pradesh Habitat- Wild Plant Habit– Herb Height- 1.5mt. Leaves – simple, elliptic, sub glabrous up to 5 inch long, 2.2 inch width Inflorescence – Trichotomous Flowers – up to 2.0 cm long, bracts 2mm long It is not matches with Peristrophe paniculata characters like Bracteoles size, Corolla size, Leaf shape & size, Stems somewhat roundish, glabrous to subglabrous, fruit size etc. A reply from another thread efi thread by …: “I think yes” the flower color and shape is so lovely and delicate respectively, the foliage color is pleasant too… It is collected from some undisturbed forest slopes. The hillock is protected from grazing which is comes under piligrim area. It is not at all home gardening plant. It is not matches with the characters of other Peristrophe species which were reported from India (FBI, Gamble, State Floras of AP, MH, MP, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, Rajastahn,etc, EFC & EFP. It may be a new species or new variety?. Due to lack of proper literature we were not able to fix the identity confirmation. Thanks to … for resurfacing this taxon and also valuable comments. I think it is Peristrophe paniculata only. But you can explore further the minute differences found by you. My simple answer is ‘yes’. Even … and … think this as Peristrophe paniculata only. I think it should be Dicliptera cuneata as per images and details herein. I think this will also be Dicliptera beddomei as per correction of Dicliptera cuneata posted by me Pl. confirm. I am taking it as Dicliptera beddomei as per keys provided by you, at another thread. Taking it Dicleptera cuneata only in view of feedback by … at FOR VALIDATION :: Dicliptera ¿ cuneata ? :: Yercaud :: 24 JAN 18 . Giving name in Tamil to Dicliptera foetida (Forssk.) Blatt.: I did some research on this but couldn’t find a generic Tamil name (equivalent to “foldwing”) for the genus Dicliptera. In fact most species in the genus lack vernacular names. As you know, the bi-lipped corolla (if “foldwing” refers to this feature) is common in many genera in Acanthaceae. I am not sure of any specific characteristics of this plant that can be used in naming it. Is the plant really stinky? The more common species, Dicliptera cuneata is called Karunkurundhu கருங்குருந்து or Thaen kurinji தேன் குறிஞ்சி (=sweet / honey Strobilanthes) in Tamil. If the plant D. foetida is notably foetid, then we can probably call it something like “Mudainaari kurundhu” முடைநாறி குருந்து. But, I am not sure if “kurundhu” can be treated as a generic name for Dicliptera as this name is also applied to Atalantia monophylla. “Mudainaari kurinji” முடைநாறி குறிஞ்சி is another option. But the name kurinji or kurinci, although generally referring to Strobilanthes, is also given to different species from multiple genera (ref. FRLHT database). Thanks very much for the clarity. I understand, it becomes challenging to coin a name in regional language. So we will let it stay without any name, instead of giving a kind of ambiguous name. . Giving name in Malayalam to Dicliptera cuneata Nees: Yes, … Malayalam is a difficult language compared with English when it comes to naming. Sometimes it may end up being too formal or stilted. So if I find a suitable name I shall let you know. Meanwhile I will keep up my search for any local names if they exist. The local names would be quite apt since they would have withstood the test of time. Thank you very much for this clarity. I am in full agreement with your reasoning. The challenges to be met for coining names especially in regional languages are many, I agree. So let us rather keep this plant without a name. . Giving name in Kannada to Dicliptera cuneata Nees:
I have already provided the name to …
. References: CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants: Common Names …By Umberto Quattrocchi (2012) An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995) |
Dicliptera cuneata
Updated on December 23, 2024