Searsia parviflora (Roxb.) F. A. Barkley, Lilloa 23: 253 1950. (syn. Rhus parviflora Roxb.; Toxicodendron parviflorum (Roxb.) Kuntze); . India (Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh), Sri Lanka, Myanmar [Burma] (Shan), Nepal as per Catalogue of Life; . Small Flowered Poison Sumac • Hindi: tungala, raitung, tumra, tung • Urdu: Samandarphal • Sanskrit: tintidika, tintrini • Nepali: सति बयर Sati bayar; . Toxicodendron parviflorum commonly known as small-flowered poison sumac is a much-branched shrub bearing stalked leaves with three leaflets; the end leaflet is larger than the other two. The leaflets are obovate, with rounded tips, tapering bases and irregularly toothed margins. The flowers are tiny, yellowish and fragrant. The fruit is small, round and red when ripe. This one shot from near Tiuni is Rhus parviflora Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 100, 1832; Collett, Fl. Simlensis 104. A shrub or a small tree upto 3 m high. Young parts densely covered with dark grey pubescence. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets usually three, terminal much larger than the other two, obovate or suborbicular, crenate, hairy above, pubescent beneath. Flowers in terminal, branching panicles. Sepals ovate. Petals oblong. Drupeovoid, 0.5 cm in diameter, glabrous, shining, orange-yellow. Slender-stemmed shrub at Pachmarhi for ID :: 18 SEP 13 :: DV : 6 images. 14 posts by 6 authors. Pachmarhi … about 3600 feet ft asl Date / Time: 18 SEP 13 at 08:28 AM … Altitude: about 3552 ft asl ID please … (family: ?) Dear friends, to me this is new plant; have no idea of the family it belongs. slender-stemmed shrub, standing about 5 – 6 ft, multi-branched from base found growing in wild, and this particular one along roadside Nice pics.. Could this be Rhus mysorensis ??? Thank you very very much, dear …; great help. Rhus mysorensis Family-Anacardiaceae I attached one image from Rajasthan nice to see your post from Pachmarhi Rhus mysorensis Anacardiaceae Many thanks … and … for the help. It is good to go with … ID of Rhus parviflora, since posted plant is from his home ground. Thank you very very much Nayan ji for the ID. Going by what is put at NPGS / GRIN, Rhus parviflora Roxb. is treated as synonym of Toxicodendron parviflorum (Roxb.) Kuntze Please revert if you think it is best to retain Rhus parviflora Roxb. as per Indian flora. Yes I had some doubts calling it as Rhus Mysorensis because the leaflets of the plant snapped by me are much serrate/dentate to the extent that they are almost lobed. Here they are much different so … has to be right. Have yet to encounter with Rhus parviflora. Thanks …, Yes I was posted there as Field Director Satpura Tiger Reserve for three year. For last two years I am posted in Bhopal. Rhus parviflora is suppose to be one of the few Himalayan Plants found in Pachmarhi hills. I also go with Rhus parviflora Roxb., I have collected this from Morni Hills in Haryana.. very common there and known as “Murti” in local tongue.. Rhus page (Anacardiaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia : (mixed thread) ………………. ………… Rhus parviflora, although an unresolved name in ‘The Plant List’, may be included until it is finally settled somewhere. All the Floras on Himachal Pradesh have listed it under the same name. And moreover, it is quite different from other species available in India. It is treated under Toxicodendron parviflorum Kuntze in efloraofindia.
the plant is collected from Sirmour district of HP. pls help me to identify this I think format for image is not right zip pic are not the thing to do/send. please read instructions Agree with … ! It seems to be Rhus parviflora. A woody shrub on the open hill slopes, especially on Southern aspect at an altitude of 400-1200m Pl. send unzipped jpg images.
Location: Badikhel, Lalitpur Date: 19 September 2020 Elevation: 1743 m. Habitat : Wild Syn: Rhus parviflora Roxb. . Searsia parviflora (Roxb.) F.A.Barkley: 6 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Date: 29 August 2021 Altitude: 684 m. Habit : Wild Yes. Poison Sumac.
. References: Catalogue of Life GRIN The Plant List ver. 1.1 (Unresolved) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal India Biodiversity Portal (Toxicodendron parviflorum syn. Rhus parviflora Roxb.) Flowers of India Dr. K. M. Nadkarni&s Indian materia medica. 1, Volume 2 edited by K. M. Nadkarni Wikipedia Plants and people of Nepal – Google Books |
Searsia parviflora
Updated on December 24, 2024