Tetrataenium nepalense (Don) I. P. Mandenova, Trudy Tbilissk. Bot. Inst. 20: 17 (1959). (Syn: Heracleum nepalense D. Don; Heracleum nepalense var. bivittatum C.B. Clarke, Heracleum nyalamense Shan Renhwa & T. S. Wang; Sium lobatum Moon); . Common name: Nepal Hogweed • Bhutanese: Trunag, Tunak • Nepali: बुढ़ो औशाधी Budho Aushaadhi • Sikkimese: Chimping . China (Yunnan), Tibet, Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma], Nepal, India (E-Himalaya, Kumaon, Assam, Darjeeling, etc.), Sikkim, Darjeeling, Chumbi as per Catalogue of Life; . .
Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur Date: 3 July 2019 Elevation: 2657 m. Habit : Wild Which Apiaceae ? Tetrataenium nepalense (D.Don) ?? Syn: Heracleum nepalense D.Don Finally I got more clarity after lot of search, from keys and details in Flora of Bhutan This species is also quite close as far as leaves are concerned to Angelica nubigena (C.B.Clarke) P.K.Mukh., as per details given in the link above. Now I am sure about this being Angelica cyclocarpa (C.Norman) Cannon, after matching with the description. Thank you …! However, images for matching could not be found in the net. Tetrataenium nepalense (D.Don) Manden. is recorded in Kathmandu Valley hills. Pl. check with gbif link I have sent you along with the keys. Thanks, …, I further re-checked description of both the species. I agree with you for Tetrataenium nepalense as per . SK2064 22 July 2019 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10)- around 650 kb each. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur Date: 3 July 2019 Elevation: 2415 m. Habit : Wild Which Apiaceae ? Finally I got more clarity after lot of search, from keys and details in Flora of Bhutan This species is also quite close as far as leaves are concerned to Angelica nubigena (C.B.Clarke) P.K.Mukh., as per details given in the link above. Now I am sure about this being Angelica cyclocarpa (C.Norman) Cannon, after matching with the description. angelica sp but further? i cant be sure I further re-checked descriptions. I think it may also be Tetrataenium nepalense as per thinking of Tetrataenium nepalense may be the right direction. i would need better pictures of more leaves. seems there is a lot of variation in shape. may be also insertion of the stalk and subtening style. seeds would be an added bonus too. I guess you are right …! Tetrataenium nepalense (Don) Manden. Syn : Heracleum nepalense D.Don Nepali Names : बुढो औषधी Budho Aushadhee/ भोटे जीरा Bhote Jeeraa/ भुतकेश Bhutakesh/ फाकी Phaakee .
Location: Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal Altitude: 2550 m. Date: 19 July 2022 Habit : Wild Heracleum canescens Lindl. ?? To me, it looks different from images at Heracleum canescens Lindl. . Tetrataenium nepalense (Don) Manden.: 3 high res. images. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal Date: 26 August 2023 Altitude: 2700 m. Habitat : Wild Location : Chandragiri Hills, Kathmandu, Nepal Elevation : 2396 m. Date : 12 December 2018 Habit : Wild Which Apiaceae ?? Pl. check comparative images at May be some Heracleum species. Pl. check Heracleum pinnatum C.B.Clarke Heracleum pinnatum is not listed in Neal ! Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC. ?? Heracleum nepalense D. Don?? With only fruiting images, it will be better to keep it as only Heracleum species. OK …! Tetrataenium nepalense (Don) Manden. 2 screenshot images from net (?). .
Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal Date: 27 July 2024 Altitude: 2696m Habitat : Wild
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Tetrataenium nepalense
Updated on December 24, 2024