Justicia neesii

Justicia neesii Ramamoorthy, Fl. Hassan Distr. 551 1976. (syn: Justicia micrantha Wall. & Rostellularia crinita Nees) as per Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (2004- Details with Keys);
Justicia neesii T.P. Ramamoorthy (syn: Ecbolium crinitum (Nees) Kuntze; Gendarussa micrantha Wall. ex Voigt; Justicia micrantha Heyne ex Wall. (ambiguous synonym);  Justicia micrantha Wall. ex C.B. Clarke (ambiguous synonym); Rostellaria crinita Nees; Rostellularia crinita (Nees) Nees; Rostellularia neesii (Ramam.) A.K. Mukherjee) as per Catalogue of Life;
An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- Details with Keys- Justicia micrantha Wall.)
India (peninsular India), peninsular Malaysia (Penang Isl., Negeri Sembilan) as per Catalogue of Life;   
Common name: Small Flowered Justicia

Rostellularia criniata? : Attachments (1).

Seen in Mahabaleshwar 8-9 Nov 2009.
Does it look like
Rostellularia criniata? syn Justicia micrantha

Can it be Rungia species?!

it is Justicia micrantha Heyne ex Wall. (Cooke flora vol 2, pg 408 printed 2006). the scarious calyx with the midrib aristate at apex indicated it to be this species.


Rostellularia crinita: Rostellularia crinita

26th August`12

Yes … We got it last year from Chakrata



Kas week: AK: 13102009: Rostellularia crinita: Rostellularia crinita at Kas plateau.


Herb for ID : Lonavala : 101212 : AK-2:  Small herb seen in Lonavala on the 18th of August,12.


Kindly confirm.

Looks like Rostellularia crinita

Acanthaceae Fortnight::Rostellularia crinita::NSJ-MAR-25 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Rostellularia crinita (Common Small Justicia– Marathi- karambal)

Photographed at Sajjangad, Satara

Acanthaceae fortnight SN 15 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Rostellularia crinita Nees, from Sri sailam area of Andhrapradesh.

Posted earlier, suggested id given as Rostellularia crinita by … 

For validation.

Rostellularia crinita is a syn. of Justicia neesii as per Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (2004- Details with Keys)


ID please- Shillong- BR8- 100416 : 2 posts by 1 author. 1 image.

I am sending herewith the pictures of some plants, collected from Shillong, Meghalaya. It will greatful if these specimens get identified.

I think seems to match with images of Justicia neesii Ramamoorthy 


Kindly identify this Justicia sp (Acanthaceae) 

Habit: Herb 

Habitat: Wild, Montane forest amidst grass. 

Sighting: Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700 msl 

Date: 06-08-2016

Thanks, … Pl. check comparative images at Justicia

It is Justicia procumbens L.

To me it appears more closer to Justicia neesii rather than Justicia procumbens as per images herein.

Awaiting your feedback pl.

122-TSP-ID-11DEC2016-3:Justicia sp @ Kuduremukha for ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Kindly examine and identify this Juscticia sp (Acanthaceae) 


Habitat:Wild,Montane forest fringe 

Sighting:Kuduremukha,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1500 msl 


Justicia simplex?

Thanks, … Pl.  Also check in EFI site.

I feel it better matches with images at Justicia neesii Ramamoorthy rather than images of Justicia japonica Thunb. (syn. Justicia simplex)

Justicia japonica Thunb. ??? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Location :  Thula Khet, Pokhara, Nepal 

Date : 10 August 2017
Altitude : 2800 ft.

Syn: Justicia simplex D. Don ??

I think close to images at Justicia neesii rather than Justicia japonica
Pl. see your earlier thread more details: Justicia simplex D. Don (accepted name) ??

It is not listed in Nepal. Could it be new ?

Justicia neesii Ramamoorthy is an unresolved name

This name is unresolved, but some data suggest that it is synonymous with Rostellularia neesii (Ramamoorthy) A.K.Mukh.

Pl. check references at efi page at Justicia neesii.

Fwd: IDENTIFICATION OF THE FLORA AND INSECTS kmn 4 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Appears close to Justicia neesii, but can not be confirmed with this picture only.


SK836 29 OCT-2017:ID: 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Location:  Suryavinayak, Bhktapur, Nepal
Date: 7 October 2017

Elevation : 6000 ft.

Justicia diffusa Willd  ???

Does not matches with images at Justicia diffusa
Looks close to images at Justicia neesii (not found in Nepal checklist as per you)

Could not find name listed in Nepal in books also.

Confusing !
Adding some more images from Nagarkot at 5500 ft. on 12 November 2017
if these are the same !

Yes appears like same.

This herb is common in Morni area, cannot say for certain if this is Rostellularia crinita, but certainly looks different from closest ally Justicia procumbens..

Please give your valuable feedback..

Rostellularia crinita Nees & Justicia micrantha Wall. are synonyms of Justicia neesii as per An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- Details with keys)
Pl. check Species with description & keys in Flora of Pakistan & An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- Details with keys) for proper identification.       

Kalatope id al120911a: A small plant with an even smaller flower…
Location Kalatope
Altitude 2100 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 3 inches

Could this be Rostellularia crinita (Syn: Justicia micrantha) of Acanthaceae family?

Thank you … Certainly looks like that,…

Ken Gharial Sanctuary … about 500 – 1800 ft asl
Date / Time: 15 SEP 13 at 11:56 AM … Altitude: about 610 ft asl
¿ Justicia / Rungia ? … (family: Acanthaceae)

Dear friends, ID please. The flower just about 2 – 3 mm across

I think it matches with Justicia japonica (syn. Justicia simplex D. Don) as per thread: Justicia simplex from Pench – NSD 57

It looks like Justicia because of anthers.

Many thanks … and … for helping in ID.

Does not seem to match with images at Justicia japonica
Pl. check with images at Justicia neesii

The plant resembles Justicia wynaadensis; but the species is known to be endemic of Western Ghats.

Yes it looks like Justicia neesi only

Thanks … for resurfacing this query.

Thank you very much … for the best probable ID

Yercaud … (literally, lake forest), Tamil Nadu

… near Kiliyur Falls … Date: January 25, 2018 … Altitude: about 1,623 m (5324 feet) asl
Justicia procumbens L. … (family: Acanthaceae)

I think more closer to images at Justicia neesii compared to those at Justicia procumbens

Thanks … I get confused with these tiny Justicia species 🙂

If photos in this post could be of Justicia neesii – I request we reconsider ID for my sighting posted in ¿ Justicia / Rungia ? at Ken Gharial Sanctuary :: 15 SEP 13 :: DV

I reexamined your stated post before suggesting the id. It is OK.


Pl. find my collections in Shervaroy’s, TN. Confirm the ID. Attachments (2)

I think same as … plant.

I have this plant as Justicia procubens.
Can you confirm this diagnosis?

Photos taken on 19/02/2018 in Maddeala-Matale District-Sri Lanka.

I too think it to be Justicia procumbens. Let us wait for comments.

Pl. check

I will go with Justicia neesii as per images and details herein.

Hello … and thank you for your answer!
Actually Justicia micrantha (= Justicia neesii) looks a lot like my picture.
I can not find a quote for this plant in Sri Lanka! Can you tell me if it grows in this country?
Thank you in advance for your help,

Check references at the bottom of the efi site link.

Sorry but I searched for a reference of Justicia neesii in Sri Lanka as you suggest without finding anything!

Acanthaceae fortnight ANMAR06/26 Please identify this herb : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Family: Acanthaceae
Date: November 2014
Place: Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand
Habit: Herb (grows up to a feet in height)

Justicia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Is it not Justicia procumbens as posted recently by … for validation ?

Justicia procumbens

Please provide the identifying characters which can be seen in the photos and matched to Justicia procumbens sir.

Leaves ovate or elliptic, oblong, 1-3.5×0.8-2cm, acute, entire, glabrous or sparsely hairy; petioles 1.5-3cm long. Flowers pale-purple, in axillary and terminal, 1-3cm long, compact, racemose spikes; bracts linear, lanceolate, hairy, ciliate; bracteoles linear, hairy, narrower. Calyx 3-4mm long, deeply 4-partite; segments unequal, linear, subacute or acute. Corolla 4-6mm long, hairy outside, 2-lipped. Stamens 2, attached to the upper part of corolla; anthers unequally placed. Ovary tip and style base hairy. Capsules 3-4mm long, oblong, hairy at the top.

I meant specifically those characters that which can be seen in my photos sir. Otherwise all Justicia sp. can be described theoretically. Please take a look. Thank you very much.

I think more closer to images at Justicia neesii

Yes, It looks like J.neesii

identification no120211sn1 : Kindly confirm if this is Rungia repens or otherwise.
plant habit:—
height:about 1 ft.

looks like Justicia procumbens

Most probably Justicia procumbens of Acanthaceae family. A picture with leaves in focus would be better for clarification.

I think more closer to images at Justicia neesii

Match with this plant Rungia repens

Thanks, … But it is not Rungia repens

Thanks … and friends. I take it as Justicia neesii

SK1363 09 AUG 2018 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Altitude : 6000 ft.
Date: 18 July 2018

Habit : Wild

Justicia japonica Thunb.  ??
Syn : Justicia simplex D. Don

I think same plant you posted earlier. I think identified as J. neesii?

This is from different location.

Justicia sp. with visitor : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Liked the photo and wanted to share it with you.
Justicia ?pectinata with ?pollinator hoverfly, Asarkina ericetorum last weekend. (3.10.18)

Pl. check Justicia neesii. To me appears close.

Justicia sp. for identification from Morni hils.. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Please help me out to know which Justicia sp. this is??
Habit- Herb
Location and Date- Morni hills; September 2018

Justicia procumbens ??

Pl. also check

To me appears close as per images at Justicia neesii


Justicia procumbens : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Justicia procumbens
Eravikulam WLS, Munnar, Kerala, in the Nilgiris
First week of October 2018

justicia sp. i do not know further classification

Correct ID I guess.

Pl. also check Justicia neesii. I think more closer to images here than at Justicia procumbens

I think you may be right

Justicia herb for ID :: Nilgiris :: NOV MK003 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Please help in identifying this Justicia sp. Is this J.procumbens?
Height: 1.5 – 2 feet
Habitat: moist deciduous forest
Place: Mudumalai TR, TN
Alt.: 900 m asl
Date: 02 Nov 2017

Rostellularia quinqueangularis (J.Koenig ex Roxb.) Nees. ??Syn : Justicia quinqueangularis J.Koenig ex Roxb. ??

To me looks different from images at Justicia procumbens & Justicia quinqueangularis ?
Pl. check images at Justicia neesii

ID help please : 8 posts by 5 authors.
Clicked at Rajmachi fort near Lonavala, Pune dist. on 4/11/2019

Justicia sp. Pls check in efi.

Justicia notha ??

Justicia sp.

I think close to images at Justicia neesii


Plants of Mulsi, Pune NSD1-29Nov19 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Please ID this Justicia sp.
Family: Acanthaceae, Pune Nov. 2019

J. procumbens??

do you have the whole plant pictures- lower leaves, main stem?

No …, I took a pic of only this portion.

Pl. check Justicia neesii
To me appears close.

Thanks a lot ….
Yes it looks like Justicia neesii 

After the paper from KEW in 2015, and a revision I saw from Australia deliberating on Indian type specimen and nomenclature, everything is jumbled up in Justicia, Rungia and Rostellularia.

Which physical character belongs to which Genus ? It looks like only Justicia wll remain, rest will be gone!


Justicia for identification 290412MK03: Please help me to identify this species of Labiate. It was found along roadside and near an old building. The plant was roughly one feet high and the leaves were of 1-2 cm long.
Location: Ooty, Nilgiris, TN
Altitude: 1800 m ASL
Date: 11 Sep 2011

This can be a Rungia sp. from Acnathaceae

Could this herb be Justicia procumbens?

Pl. check with images at Justicia neesii


Species ID required: Justicia (Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Nilgiris,TN): 4 images.

Justicia species
White flowers, Erect herb,up to around 50 cm height. Hairy throughout.
Moist deciduous forests, Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (~900 m height).
Please provide species ID, if possible.

Pl. check Justicia neesii


Wild Plant for ID : Nasik : 28JUL21 : AK-11: 2 images.
Wild plant seen while travelling to Mumbai last week (28.7.21).
Justicia Species?


Justicia procumbens ???

Looks close.

Pl. also check with Justicia neesii

I will check.


148 ID wild plant: 15 images.

Please confirm the ID of wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 29.08.2021, 11.15am
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: small shrub, erect, branches, slender weak rigid stem 2.5mm diameter, hairy, annual
Height: 02 feet
Leaves: opposite, ovate, apex, light winged petiole, hairy, size:5×3cm or less
Flower: racemose inflorescence erect, diameter:02.5mm, white with violet shades, non fragrant
Fruit: capsule, ovate, green into off-white, size:3×1mm
Seed: black 4 nos., heart shaped, nice
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Please check Justicia simplex!

It is more close to Justicia procumbens

Also consider Justicia neesii

Yes, I agreed,


Plant ID 30082024: 3 images.

Please identify this plant.
Kankumbi, Karnataka.

Justicia micrantha Wall. ex C.B.Clarke syn : Justicia neesii Ramamoorthy ??

Please check.

Yes, possible as per images at



Catalogue of Life

Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (2004- Details with Keys- Justicia micrantha Wall. & Rostellularia crinita Nees syn. of Justicia neesii Ramamoorthy)

Tropicos  The Plant List  (Unresolved) Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal

An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- Details with Keys- Justicia micrantha Wall.)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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