Carissa macrocarpa

Images by Nidhan Singh (Validated by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Shooting trip Morni- Carissa macrocarpa: 3 + 9 images.
This shrub was flowering at cactus garden, Panchkula and was shot
during our recent plant shooting trip to Morni Hills. This is a large shrub with white fragrant flowers. I suppose this to be Carissa macrocarpa. Kindly validate.

– this shrub has peculiar thorn pattern, did you get to photograph it?

     related to karamda, and just like the karamda (in gujarati, koromcha in Bengali) the fruits do get red, did you see any red fruits?  though these fruits are somewhat larger than culinary karamada….  has multiple somewhat flat seeds inside.   Did you get to photograph the thorns, red fruit and or seeds inside…
This south african import has been a popular hedge shrub in Southern california , esp because of the thorns, prevents unwanted intrusion by man or beast, and the berries are edible to boot… local birds love it…


– Here are mines

– Thanks … for keen observation and uploading this plant. I had quietly filed it as C. carandas.
    Perhaps after reading the key in eFlora of China, there is no need to upload my photographs. First photograph of .. and second of ..  tell the whole story to identify it as C. macrocarpa.

1    Corolla lobes overlapping to left, as long as or longer than tube ….  1 Carissa macrocarpa
+    Corolla lobes overlapping to right, shorter than tube. …    (2)
2 (1) Lateral veins of leaf blade ca. 8 pairs; corolla puberulent inside; fruit ellipsoid, 1.5-2.5 1-2 cm …  4 Carissa carandas   

– since I am not a botanist nor a taxonomist… I rely on observing “every” possible feature that seems relevant… and am a serious subscriber to the edict of Liberty Hyde Bailey, co-founder of the American Society for Horticultural Science [ASHS],  that “an awareness and appreciation of plants began with salient visual encounters with plants and direct observation of their interesting attributes.”
And so when I first encountered the white flowers of Carissa macrocarpa… i did not know what it was, but they were fragrant when first opening… that started my interest.. but I did not go any further,  a few weeks later I found  a red berry hiding in the leaves, trying to get to it to look my hand was scratched mercilessly … first I thought I was bit by something… it was such an active scratch… which I now know to be the weird double thorns, that you have depicted well in your photo: <efi thread…> Carissa-carandas-LA-4.jpg

in the link efi thread…
and this sort of thorn pair does not occur in karambada// karamcha…
That year five years ago it took me several days to possibly identify my pink-violet-red fruit that once was a white flower, and its parent plant was willing to bite me with forked thorns…. I filed my pictures originally
as” Karamda relative”… about a week later I knew it was most likely Carissa macrocarpa….  from visual clues provided at various reliable sites on the net and google images….I don’t think I had known of flowers of India then… nor of eflora… now that I do,  I am learning by leaps and bound… and am photographing stuff all over…. but have to file them and then learn to downsize so they can be posted…. bear with me… I’ll still learn the art… and do it…it would make our conversations more interesting.

– That is the beauty of the group. We botanists learn more from the experiences of members like you who have seen and observed these plants closely and have their own indicators of identifying them. We botanists try to find some reliable feature to complement this information. This plant was a perfect example of this synergy. When you mentioned about this plant growing in Southern California, I was immediately reminded of my Carissa plant from L A. After seeing the key in eFlora of China, perhaps there was no doubt in my mind. The overlapping of corolla lobes and importantly size relation of lobes and tube are something which can never be missed.
Let us wish to continue this synergy, expand this to evolve more such occasions.

Requesting ID of this plant with white flowers in a cultivated garden – Los Angeles, USA : 01062013 : ARK-05 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant with white flowers captured in a cultivated garden in Los Angeles, USA in May 2013.

Carissa grandiflora


Fruits & Vegetables Week: Carissa carandas, the Karonda (mixed thread):
Carissa carandas, the Karonda used as fruit, for pickling and toppings. Photographed from Delhi and LA (USA)

– We use the unripe fruit to make pickles and the ripe one is very sweet called “Kali maina“.   During our childhood days, we used to eat lots of this fruits mixed with salt as it was easily available outside our school gate. Along with we also used to get lots of Carambolas and salted tamarind.   Now all these are rarity as children prefers packaged eatables from stores.

The ripe fruit in Marathi we call “Kali maina“.  It is very tasty. I will send a photo, if I see any in the market or near schools.

After the upload of Carissa macrocarpa today by .. and .., I have come to realise that out of the above five photographs uploaded by me, the first two from Delhi belong to Carissa carandas, where as thelast four from L A belong to C. macrocarpa.

Request for ID: 1 high res. image.
Location: Pune outskirts, Aug 2021, growing along compound fence

Please check for Coccoloba uvifera

Any more images …,
This plant seems Carissa sp.
Sorry … it’s not Coccoloba because of thorny, Coccoloba not armed,

I was misled by the shape of the leaves. I should have verified the plant photographs with the published data/ photographs in eflora. Without checking I sent the suggestion. This is a lesson for me to check in detail before suggesting any ID.

I have only one more picture, attaching that  … it is in a difficult place, there is a similar looking carissa next to it … but its leaves are not as round as this one.
1 high res. image.

Yes, I too agreed with … Need more details for confirmation.

Appears close to images at Carissa macrocarpa (Eckl.) A.DC.


Carissa macrocarpa from Panchkula-GS13052022-4: 6 images.

Carissa macrocarpa photographed from Panchkula cactus Garden, Haryana 9-4-2011
The three common species are differentiated as follows:
1. C. macrocarpa: leaf veins obscure, corolla lobes 1-2.5 cm long, longer than tube, fruit 2-5 cm., ovoid.
2. C. carandas: Lateral leaf veins 7-9 pairs, corolla lobes 1 cm long, shorter than tube, fruit 1,5-2.5 cm, ellipsoid.
3. C. spinarum: Lateral veins 3-5 pairs, corolla lobes 5-7 mm long, shorter than tube, fruit globose, 5-12 mm 


Updated on December 24, 2024

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