Dieffenbachia seguine

Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott, Melet. Bot. 20 1832. (Syn: Arum crudele Salisb.; Arum regnium Rodschied ex G.F.Mey.; Arum seguine Jacq.; Arum seguinum L.; Caladium maculatum Lodd.; Caladium pictum Lodd.; Caladium seguine (Jacq.) Vent. .; Caladium seguinum (Jacq.) Vent. .; Dieffenbachia barraquiniana Verschaff. & Lem.; Dieffenbachia brasiliensis H.J.Veitch; Dieffenbachia cognata Schott; Dieffenbachia consobrina Schott; Dieffenbachia conspurcata Schott; Dieffenbachia decora Engl. [Invalid]; Dieffenbachia gigantea Verschaff.; Dieffenbachia gollmeriana Schott; Dieffenbachia grandis Engl.; Dieffenbachia illustris Voss; Dieffenbachia irrorata Schott; Dieffenbachia jenmanii Veitch ex Regel; Dieffenbachia lineata K.Koch & C.D.Bouché; Dieffenbachia lingulata Schott; Dieffenbachia liturata Schott; Dieffenbachia maculata (Lodd.) Sweet; Dieffenbachia maculata (Lodd.) G.S. Bunting; Dieffenbachia magnifica Linden & Rodigas; Dieffenbachia mirabilis Verschaff. ex Engl.; Dieffenbachia neglecta Schott; Dieffenbachia nobilis Verschaff. ex Engl.; Dieffenbachia picta Schott ………..; Dieffenbachia picturata L.Linden & Rodigas; Dieffenbachia plumieri Schott; Dieffenbachia poeppigii Schott; Dieffenbachia robusta K.Koch; Dieffenbachia seguine f. barraquiniana (Verschaff. & Lem.) Engl. ……………….; Dieffenbachia variegata Engl.; Dieffenbachia ventenatiana Schott; Dieffenbachia verschaffeltii Engl.; Dieffenbachia wallisii Linden; Seguinum maculatum (Lodd.) Raf.; Spathiphyllum pictum W.Bull;                           (=) Dieffenbachia amoena hort.; Dieffenbachia exotica hort.);

Aglaonema….Leaf with less than 10 pairs of lateral veins
Dieffenbachia….Leaf with more than 10 pairs of lateral veins  



Ornamental for id – 121012 ANB-0009 – Mumbai: Would love to know the name of this one too. It has huge leaves that are over a foot long.

Dieffenbachia picta I hope



Ornamental for id – 131012 ANB-0011 – Mumbai: I’d like to know the name of this ornamental that also bears huge leaves that over a foot long.

Dieffenbachia seguine

Dieffenbachia maculata (Species) ‘Rudolph Roehrs



Hooghly Today : Dieffenbachia ???:

Found this plant growing wild beside a roadside ditch.
Species : Dieffenbachia sp.?
H & H : seems to be an ornamental once cared by someone, about 3 ft high
Date : 26/1/13
Place : Hooghly

I hope Dieffenbachia seguine (syn: D. amoena)

Thank you very much Sir.

since dieffenbachia iis not native, would this be a pl480 weed? or escapee from a garden??

Do not know what is pl480, heard of wheat viariety, as in – http://www.himalmag.com/component/content/article/507-pl-480-and-the-infidel-weed.html.
The place where i found this plant was by the side of a residential house. It was on the margin of a vacant land lying beside a semi-urban road. I think the owner of that house or someone living nearby planted this plant once and left unattended for years.


Dieffenbachia amoena, photographed from Delhi



Dieffenbachia maculata, common foliage plant photographed from Delhi.



Earlier identified – efi thread



Araceae, Arecaceae and zingiberaceae Fortnight- Araceae05 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).

here are few snaps of Dieffenbachia sp. may be D. amoena Id please.

I think it’s Dieffenbachia seguine (Syn: D. amoena) only.



Araceae, arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight-Araceae-12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).  

please identify the Dieffenbachia var. I will be grateful.

I think it’s Dieffenbachia seguine only. Different varieties/ cultivars.




IBG today : Araceae : unknown01 : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (4).

A very common indoor plant.. got in flowering.. from my college..
Dieffenbachia amoena



AAZ Fortnight :: Araceae :: SMP16 :: Ornamental : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).

I think a var. of Dieffenbachia seguine



Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Mumbai in August 2014.

I think Dieffenbachia amoena



Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Mumbai in August 2014.
Is it Dieffenbachia amoena?

Dieffenbachia leaves I think have more than 10 pairs of lateral veins.

Can this be Dieffenbachia Tropic Breeze : http://www.onlineplantguide.com/Plant-Details/3044/

I think a variety/ cultivar of Dieffenbachia seguine (syn: Dieffenbachia amoena) only.



Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Mumbai in August 2014.

Dieffenbachia, I hope cultivar ‘Pia’

On google search, it gives Dieffenbachia seguine ‘Pia’ 



efloraofindia:”For Id 27112011MR3’’ ?Aglaonema sp Pune:

?Aglaonema sp
Oct 2011

Kindly Id this potted plant at Pune in a private garden

Height 2.5 ft, No flowers or fruits seen

Dieddenbachia picta

Not Aglaonema … Rather dieffenbachia picta

Aglaonema….Leaf with less than 10 pairs of lateral veins
Dieffenbachia….Leaf with more than 10 pairs of lateral veins

Just an example how our interactions benefit others.


Dattaji Salvi Udyan  Thane

Date: May 1, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl
¿ Dieffenbachia ?  
Dear friends, please help me with ID of this large variegated leaf plant; perhaps Dieffenbachia; please validate.

Thanks … I have a strong feeling – it must be Dieffenbachia seguine. Hoping someone validates it.

Number of cultivars of each species is mind-boggling !!


Updated on December 24, 2024

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