Leucojum aestivum (USA/ Europe/ Australia)


Images by Alka Khare, Identified by Vijayasankar Raman (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Requesting ID of this plant with white bell like flowers – Chicago, Illinois, USA : 29052013 : ARK-03 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments(3).
Requesting to please ID this plant with white bell like flowers captured in Chicago, Illinois, USA in May 2013.

Leucojum sp., most probably L. vernum (Amaryllidaceae)

Thanks … for the lead, bang on.
Following on your lead, it looks like Leucojum aestivum since the flowers are in an umbel and the flowering was in May (information source – Wikipedia).

…, you are right, your plant looks like L. aestivum, the Summer Snowflake (flowers in umbels).
Seemingly, it is often confused with L. vernum (the Spring Snowflake, with solitary flower); check this site.
Suggested link

Thank you so much …




Snow drops-`Galanthus`- F-Amaryllis.-saw in the garden.
Gala in Greek is milk and Anthus is flower.
Its bulbs are poisionous.
Pl confirm the species.

I hope G. nivalis
(Inner segms. green only at sinuses 1. G. mvalis 
 Inner segms. green on lower half as well as on sinuses 2. G. elwesii)


Leucojum aestivum L. !!


Leucojum aestivum from California-GS06032023-3: 3 very high res. images.
Leucojum aestivum Linn., Fam. Amaryllidaceae, distinguished from related species L. vernum (flowers solitary, rarely 2 ) in usually 3-8 flowers per cluster. Photographed from Fremont, California, USA

Yes, as per images at


Leucojum aestivum from Fremont, California-GS06032023-4:
Leucojum aestivum Linn., Fam. Amaryllidaceae, distinguished from related species L. vernum (flowers solitary, rarely 2) in usually 3-8 flowers per cluster.
Photographed from Fremont, California, USA

Yes, as per images at


Updated on December 24, 2024