Anthurium plowmanii

Anthurium plowmanii Croat, Candollea 42: 811 1987. (syn: Candollea 42: 811 1987.);



Plant for ID – 160614 – RK : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).
Lalbagh, Bangalore – 08/06/2014 Request ID.

This should be Anthurium hookeri of Araceae.
I have seen and photographed in Lalbagh, Bangalore.

May be Anthurium hookeri

I think it should also be Anthurium plowmanii Croat as per images herein & as per discussion in another thread.



Pictures taken in Lalbagh, Bangalore in July, 2012.

I think it should also be Anthurium plowmanii Croat as per images herein & as per discussion in another thread.

Could be Anthurium schlechtendalii?

One of my earlier posts from Lalbagh, Bangalore.

…, is it possible to validate or correctly id this plant

… you are perfectly correct

Thank you for the validation.

Anthurium hookeri Kunth was the correct id. 

To me also it appear close to images of Anthurium plowmanii at
As per Anthurium hookeri link: “Many websites and sellers sell their hybrid specimens as “Anthurium hookerii” (with two i’s) which is not a correct scientific spelling.  There are also firms that sell a plant they call “Anthurium hookeri Ruffles”.  Scientifically, there is no such species and the common name Anthurium Ruffles is more frequently applied Anthurium plowmaniiAnthurium plowmanii commonly has ruffled edges but is not closely related to Anthurium hookeri.  The two species are found thousands of miles apart in nature.  There is another tissue cultured plant sold as Anthurium hookeri Marie which is a hybrid and does not appear to be related to Anthurium hookeri. ” 




for id request 141212 BRS 401:  1 image- very small.
Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Date: 08.11.2012
location: TNAU garden
Habitat: garden
Habit: Shrub

Could be the fruits of one of the Arisaema species. ID is difficult as the photograph is not clear. Post the habit and foliage photographs

Could you please check Anthurium jenmanii

According to my student, it is Anthurium plowmanii.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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