Annona reticulata L., Sp. Pl. 537 1753. (Syn. Annona excelsa Kunth; Annona humboldtiana Kunth; Annona humboldtii Dunal; Annona laevis Kunth; Annona longifolia Sessé & Moç.; Annona lutescens Saff.; Annona riparia Kunth); . . bull’s-heart, bullock’s-heart, custard apple, Jamaica apple, netted custard apple, nettled anón, ox-heart • Assamese: আত্ লচ্ aat-loch • Hindi: आत, आता or अता ata, लोना or लौना lona, पारावती parawati, रामफल ramphal, विन्ध्या vindhya • Kannada: ರಾಮಫಳ ramaphala • Konkani: रामफळ ramphal • Malayalam: ആത്തച്ചക്ക aatha chakka, malamunthiri, parankichchakka, ramachchita • Marathi: अनर anara, अनवल anaval, रामफळ ramphal • Prakrit: लवणअं lavanam • Sanskrit: अग्रिमा agrima, lavali, लवनीयम् lavaniyam, पारावती paravati, विन्ध्या vindhya • Tamil: அணிநுணா aninuna, இராமசீத்தா iramacitta, மனிலாவாத்தா manilavatta, ராமச்சீத்தா ramaccitta • Telugu: రామఫలము ramaphalamu • Urdu: شريفه shareefah; . uh-NO-nuh — Latinized form of the American Indian taino, vernacular name for cherimoya reh-tick-yoo-LAY-tuh — netted . Distribution: widely cultivated; probable origin Central America . Edible use: … ripe fruit as FRUIT . Annonaceae (custard apple, sugar apple, or soursop family) » Annona reticulata Synonyms: Annona humboldtiana, Annona humboldtii, Annona laevis, Anona longifolia, Annona lutescens … Annona is often found misspelled as Anona uh-NO-nuh — Latinized form of the American Indian taino, vernacular name for cherimoya reh-tick-yoo-LAY-tuh — netted commonly known as: bull’s-heart, bullock’s-heart, custard apple, Jamaica apple, netted custard apple, nettled anón, ox-heart • Assamese: আত্ লচ্ aat-loch • Hindi: आत, आता or अता ata, लोना or लौना lona, पारावती parawati, रामफल ramphal, विन्ध्या vindhya • Kannada: ರಾಮಫಳ ramaphala • Konkani: रामफळ ramphal • Malayalam: ആത്തച്ചക്ക aatha chakka, malamunthiri, parankichchakka, ramachchita • Marathi: अनर anara, अनवल anaval, रामफळ ramphal • Prakrit: लवणअं lavanam • Sanskrit: अग्रिमा agrima, lavali, लवनीयम् lavaniyam, पारावती paravati, विन्ध्या vindhya • Tamil: அணிநுணா aninuna, இராமசீத்தா iramacitta, மனிலாவாத்தா manilavatta, ராமச்சீத்தா ramaccitta • Telugu: రామఫలము ramaphalamu • Urdu: شريفه shareefah Distribution: widely cultivated; probable origin Central America Edible use: … ripe fruit as FRUIT some thoughts: … Both in tree and in fruit, the custard apple, Annona reticulata L., is generally rated as the mediocre or “ugly duckling” species among the prominent members of this genus Quoted from: Purdue University<> In India, many “discover” the existence of A. reticulata ! (read: some of us get to know about it quite late in our lives) – Adding my picture of a ripe fruit from our home garden at Nasik. SYMBIOSIS 1 correct image as above.: Attaching two images on symbiosis. …. ( b )Female of Koel on a Bullock’s Heart (Annona reticulata). You may like. Flora of Kaiga ID PLEASE 26092011 PJ1: Date/Time-:25/09/11 – 16:00 The first picture seems to be of Annona reticulata of Annonaceace. I too think that the first picture is of Annona reticulata of Annonaceace. SYMBIOSIS :160: What Annona is it?: Annona reticulata commonly known as Ramphal in India. Available in local market during season. Yes its Annona reticulata.
Annona reticulata L. from Guwahati.: Attached images are Annona reticulata L. Date : 31.12.2012 Location: Guwahati Family : Annonaceae Genus & species : Annona reticulata L Habitat: Grows wild on hilly slopes. Habit : Tree Fruits : Seen . Ramphal, Rose apples etc: Annona reticulata (Annonaceae) Hooghly, West Bengal: Attaching images of the tree what we call NONA in Bengali. Decades ago some villagers used to plant it in their home yard, but today’s village kids are no more interested in its fruits! SYMBIOSIS : 350 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Attaching an image of a Red-whiskered Bulbul on the fruit of Annona reticulata (BULLOCK’S HEART). Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight :: Annonaceae » Annona reticulata in Thane :: DVMAR01 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Annona reticulata L. at Thane (planted in garden) on 08 MAR 08 Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight :: Annonaceae » Annona reticulata at Mumbai :: PKA-March-09 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Nice upload … I am yet to meet the flower. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Annona reticulata L. : Assam : 130314 : KD-02 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6). Attached images are Annona reticulata L. Date :31.12.2012 Location: Assam Family : Annonaceae Genus & species : Annona reticulata L
Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Annonaceae:: Annona reticulata:: SMP07 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.
Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Annona reticulata BRS 3 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Annona reticulata : Nasik : 140314 : AK-16 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. Annona reticulata from our home garden in Nasik. Flora of Kaiga_Sharing_Annona reticulata_01102015 PK2 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Pl see Attached Edible fruit Bullock’s heart – When fully ripe, the fruit has soft custardy flesh, which is eaten scooped from the skin. The seeds, leaves and young fruits are sued in insecticides, and the leaf juice is said to kill lice. Date/Time-: 29/09/2011 – 10:30, Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Garden Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree Size – 8mtrs Annona reticulata L. ?? : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Location: Kurintar, Nepal Altitude: 900 ft. Date: 29 December 2013 Yes. Attaching a collage of a female Koel feeding on the fruit of Annona reticulata (BULLOCK’S HEART). clearly shows the feather colors. superb Attaching a collage of Blue throated Barbet feeding on fruit of Annona reticulata (BULLOCK’S HEART/ NANA). bull’s heart – Annona reticulata : 10 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (4) Annona reticulata (family : Annonaceae). Common name bullock’s heart bull’s heart Kannada Rama phala Considered much sweeter than seetha phal. Wonder why they are seldom seen in Vegetable/Fruit Market. Are they of indian origin ? Murnaaadu, Kodagu, Coorg, Sep 2009 ‘Annona reticulata’ is called ‘Ramphal’ ‘रामफळ’ in Marathi. ‘Annonaceae Family’ is known as Sitaphal Kul’ ‘सीताफळ कुल’ in Marathi. This is Annona squamosa not A. reticulata I dont think this is Annona squamosa !! A pic of leaves could be of some help. i think this is not a fully grown fruit. thats why it could not be identified. it is not A. squamosa nor A. muricata. a possibility of A. reticulata is there (which is possible as the fruit is not fully grown?). Id looks probable though fruits looks a little different than what we see here, once a common species, planted and wild, but fruits are not that sweet what have been claimed in this thread, certainly village urchins do like to eat. Each year we need to prevent our our students from climbing one such tree in front of our school. For me the ID by … is correct only. Yes, Sir, Annona reticulata to me. Annona reticulata Plant for ID from IK Sethi: I thought it as A. cherimola. I think you are right. may be Annona reticulata. I too think this is Ramphal . I think more likely to be Annona reticulata L. as per images and details herein. . Annona for id: 2 high res. images. Request for id of Annona cultivated in Bilaspur. Photographed in March 2022. Pl. check comparative images in efi site. Isn’t it Ramphal, Annona reticulata? I also feel that it could be Annona reticulata. . Annona reticulata L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Mar 8, 2008 · JUN23 DV210: 3 images. . Annona reticulata L. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Mar 8, 2008 · JUN23 DV534: 3 images. Annona reticulata L. Thane, Maharashtra :: Mar 8, 2008 · 3:17 PM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl
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Annona reticulata
Updated on December 24, 2024