Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica

Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) G. Singh &
G. M. Oza, Forest. Fl. Srinagar 183 err. 2 1987. (Syn: Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) G. Singh; Angelica archangelica var. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) Nasir; Angelica archangelica f. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) Weinert; Angelica oreadum (Diels) M. Hiroe; Archangelica officinalis var. himalaica C. B. Cl.; Archangelica oreadum Diels) as per Catalogue of Life;   

Angelica oreadum (DIELS) M.HIROE, Umbell. World: 1430 (1979) (“oreada”) { Archangelica oreadum DIELS in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 14:353 (1939) = Archangelica officinalis (MOENCH) HOFFM. var. himalaica C.B.CLARKE in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 707 (1879), p.p. { Angelica archangelica L. var. himalaica (C.B.CLARKE) KRISHNA & BADHWAR in J. Sci. Ind. Res. 11: 251 (1952); NASIR in Fl. West Pakist. 20: 126 (1972). {L.f. Angelica archangelica himalaica (C. B. CLARKE) WEINERT in Feddes Repert. 84 (4): 310 (1973). {Angelica archangelica L. subsp. himalaica (C.B.CLARKE) G. SINGH in Forest Fl. Srinagar: 183 (1976); G. SINGH & G.M. OZA in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 16 (14): 168 (1977, “1974”) as per efi thread;  
N-India (W-Himalaya), Nepal, Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit, Astor, Deosai), Jammu
& Kashmir (Dras, Kashmir), Pakistan (Hazara)
as per Catalogue of Life (Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) G. Singh &
G. M. Oza);


DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0821 :: Angelica ¿ archangelica ? at Valley of Flowers: 2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowersabout 11000 – 12000 ft

Habitat: sloping meadow
Habit: erect herb about 2 m high, inflorescence about 1 ft across, flower about 1 – 2 mm

Yes it is Angelica archangelica

Better known as Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (Clarke) G. Singh, a name I had proposed in 1976, as other accepted infraspecific taxa are recognised at subspecific level only. Never mind Unresolved status at the PLant List. That should be their problem not ours.

Very happy to know the name Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (Clarke) G. Singh

The Himalayan Angelica seems to have gone through a churning, a samudra-manthan!
According to this paper of 2002, this Angelica species should be called Angelica oreadum (DIELS) M.HIROE (or Angelica oreada):
Angelica oreadum (DIELS) M.HIROE, Umbell. World: 1430 (1979) (“oreada”) { Archangelica oreadum DIELS in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 14:353 (1939)
= Archangelica officinalis (MOENCH) HOFFM. var. himalaica C.B.CLARKE in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 707 (1879), p.p. { Angelica archangelica L. var. himalaica (C.B.CLARKE) KRISHNA & BADHWAR in J. Sci. Ind. Res. 11: 251 (1952); NASIR in Fl. West Pakist. 20: 126 (1972). {L.f.Angelica archangelica himalaica (C. B. CLARKE) WEINERT in Feddes Repert. 84 (4): 310 (1973). { Angelica archangelica L. subsp. himalaica (C.B.CLARKE) G. SINGH in Forest Fl. Srinagar: 183 (1976); G. SINGH & G.M. OZA in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 16 (14): 168 (1977, “1974”).
I am attaching the paper. Angelica_oreada.pdf





VOF Week: Apiaceae sp — Angelica??? along Govindghat-Ghangaria route: Seen this Apiaceae sp. along Govindghat-Ghangaria route. Looks like some Angelica sp..
Date/Time: 07-08-03:30PM

I think Angelica archangelica

Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (Clarke) G. Singh from Valley of flowers

Yes … Thanks for this complete set with flowers and fruits (helping to separate from Heracleum candicans, whose habit and leaves look similar, but are white beneath). Unfortunately I have yet to capture it, though have herbarium collection.

Since we are following Catalogue of Life which treats Angelica oreadum (Diels) M. Hiroe as synonym for Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) G. Singh & G. M. Oza, I wonder why we have it on our database as A. oreadum

This herb was found to be dominating the landscape of Valley (VOF). I think this to be some Angelica sp (Family: Apiaceae).
Sharing pics of flowers, fruits and landscape…

… this plant I labelled in my photostream as Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (Clarke) G. Singh … … G. Singh = our Gurcharan ji.
You may see my post with this plant is at efi thread and the comments.
I believe your posted plant is same as mine.

Great. Thanks … for the inputs and Special thanks to … So i am treating this plant as Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (Clarke) G. Singh and i am happy that this plant has very close association with Dr Gurcharan Singh ji.
This plant was just looking great in the valley…

Plant with so beautiful scenes…………..

Yes … has well illustrated it in his upload.



VOF Week 300812_DS_05: Another yellowish cluster of flower on the way to VOF.
I am sorry- but for each of my post, I have to request for ID. And I am learning so new names.

I hope Angelica archangelica subsp. himlalaica



VoF Week : MN 010912 Heracleum lallii (Himalayan Hogweed): Heracleum lallii
(Himalayan Hogweed)
Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand

I think Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica.

Heracleum has winged fruits.

Thanks … for the ID and clarification.



VoF Week : MN 01092012 Heracleum lallii (Himalayan Hogweed): Heracleum lallii
(Himalayan Hogweed)
Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand

Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica



VoF Week: Angelica archangelica from Valley:  

Angelica archangelica from valley
Pls validate

Yes … Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica

Very Good photographs.





Angelica oreadum (Diels) M.Hiroe
syn. Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (Clarke) G. Singh
at Valley of Flowers on August 2, 2012 

Thanks … the landscape is inviting !!





I request to validate the id for this robust herb from Valley of Flowers.. my labelling to these pics is:-
Angelica archaengelica ssp. himalaica (Clarke) G. Singh

Thanks for sharing …






Fwd: Angelica archangelica var. himalaica in Kashmir : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Here with what appears to be another new entry for eFI.
Presumably the images I attach are of Angelica archangelica L. var. himalaica (C.B.Clarke) E.Nasir?
Numbers 1-4 photographed near Khelanmarg
Number 5 scanned in from a slide taken in the late 1980s in a UK garden.
According to the up-to-date version of ‘The Plant List’ I have just accessed for the first time this variety and a subspecies of the same name by G.Singh are unresolved names.
Stewart knew this plant as Archangelica officinalis var. himalaica, the largest umbel in N.Pakistan & Kashmir, common by streams (where the specimen photographed in the images below was located walking down from Khelanmarg to Gulmarg last time I was in Kashmir) and seepages @ about 3000-3600m.
Apparently this species is found in Central Nepal according to Bulletin of the Medicinal Plants of Nepal (within ‘Flora of Kathmandu Valley’ it is recorded from 2200m on Phulchoki) – though the genus is complicated with the authors of ‘Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal’ considering that a complete monographic study was needed to clarify relationships in this complex of closely-related species.
Angelica cyclocarpa is also recorded from Nepal. Flowers of the Himalaya says this species is found from Central Nepal to SE Tibet.
Hooker in FBI recorded Angelica officinalis from Kashmir & Sikkim.  But ‘Flora of Bhutan’ makes no mention of this species.
He also recorded Angelica glauca from Kashmir to Shimla – which I shall comment upon in a future post.
Interestingly, Angelica archangelica was formerly cultivated (for centuries) and now +/- naturalised on river banks and in waste places, locally abundant in the UK. I live in what was the county of Buckinghamshire. There is an old record (in Gerard’s Herbal of 1597) for this plant nearby. At that time the stems, candied were a favourite sweetmeat or etiolated, eaten as a celery. Gerard claimed it was a remedy against the plague! The species is recorded from Greeland, Iceland,
Scandinavia, much of Europe and Central Russia, though not all countries as a native plant but has become widely naturalised. 

Thanks, … Pl. also see Angelica oreada (current accepted name).
If you search Angelica archangelica var. himalaica in efi site, you will find this at top of search results.

Thanks for informing me of the current accepted name. As stated previously, this plant has certainly undergone some name changes over the years!
But whatever the current taxonomic treatment/nomenclature, I’m afraid the images from Uttarakhand on this site do not to me, seem to match well what I understand to be ‘Angelica’ – what was Angelica archangelica.
My photos are consistent with pressed specimens in the Kew herbarium of what is now A.oreada.
The overall habit of those images from Uttarakhand do not match those I have just posted taken below Khelanmarg. 
Admittedly, I have not seen the plant in flower and the fruits on the specimen I photographed were more advanced than on those specimens photographed in Uttarakhand (though still not mature – and mature fruits are often required to properly check such characteristics).
My FIRST concern is that whilst what is now Angelica oreada, does (at least the forms in the UK which were recognised as a subspecies of Angelica archangelica) whilst having numerous linear bracteoles, its bracts were absent or few, caducous.
On my specimen I can see no bracts – the shots not close-up enough to see the bracteoles, whereas the Uttarakhand specimens have both prominent bracteoles and bracts
I do consider this needs looking into further. Only a QUICK preliminary look on my part – shall inspect further when time permits.
Would welcome the thoughts of others. Perhaps it can be explained away by variation between forms in Kashmir cf. those in Uttarakhand but not sure about this. Apiaceae is a TOUGH family identification-wise.


Saw this in the Valley of flowers, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.

Requested to please provide ID? Is this Selinum wallichianum?

Looks different from images at 

To me appears close to Angelica oreadum (DIELS) M.HIROE
Pl. check.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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