Semecarpus subpanduriformis Wall., Numer. List 987 1829. ;
Tree Id from Bangladesh SM027 : 17 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3). Habit: Tree Habitat : Hill forest Fruiting: May Location : Kaptai NP, Chittagong Hill tracts Semecarpus ? Please check if leaves are panduriform, as can be seen in top left corner of pic 739. Yes = S. subpanduriformis Wall. I am astonished by the identification capabilities of … with his limited stock of literature. I have seen cashew tree, thought these fruits can be a Anacardiaceae member. Then the net gave me images of Semecarpus. But, if this is S. subpanduriformis or some other can be validated by authors of Notes_on_the_distribution_of_Semecarpus_subpanduriformis_Anacardiaceae_in_India. Please carry on your good work. For any literature consultation, you are welcome to CNH library at Indian Botanic Garden. It is still a treasure of taxonomic literature in IndIa. When I joined this efI group, about three years ago, I knew nothing. Whatever I have learned about plant identification is all generous contributions of this fantastic group. I am fully indebted to the ‘pillars’ as well as members of this family. I have never imagined that one day I could interact with the most respected persons of our society. I am grateful to your kind generosity. I surely will meet you when I visit CNH, Shibpur. … has rightly said. You have come to this level all because of your passion & hard work. I also get astonished at your wonderful identifications. Pl. keep up the good work. Good identification, …! The nearly fiddle-shaped (panduriform) leaf, and the collection locality (Chittagong Hill Tract, Bangladesh) very well support your ID: Semecarpus subpanduriformis. [I really wish the Flora of India and all the collections of CNH (to start with) are made available online soon. Without the efloras and online references and images it won’t be possible to ID most of the difficult plants. It is a good practice to visit herbaria for ID, but it is not always possible/feasible and many a times just an image of the herbarium is sufficient to conclude the ID.] Thanks to … for posting this plant. Very sounds discussion. Yap … is going very nicely. He is very passionate and scientific. I am again congratulate him and giving thank from my heart to give her effort for us It can be easily passed on for Semecarpus subpanduriformis. This species has been reported from Bangladesh and Burma. Recently we have reported from India from Manipur. Thank you very much … Please meet the greatest teacher who have encouraged a naive to delve into the world of plants at this link You (me too) are also missing brainstorming session of … |
Semecarpus subpanduriformis
Updated on December 24, 2024