Bupleurum lanceolatum Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 4: 132 1830.; Nepal, Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Pakistan (Swat, Hazara, Murree), NW-India (C- to W-Himalaya) as per Catalogue of Life; Common name: Lanceleaf Thorowax 4 AUG 12 Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail … about 8400 ft Habitat: mountain slope Habit: herb, about 1 – 1.5 m high; flower about 2 mm across … rain and poor light made it difficult to get close-up view of flower … will be happy to know ID to genus level I hope Bupleurum candollei Close up of flower umblet should help. Cropped version; hopefully it helps. Not B. candollei More likely Bupleurum lanceolatum Since bractlets below the flower umbelets are almost missing, it should be Bupleurum lanceolatum Apiaceae Fortnight :: Bupleurum lanceolatum :: Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail :: DVJUN03/03 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Bupleurum lanceolatum Wall. ex DC. along Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail on August 4, 2012 VOF Week: Apiaceae sp for ID— en-route Govindghat-Ghangaria route: This is yet another Apiaceae sp seen along “Govindghat-Ghangaria route“. This was looking more like a climbing herb with slender stem. may be Heracleum wallichii????? Associated leaves are simple, plus you can see small flowers with yellow tinge and small almost ovoid fruits without wings. It is Bupleurum sp. I think it should be Bupleurum lanceolatum Wall. ex DC. as per images, details and references herein. This herb is from higher Himalaya of Garhwal region, photo taken on 10-8-2010. It does not look like B. falcatum in which leaves are linear, falcate and both involucre bracts and involucel bracts minute. I had uploaded it a few days back from Kashmir. Perhaps snaps of lower leaves may help. i am posting some more immages may be form the same or different plant or may be altogether different sp.please comment on these pics I think this image may be of Bupleurum hamiltonii N.P.Balakr. as per images, details and references herein. I think the 4th image may be of Bupleurum hamiltonii N.P.Balakr. as per images, details and references herein. 2nd and 3rd image may be of Bupleurum lanceolatum Wall. ex DC. as per images, details and references herein.
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Bupleurum lanceolatum
Updated on December 24, 2024