Ariopsis peltata

Ariopsis peltata Nimmo, Cat. Pl. Bombay 252 1839. ;
ar-ee-OP-sis — from Greek arum and opsis (alike, resembling); resembling species arum … Omnilexica
pel-TAY-tuh — round shield, referring to shape of leaf and position of stalk in center of leaf … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: shield leaf ariopsis • Kannada: ಕಲ್ಲುಕೆಸು kallukesu • Konkani: नागमणी nagamani • Malayalam: കൽത്താളു kalththaalu, കൽത്താമര kalththaamara • Marathi: खडकतेरी khadakteri, नागमणी nagamani

Ariopsis peltata efi thread: 2 images.
Flower of Ariopsis peltata Nagmani
tuberous herb, photographed at Phansad WLS,Maharashtra


Names of Plants in India :: Ariopsis peltata :: smallest aroid in India: Ariopsis peltata

[image: Flowers of India]
[image: Discussions at efloraofindia]<>
[image: more views on Google Earth]<>
commonly known as: shield leaf ariopsis • Marathi: खडकतेरी khadakteri, नागमणी nagamani
botanical names: Ariopsis peltata Nimmo
any help here?
This plant is known to be distributed in n-e India (Sikkim and Assam) … please help with regional names.

ar-ee-OP-sis — from Greek arum and opsis (alike, resembling); resembling species arum … Omnilexica
pel-TAY-tuh — round shield, referring to shape of leaf and position of stalk in center of leaf … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: shield leaf ariopsis • Kannada: ಕಲ್ಲುಕೆಸು kallukesu • Konkani: नागमणी nagamani • Malayalam: കൽത്താളു kalththaalu, കൽത്താമര kalththaamara • Marathi: खडकतेरी khadakteri, नागमणी nagamani

botanical namesAriopsis peltata Nimmo … synonyms: no known synonyms

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
shield leaf ariopsis
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಕಲ್ಲುಕೆಸು kallukesu
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
नागमणी nagamani
  • name borrowed from Marathi
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കൽത്താളു kalththaalu
  • Many thanks to VC Balakrishnan for help with this name … facebook … literal meaning: stone colocasia
കൽത്താമര kalththaamara
  • Many thanks to VC Balakrishnan for help with this name … facebook … literal meaning: stone lotus
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
खडकतेरी khadakteri
नागमणी nagamani
  • Flowers of Sahyadri, a field guide to flowers of north Western Ghats of India by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


please id the herb:  please help in id the herb. information as following.
Habit Herb
Habitat wild
Height 12-14 cm

size of inforesence- about 1 cm


Ariopsis peltata : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors.

Seen this small lithophytic herb on the rock walls near “Ganapati Garad Caves” (Murbad, Maharashtra).
Bot. name: Ariopsis peltata
Family: Araceae
Date/Time: 21-07-2013 / 11:50AM
Habitat: Wild

lovely image, has been in my wishlist. thanks sharing sir.


Came across this small herb at Yeoor hills, Thane.
Bot. name: Ariopsis peltata
Family: Araceae
Date/Time: 26-06-2010/ 08:30AM
Location:  Yeoor hills, Thane

Really very beautiful herb, thanks … for showing..


Ariopsis peltata- 260610-PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups

ID KANNUR 36 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please identify this herb from Kannur District of Kerala. Probably Ariopsis..

Pl. check with comparative images at Ariopsis

I think Ariopsis peltata Nimmo as per images and details herein.


143 ID wild plant Ariopsis peltata: 18 images.
Please confirm the wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 23.08.2021, 03.20pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, rocky wall, nearby stream
Plant habit: erect/slightly obliques, no stem, fleshy, tuber, annual
Height: 15cm
Leaves: alternate, circular soft oily, lengthy fleshy petiole 10×0.3mm, size:8×6cm
Flower: lengthy pedicle, diameter:08mm, white, non fragrant
Fruit: rigid ovate, white, size:8×7mm
Seed: white, 4 nos., ovate, nice
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s



Updated on December 24, 2024

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