Strobilanthes scabra

Strobilanthes scabra Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 84 1832. (Syn: Hemigraphis aspera Boerl.; Ruellia aspera Nees; Ruellia crispa L. Herb. ex C. B. Cl.; Ruellia scabra Wall.; Ruellia scabrida Wall.; Sericocalyx crispus (L.) Bremek.; Sericocalyx scaber (Wall. ex Nees) Bremek.; Strobilanthes asper (Nees) Decne.) as per efi thread;
India (N- to NE-India), Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Yangon), Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;

Images by Sourav Mahmud (Identified by Surajit Koley) (Inserted by J.M.Garg)



All Please id the attached plant picture.

136: Herb, Flowering: March, Plain Land

might be Strobilanthes sp.; cf. S. scaber Nees.



Strobilanthes scaber collected from G.B.P.U.A.T.Campus Pantnagar

Attachments (4)   

i need one help: please can you tell me common name of this plant. actually am writing thesis and this plant also in my list. but unable to know its common name.

I could find two names at Biodiversity and Its Significance edited by Pramod Tandon, Y. P. Abrol, Suman Kumaria (2007) as Sam siphra and Bimchal
Also check another link of Contributions from the United States National Herbarium – Ku-thi is written against Strobilanthes scaber. I do not know if it is a common name. 
Few more names I could find in Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 7, Flowers By T. K. Lim as Raspatia (Assamese) and Sam Siphra (Meghalaya)
May be … can help with more names.



Strobilanthes scaber submission : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Strobilanthes scaber

Family : Acanthaceae
Place : Chilkigarh, West Bengal
Date : March 2019

great. how tall is this plant? were there many in this one spot? looks like understory, so can it flower in shade? or does it need sunlight?


Updated on December 23, 2024

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