Aponogeton natans (L.) Engl. & K.Krause, Pflanzenr. IV, 13: 11 1906. (syn. Aponogeton flavidum Ham. ex Hook.f.; Aponogeton lineare Vahl; Aponogeton lucens Hook.f.; Aponogeton monostachyon L.f.; Aponogeton monostachys Edgew. [Spelling variant]; Potamogeton indicus Roth ex Roem. & Schult.; Saururus natans L.; Spathium monostachyum (L.f.) Edgew. (Unresolved)); India to Myanmar, S. Sri Lanka as per WCSP; Aponogeton: perianth 1-3, white membranous, stamens 6 or more Potamogeton: perianth 4, green, herbaceous, stamens 4, opposite 07102011-BS-3 Aquatic herb from Amin (Kurukshetra) Haryana- May be a new record: Aquatic herb from Amin (Kurukshetra) Haryana (260 CM) This seems to be some Aponogeton species. A very interesting genus. It is not Potamogeton… because…it is Aponogeton 🙂 Pl see some of the P. pics in this link: http://www.hlasek.com/potamogeton_coloratus_a5143.html Aponogeton: perianth 1-3, white membranous, stamens 6 or more Potamogeton: perianth 4, green, herbaceous, stamens 4, opposite I was just typing the same (from FBI), but you were quicker. Now got full id
Chingleput flora 170913 TBN 1 Aponogeton ? bruggenii for validation : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 3 authors. Please identify this plant details of which are as follows: Date : 04.01.13 Location :Ponnur lake, near Wandawasi, Chingleput dt, Tamilnadu Altitude :less than 500 ft Habitat :wild, Habit :Aquatic herb Height :less than a foot Leaves :ovate elliptic Flowers :as shown Fruits :not seen, Aponogeton satarensis I feel this may not be Aponogeton satarensis which is supposed to have a ‘Y’ shape as shown in Kaas week. This is Aponogeton natans (L.) Engler called கொட்டிகிழங்கு in Tamil; the tubers are edible. Thanks. How do you differentiate it from Aponogeton brugenii ? efi pages on Aponogeton natans & Aponogeton bruggenii As per http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/177177/0, Aponogeton bruggenii‘ s range is given below: “It was reported from the type locality, Nerurpar which is about 9 km west of Kudal in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra state. Apart from type locality, it has also been collected from Sathose near Savantwadi in Sindhudurg district (Gaikwad et al. 2003).” In view we can take it as Aponogeton natans untill some other facts come into picture. Thanks for the clarification. On 18/10/08 in Narshapur forest near Hyderabad, AP. Aponogeton: very typical inflo and leaves (A. nutans?- pl check local flora) Thanks, … On checking with Flora of Andhra Pradesh at http://forest.ap.nic.in/Forest%20Flora%20of%20Andhra%20Pradesh/files/ff1897.htm, I got this species Aponogeton natans syn. Aponogeton monostachyon & Saururus natans, with picture at Bhadra Wild Life Sanctuary (which matches with my posted pictures): http://sweetaquatics.com/images/natans.JPG, http://www.fnzas.org.nz/plant_survey/aquarium_plants/?user_plants=15&cHash=a6e3469813 (drawing with some details), http://www.csd.net/~cgadd/aqua/ah_main/jun1999.html (details about Aponogetons including Aponogeton natans),
Aquatic plant for ID : 201210 : AK-3: 1 image. Taken at a pond in Peradeniya Gardens, Kandy, Sri Lanka on the 17th of November, 2010. Aponogeton natans! Fwd: Presence of Aponogeton natans ( L.)Engl.& K.Krause : 5 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2) – 1 & 4 mb. On 15/09/2019, visited village Jhinti Sasan, dist- Khurda, Odisha, found the herb in a moist & semi- shaded backyard adjacent to ricefield with leaves cut, solitary spadix, beautiful purplish coloured spathe, both measuring to 10 inches & it has been found to be Aponogeton natans, Attachments (1) – 3 mb. 12122019EPT43 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)- around 650 kb each. presenting for ID short plants in small groups in a shallow roadside pond. ? Pontederia sp. Location : Chennai outskirts Date :11.12.2019 Elevation : 30 mts. agree with … Pl. check comparative images at the given link. Only two species are listed in Tamilnadu in Flora of Peninsular India Aponogeton echinatus (A.P., Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra & Tamilnadu) Aponogeton natans (A.P., Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha & Tamilnadu) Based on details available at the above links, I will go for Aponogeton natans (L.) Engl. & K.Krause
Aponogeton natans
Updated on December 24, 2024