Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 537 1891. (Syn: Achyranthes brasiliana Thouin ex Moq.; Achyranthes brasiliana (L.) Standl. ……..; Alternanthera dentata (Moench) Stuchlík ex R.E.Fr.; Alternanthera dentata f. pubescens Suess.; Alternanthera dentata f. rubiginosa Suess.; Alternanthera jacquini Standl.; Alternanthera jacquinii (Schrad.) Alain; Alternanthera moquinii var. grandiceps Suess.; Alternanthera straminea (Mart.) Suess.; Alternanthera straminea (Mart.) Millsp.; Gomphrena brasiliana L.; Gomphrena brasiliensis L.; Gomphrena brasiliensis Jacq.; Gomphrena brasiliensis (L.) Lam.; Gomphrena dentata Moench; Gomphrena patula J.C.Wendl.); . al-ter-NANTH-ur-uh — alternating anther … Dave’s Botanary Names compiled / updated at Native to: tropical Americas; cultivated elsewhere as ornamental Usually grown as border plant. Undershrub up to 45 cm tall, but usually trimmed to less than 25 cm or so; leaves usually red, ovate to lanceolate, up to 7 cm long and up to 5 cm broad; flowers greenish-white in up to 2 cm long heads on up to 10 cm long peduncle, or nearly sessile; bracts and bracteoles as long as tepals, broadened and somewhat lacerate at tip. .
ID Request: Could anyone identify this shrub with purple-green leaves and white flowers. Alernathera dentata , Amaranthaceae . Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: BRS 009 Alternanthera brasiliana from Pondy: Pl. confirm the species Alternanthera brasiliana from Pichandikulam, Pondy. Yes … Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze Popularly known by its synonym: Alternanthera dentata (Moench) Stuchlik ex R. E. Fr. al-ter-NANTH-ur-uh — alternating anther … Dave’s Botanary bra-sill-ee-AY-nuh — of or from Brazil … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: bloodleaf, Brazilian joyweed, calico plant, copperleaf, Joseph’s coat, joy weed, parrot leaf, purple alternanthera, ruby leaf Native to: tropical Americas; cultivated elsewhere as ornamental References: Flowers of India • Top Tropicals • Dave’s Garden • NPGS / GRIN in Nirvana Park of Hiranandani Gardens, Mumbai on 14 JAN 07 Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 2:537. 1891 Syn: Alternanthera dentata (Moench) Stuchlik ex R. E. Fr.; Gomphrena brasiliana L. Common name: Brazilian joyweed Usually grown as border plant. Undershrub up to 45 cm tall, but usually trimmed to less than 25 cm or so; leaves usually red, ovate to lanceolate, up to 7 cm long and up to 5 cm broad; flowers greenish-white in up to 2 cm long heads on up to 10 cm long peduncle, or nearly sessile; bracts and bracteoles as long as tepals, broadened and somewhat lacerate at tip. Photographed from Delhi
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: BRS 009 Alternanthera brasiliana from Pondy: Pl. confirm the species Alternanthera brasiliana from Pichandikulam, Pondy. Yes …
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: Alternanthera with Purple Leaves : Flower Show,Mumbai : 090213 : AK-15: Seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai. Kindly confirm if this is Alternanthera dentata or Alternanthera brasiliana. Alternanthera brasiliana Identification : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 3 authors. May I ask everybody present here to please clear me a confusion that if the attached picture of the red angiosperm with white inflorescence is the plant Gomphrena celosioides (Amaranthaceae) or not? Waiting for your kind response, It is not. Though belongs to the Family Amaranthaceae it is more closer to Alternanthera. Sir, Can it be Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze ????? Please check on the page- /species/a—l/a/amaranthaceae/alternanthera-bettzickiana of our group’s database. ….this is alternanthera braziliana of family amaranthaceae Thank you Sir for your kind information. A. brasiliana and A. dentata are synonymous. Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze from Assam-Jan 2014: Attachments (6). 1 post by 1 author. Attached images are Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze Date :15.12.2013 Location: Assam Family : Amaranthaceae Genus & species : Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze Habitat: Grows as ornamental plants Habit : Herb Can you please identify and tell me the common and botanical names of this ornamental plant? Pl. check comparative images at–-l/a/amaranthaceae Attachments (1) Check with images at—l/a/amaranthaceae/iresine/iresine-herbstii I m confused with Iresine herbstii and Alternanthera sp Thanks, …, Pl. check more details at This should be Alternanthera brasiliana al-ter-NANTH-ur-uh — alternating anther … Dave’s Botanary bra-sill-ee-AY-nuh — of or from Brazil … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: bloodleaf, Brazilian joyweed, calico plant, copperleaf, Joseph’s coat, joy weed, parrot leaf, purple alternanthera, ruby leaf • Kannada: ಕೆಮ್ಪು ಕ್ರೊಟೊನ್ kempu croton • Malayalam: ചുവന്ന ചീര chuvanna cheera, ക്രോട്ടൺ ചീര croton cheera • Tulu: ಕೆಮ್ಪು ಕ್ರೊಟೊನ್ kempu croton botanical names: Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze … synonyms: Achyranthes brasilianus (L.) Standl. • Gomphrena brasiliana L. … status at GBIF Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ bloodleaf Brazilian joyweed calico plant copperleaf Joseph’s coat joy weed parrot leaf purple alternanthera ruby leaf ~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಕೆಮ್ಪು ಕ್ರೊಟೊನ್ kempu croton
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ ചുവന്ന ചീര chuvanna cheera
ക്രോട്ടൺ ചീര croton cheera
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಕೆಮ್ಪು ಕ್ರೊಟೊನ್ kempu croton
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at . References: |
Alternanthera brasiliana
Updated on December 24, 2024